Chapter Seven: Meeting Selina And Steve, Part Two

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The Lafayette | Washington, District of Columbia
Sunday, June 3, 2018 | 19:12 EDT

When we get seated in a private, V.I.P. booth that Diana had previously set aside for us, after we order our drinks, which come shortly after we order them, and then our food, Diana starts off the conversation. "So, how was everyone's weekend?"

"Besides the fact that someone tried to kill me last night," says Lois, "Peachy."

"What?" says Diana. "What happened?"

"Well, I witnessed the execution-style murder of Willie Molina, my informant on the Moretti Family, by Vince Moretti. And Moretti saw me. To make a long story short, they chased me to Clark's apartment, sent forty-eight assassins to kill us, as Clark would've been collateral damage, Clark beat everyone up while dressed up as, well... you, Bruce, and then he changed back into his uniform and took everyone and their weapons to the police."

"Dressed up as me, huh?" says Bruce, smirking as my aggravation at Bruce's amusement at my dressing up as him grows apparent on my face. "Do I sense a bit of vigilante worship, Clark? Hmm?"

"No, ya tool," I shoot back at him, "I've just planned for many different scenarios. And stop smiling! You scare me when you smile... even when you don't have the cowl on."

"Wait, wait, lemme guess," he continues, chuckling, "he had copies of my toys too, didn't he?"

"He actually made a really convincing Batman. And seeing that side of Clark, knowing that he can be that cold and calculating, while giving off the aesthetic of being angry and embittered by years on end of crimefighting, it kind of scared me a little bit more than if you had actually shown up. Especially seeing what you'd be like if you had some of, if not all of Superman's powers."

"Well, if he didn't scare somebody," says Bruce, "then he would've turned Batman into a joke."

"Bruce!" says Selina.

"What? It's the truth! Batman was created to instill fear in the hearts of criminals everywhere. Not just in Gotham."

"But it's good to hear that Batman can still inspire others," says Lois, "that's the point you were trying to make, right?"


We all look at Bruce, awaiting his answer, and he simply shrugs and says, "Okay."

And we all groan and tell him he can't just leave it like that, to which he responds, "Oh, but I can, because... I'm Batman."

And as he laughs, we give him the same reaction as before, and I say, "Man, that's God-awful."

"Eh, says you," chuckles Bruce.

Then our food comes, and as soon as it's in front of us, and grace is said, we dig in.

"So, Lois," says Diana as we eat, "How did you and Clark get together? And who made the first move?"

"Oh no," I say, facepalming, "please... anything but this embarrassing story..."

"Well," Lois begins, "We had been reporting partners for years, actually since Clark started working for the Planet, which was about a year and a half after I did, and before I learned that Clark was, you know... up, up, and away, heh, I actually had a major crush on Superman."

"It couldn't get more obvious," mutters Bruce, taking a sip of his ginger ale, which prompts me to shoot him a dirty look.

And it prompts Selina to say, "Shut up, Bruce. Please continue, honey."

And Lois does continue, "Well, as it turns out, he returned my affections, but not as Superman. And then I began to notice Clark a little bit more different than I used to. I noticed that even though he seemed really unsure of himself, he had a rockin' bod to boot, and he was cute. Handsome, even. And even though he was a bit of a klutz, he was also really kind. Refreshingly so, in fact. All in all, that added up to Clark being really, really hot."

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