Chapter Thirty-Three: Wedding Bells, Part Four

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1978 Reeve Ave. | Metropolis, New York
Monday, August 12, 2019 | 13:45 EDT

We all woke up pretty late, but I called Perry and told him that we were helping Bridgette get ready to go to California to officially join the Titans. He said he understood, but that he wanted to see both me and Lois bright and early tomorrow morning. I said that we would be there, but that we might have to bring the twins, to which he agreed. Now that we have that settled, we help Bridge pack up her things while she makes a quick call to Geralt. I really need to stop eavesdropping on people's conversations, but her convo with her boyfriend goes as follows: "Hello?" says Geralt.

"Hey, babe!" says my daughter. "You in Cali, yet?"

"Not yet. We're passing through Ohio, right now."

"Oh, okay. Well, since it's likely that I'll get there before you, I'll see you when you get there?"

"I guess so. Wait--how will you get there before me, again?"

"One: My dad is Superman. Two: I can fly. And lastly: My mom is Ultrawoman."

"Point taken. I'll see you in Cali, beautiful."

"Yep. Love you."

"And I love you. Bye."


14:29 EDT

When we finish packing, we all get changed, and I send Lois ahead with Bridgette and all of her suitcases, while I take Bridgette's vanity, work desk, gaming center, heavy-duty crafting table, her male and female mannequins, all seven of her art supply chests, loveseat and sofa, and put them outside in our driveway to get ready for when Lois gets back. She and Geralt have pretty recently gotten into the fantasy genre, like Norse Mythology, King Arthur And The Knights Of The Round Table, The Witcher, and Dungeons & Dragons. As such, she's starting to make a name for herself in the world of cosplay. She's even worked with Lois to make a few costumes with props that we could go to some live-action role-playing events in. It's pretty impressive, really. But I digress...

16:40 EDT

When Lois does finally get back, I say, "Alright, babe. You take her mannequins and her art supplies when I get back, and I'll take her loveseat and sofa for right now."

"You know, babe," says Lois, "this would go a lot faster if we had some help..."

And as if on cue, Connor, Cassie, and Kori land in front of us, the former saying, "Hey, bro. Bridge said you guys might need some help with bringing the rest of her stuff to the tower."

"And any help you can provide will be greatly appreciated," I say. "Thanks, little bro."

"Great," says Cass. "So, what are we taking?"

"You see those chests that look like they were taken from pirate raids?" I ask.

"Yeah," she says.

"I need you, Kon, and Kori to take as many as you can carry."

"You got it, bro," says Kon.

Cassie and Kori take two chests, each, while Kon takes the remaining three, and I take the sitting furniture. After we grab what we're going to grab, we take off in the direction of Titans Tower.

17:17 EDT

When we get back, Lois takes off with Bridgette's crafting table and her mannequins, Cassie takes off with Bridgette's work desk, and Kon carefully-but-swiftly takes the vanity to the Tower. Then, Kori helps me take my daughter's gaming center to the Tower, piecemeal. After that, Lois and I grab the twins and go back to Titans Tower.

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