Chapter Sixteen: Month Two

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Wayne Manor | Gotham City, New Jersey
Wednesday, October 31, 2018 | 18:15 EDT


Bridgette got invited to a Halloween party that one of her popular classmates was throwing. We let her go, on the conditions that in the event there were drugs and/or alcohol there that she'd be responsible, that she abides by the curfew we set, and if she came back home drunk or high, and/or past twelve in the morning, that she'd be grounded for a month. Selina invited us to a charity costume party she's thrown at Bruce's house, and anybody who's anybody is apparently going to be there. The mayor of Gotham, Commissioner Gordon, apparently a senator or so, the city and state district attorneys, and about a hundred or so of Gotham's high-society are all gonna be there, as well as a good portion of the League. I know that she said the whole senior staff was going to be there, and she said to come in a costume. Lois said that she would make a near-perfect replica of my old uniform, with one exception: The chest badge will be made of bright red fabric and metallic gold fake leather and will not light up. Which is actually good for both of us not trying to explain to those in attendence (who don't know that Lois and I are Ultrawoman and Superman) just how our costumes are able to light up without battery packs, light-emitting diodes, and wire hook-ups.

When we get there, we see a disgruntled Bruce in his Batsuit, with the mask down, who's trying to be as welcoming as he can be to his guests, but he's visibly struggling. We also see Selina in her Catsuit, and she's trying to be a good hostess, but Bruce's brooding mood is making it really hard on her, so we make our way over to Bruce.

We then see Selina shuffle over to the truly annoyed Batman, and whisper to him, "Bruce, could you at least try to act like you're having a good time?"

"Selina," starts Bruce, "You know I don't like people, right?"

"Right..." Selina draws out.

"And you know that I don't care for pretense, right?"


"And you know that I'm only doing this because I love you, right?"

"Good point. I'll leave you alone, then..." she says as she turns to walk away.

"However..." says Bruce, and she turns back around to face him, "... I didn't say that I wanted you to leave..."

And she smiles at him. At that moment, we approach the couple.

"Lois!" says Selina, noticing us and giving a big hug to my wife, who reciprocates as I give Bruce a bro hug. "I'm so glad you could make it!"

"Well, girl," responds Lois, pulling away, "we heard you were throwing this party, and we couldn't stay away."

"Hey, Clark," Selina says, giving me a brief hug, which I also reciprocate. "Nice costume. I like the touch with the glasses."

"Thanks," I tell her. "You know, Lois made both our costumes, herself."

"Is that right?" asks Selina, turning to face Lois. "Well, aren't you just a jack of all trades! Seriously, Lois, what can't you do?"

"Cook," she replies, plainly and simply.

"You effin' with me, right?"

"No, Selina. I can clean and keep up a house, but I can't cook."

"You are effin' with me! Nice to know that Kryptonians have a decent sense of humor." Then, she turns back to me and asks, "No, seriously Clark, I know she's gotta be able to cook, so for real, what can't she do?"

"Lois wasn't yanking your chain, Selina," I respond. "She unfortunately, truly cannot cook. I actually make most, if not all the food around the house. Bridgette helps, but for the most part, Lois stays out of the kitchen."

The Chronicles of The Trinity on Earth-10: Part One - SupermanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora