Chapter Twelve: Long Live The Legion

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Fortress of Solitude | North Pole, Arctic Circle
Tuesday, September 25, 2018 | 07:59 EDT

I called Bruce and Diana, who are on their way, and Connor is on the horn with Cyra, right now. From what I can make out, she's in the middle of arresting an extraterrestrial arms dealer that the G.L. Corps had been after for a year, at this point, and that she'd be here within the span of three minutes.

At eighteen years old, Inspector Cyra Brion is the youngest human to be inducted into the Corps, and the only reason she's not a sergeant or lieutenant, yet, is because she's only been a part of the Corps for about two years in Earth time. Apparently, Cyra used to be Hal's shadow, before he went missing and she ended up leading the investigation to find him. From what Hal told me about her, she was the one who thought outside the box, and she was the one who found him, and brought him back safe and sound. He also told me that if I ever found myself in a sticky situation with her, that there would be no one better to be stuck with than her. Based on everything he told me, I'm really eager to work with her.

When I open the Fortress door for Bruce and Diana, Bruce says, "This had better be important. I was spending time with Selina when you called. And when are you taking the kid back? She asks too many questions."

"Shut up, Bruce," says Diana. "Kal-El, we heard that you needed us urgently, so we came as fast as we could. What's wrong?"

"The Legion of Superheroes needs our help," I say, plainly and simply. "Apparently, the Fatal Five broke out of containment again, and they're giving our thirty-first century compadres what for, even with Kara helping them, so they need us."

I then notice a green streak of light headed straight at us, and hear, "Wait! Don't shut that door!"

Then, Cyra does a few mid-air somersaults before she lands perfectly in front of us. "Well, Green Bean, as I live and breathe. Make any actual arrests, today?" asks Bruce.

And she smiles at him... and flips him the bird! I like this girl! Not even Hal has the gall to flip Bruce off. Anyone, and I mean anyone, with the balls to flip Bruce off, especially while he's in uniform, has my immediate respect. "Whoa," I say, wide-eyed and grinning, looking back and forth between the blonde Lantern and Bruce, "such aggression."

"I'm sorry, Superman and Wonder Woman," says the inspector, "but your bestie, here? He's such a dick. I hope me saying that to you isn't gonna be a problem."

"Inspector Brion," I say, grinning from ear to ear and trying not to laugh, and putting an arm around her shoulders as we walk into the Fortress and the door shuts behind us, "you and I are gonna get along, just fine."

"Whatever," Bruce mutters under his breath as we make our way to where the others are.

When we reach everyone else, my wife is in a new bright purple-and-black outfit that bears our family's crest, but this uniform is a wee bit more sophisticated than the one she made, because it has brilliant, very shiny silver piping all throughout it, a silver belt nearly identical to Kara's gold one, a black cape outlined in silver with a purple variant of the family crest in the same spot mine's in, and purple thigh-high, high-heeled boots. And she has a purple mask shaped like the shield that holds our family's crest that she doesn't have to worry about tying around her head. Jor-El and Lara's doing, I presume.

"Cyra!" says Connor, hugging Inspector Brion, and she reciprocates the hug. "Glad you could make it. We apparently need all the help we can get."

"Loving the new uniform, babe," I say to Lois as she smiles, spins around once for me to see the whole uniform, and puts a hand on her hip when she turns back around to face me. "But heels? Isn't that a little, I don't know... much?"

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