Chapter Fifty-One: An Ideal Of Hope

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Castle Grayskull | Badlands, Eternia
Monday, June 28, 2033 | 11:30 EDT

They said that in order for them to provide their assistance, we would have to go to a place called Castle Grayskull, in the Badlands, to consult someone called The Sorceress.

When we get there, we see that the castle lives up to its name, as the structure is dark gray in color, and the front of the castle is literally the face of a scowling, pointy-toothed skull. Kinda creepy, but notwithstanding. Also, surrounding the castle, instead of a moat, is an actual abyss. You fall into there, you're done for unless you can fly, or unless you have another viable way of preventing yourself from falling into the bottomless pit in question.

As we approach Grayskull, the brown wooden drawbridge opens, at the skull's mouth, and Bruce says, "Let me guess: We were expected."

"And all we have to do is walk through," says Adam.

"Don't know what my Black ass is doing here," says Jeff under his breath. "But a lot is at stake, so... 'The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures..."

As he prays, I fly over to him, asking, "You good, Jeff?"

"I'm uncomfortable with being on a planet primarily reliant on magic," says Jeff. "I'm Christian, man, and all this magic stuff is giving me the heebie-jeebies."

"Well, how do you think I feel?" I ask him.

"Good point," he says.

"Yeah, and I'm Christian, too, but regardless of in whom or what we may believe, we've gotta get this done."

"Yeah," he says, "you're right..."

"Great," I say. "Lemme just get back up there, then..."

I then fly back to the front of our group, and we walk inside the entrance of the castle.

When we get inside, Barry says, "You sure this isn't Skeletor's lair? I mean, this seems like this is the exact same kind of creepy decor that he'd be into."

"Rest assured," says Adam, smiling, "Skeletor lives in the heart of the Dark Hemisphere, in Snake Mountain. And if you think Grayskull is creepy, then you're in for a treat with Snake Mountain..."

"Peachy..." Barry says, and I chuckle.

We then walk down a corridor, and we reach a throne room with a throne that is reminiscent of a very comfortable bird's nest. But it's empty.

Just as I take note of the empty throne, a peculiar orange falcon with golden eyes, a white head, a blue beak, and blue outer tertiary feathers flies in and transforms into a beautiful woman. This woman is wearing a headdress that looks like the head of the falcon she transformed from, a legless bodysuit with a white feathered torso and blue upper chest and arms, blue calf-length high-heeled boots with four-inch heels and a white fur trim, and an orange feathered cape with blue outer tertiary feathers, attached to her arms.

"Hello, He-Man, Man-At-Arms, Teela," says the woman with a soft, whispery, almost ethereal voice, smiling and sitting on the throne. "What brings you here to Castle Grayskull?"

"Sorceress," says Adam, "we're in need of your counsel."

"Ah, yes," the Sorceress says. "The great and renowned heroes of the planet Earth. You face a most perilous enemy... Kal-El of Krypton."

"You know who I am," I say, puzzled.

"Yes," she replies, "and I know who your friends are, as well. I also well know what you face in the coming hours. You may believe you need our He-Man, but all you truly need is to find the power locked away within yourself, as your friend Diana has, to face yourself and emerge victorious. Allow me to provide you with a small bit of assistance in this endeavor..."

The Chronicles of The Trinity on Earth-10: Part One - SupermanOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant