Chapter Thirty-Six: Watching The Twins Grow Up, Part One

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1978 Reeve Ave. | Metropolis, New York
Saturday, June 19, 2021 | 09:00 EDT

Welp, the twins are officially two full years old. And since the quarantine order has just been officially lifted, we're all going out.

But first, let me provide some background information...

People had been violating the quarantine order all year, last year. It took a total of seventy-eight people getting detrimentally wounded by police, twelve people getting killed, and another two hundred forty-eight people getting arrested and incarcerated for everybody else to get the message: When the government says "Stay indoors", the government means "Stay indoors". It's not hard, and it's not rocket science.

This unfortunate fact meant that they were forced to keep pushing the quarantine order release date further and further back. So instead of the release date being June 1st, 2020, it was June 1st, 2021.


We were also able to develop a vaccine and a cure for the Gorovirus. The vaccine will ensure that as long as the recipient keeps getting the shot once every two years, they will not catch the virus at all if they've never had it before, and that they won't catch it again if they already have. But for those that are in the middle of it, the cure ensures that they'll actually recover from the disease.

On a lighter note, both twins are talking and walking. And I don't mean 'baby talking' and 'waddling like humanoid ducks', either. I mean they're holding full conversations with us, themselves, and others, and they're completely balanced when they walk and run.

So, now that Jon and Elli are two, we're going to plan a small get-together with the family, our closest friends, and the Senior Staff, to celebrate our little twin schemers.

Why do I call them "schemers", you might ask? Because they are. Those two little imps have been trying to think of new and exciting ways to outsmart me and Lois. How? Well, apparently, Jon likes the way laying on his mother's chest feels, so, he always manages to find a way out of his crib or his playpen, and either Lois, I, or both of us always end up waking up to our son sleeping peacefully on her chest.

Elli, on the other hand, likes to eat. She, like Jon, has been weaned off of Lois' milk, but like me, her stomach's constitution is ridiculous, and her tastes have somehow been refined (please don't ask me how), so she has officially skipped over eating baby food and turned to grown-up food. Our expensive, already cooked, leftover, very expensive grown-up food. Every time we think we've put said food out of her reach, she just finds another way to get it.

Like I said: These little twin heathens try to think of new and exciting ways to outfox me and Lois. What they're really doing is finding new and exciting ways to piss me and Lois off.


Oh, yeah. The twins also know how to dress themselves and tie their shoes, once Lois picks out their outfits, of course, and they can also clean themselves properly. They're incredibly self-sufficient for their age.

So, here we are now, we're getting them up and ready for the day, and they are bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, per usual.

09:45 EDT

After they get ready, Jon asks me, "So, Daddy, where are we going?"

"Your mom and I have some things to do, today, and we want to take you guys with us," I reply.

"Does that have anything to do with Uncle Bruce and Aunt Selina?" asks Elli.

"Yes, it does," says Lois.

"And... will Damien be there?" my daughter asks.

"I don't know," I say, slightly confused as to why she'd want to know if her godbrother would be where we're going, "but I can call and find out."

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