Chapter Thirty-Seven: Watching The Twins Grow Up, Part Two

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Fortress Of Solitude | North Pole, Arctic Circle
Monday, July 14, 2025 | 14:45 EDT

We are training the twins (who are now six years old and have matching uniforms of their own) in how to use their powers, because they activated simultaneously and very violently last year when they were five, at Ma and Pa's house. And by "violently", I mean very powerful, very explosive, blue heat vision (which means that their heat vision is way hotter than mine, Lois', and other yellow sun-powered Kryptonians'), and to minimize the damage, Krypto jumped in front of the blast, battering it back with his own heat vision.

So now, we're actually about to run a few more drills with them in the Accelerated Training Room, when we (Lois, Kara, and I) get a call from Bruce that Luthor has done the impossible and busted out of Belle Reve.

If I haven't given any background on Belle Reve SuperMax Penitentiary, before, I'm going to, now. Belle Reve is not a normal maximum-security penal facility. Belle Reve was designed with enhanced individuals in mind. People like me. As a matter of fact, the builders of the facility tested it using me. They put me in one of the cells in the facility, and told me to try to break out. Well, I did try. I tried hard, too. It felt like days that I was in there, but they clocked me at only five hours. That's still far longer than it would take me to bust through the walls of a normal prison.

So now, whenever she gets new inmates, this is how Warden Amanda Waller greets them: "I am the law of last resort. My name is Amanda Waller. I am not your mother, your maiden aunt, your sibling, or your friend: I am your warden, and you are my prisoners. The proprietary collars you are wearing are custom-designed to inhibit your specific meta-abilities. No strength, no speed, no super-smarts, nor any other abilities you may knowingly and/or unknowingly possess. In addition, the collars can and will be used to discipline inmates, and enforce this facility's rules. A con who breaks the rules will get one warning, and one warning only--by means of intense electrical shock. If order has not been restored, the next shock will render the offender... unconscious. There are no multiple offenders here, because this is the only facility in America where the Constitutional rights you used to be able to enjoy as free citizens, have no jurisdictional authority, here, and therefore, no longer apply to you, from this moment on. In other words, until your release from our establishment, if you ever are released, we own you. More importantly: I own you. And at the slightest hint of trouble, this entire facility goes into lockdown. Belle Reve's walls are thick enough to hold Superman. We know. We checked. And we still stand proud. Welcome to your new reality, or as I like to call it: The worst day of the rest of your worthless lives. Belle Reve is your Purgatory, your Hell on Earth, and the last lesson you will ever learn as formerly free American citizens. No one's ever escaped Belle Reve... and no one ever will. If I were you, I'd try to make myself as comfortable as I could: Because you're never getting out of here. Ever."

I tell you, that is one scary-ass Black American Terran woman. But, I digress...

Oh, and before I forget, Bruce finally made his son his current Robin in December of last year. Damien didn't show it, but I know he was overjoyed. Besides, the boy's been working hard at fighting against his biological mother and grandfather's conditioning and trying to adhere to Bruce's no-kill policy, so I think he's earned it.

But, anyway, Luthor has broken out of prison, partnered himself up with Grodd and the Ultra-Humanite, and he is on the run. But, we'll find him. When Jon asks me what the matter is, I tell him and Elli, and Elli says, "Ooh, ooh! Can we come with?"

"No, honey," I say. "I wish you could, but you're not ready, just yet. This is a job for me, Mommy, your Uncle Bruce, your Aunt Diana, and the other members of the Justice League."

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