Chapter Twenty-Four: Month Six

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1978 Reeve Ave. | Metropolis, New York
Monday, February 25, 2019 | 12:37 EDT


Luthor forced my hand, yesterday, so I went to LexCorp, dragged him into his red sun radiation chamber, took my wedding ring off and placed it into a special lead pouch I carry around with me, and I whooped... his... ass. He's in the hospital, as we speak, with a boatload of injuries. Few broken bones, few dislocations, lots of lacerations, and even more contusions. I busted him up, bad. And while I'm not proud of it, I'm certainly not losing any sleep over it.

And while I was at it, I told him, explicitly, to stay away from my family, to stop sending life-threatening situations our way, and to basically just cease and desist, altogether. I told him to consider what I had done to him mercy, to be glad that I didn't hit him where it was really gonna hurt him, and that if I received another attack again, and I recognized the attack as having originated with him, that next time, he's not gonna be as lucky as he was at that moment. And I made that a promise.

Wanna know what his response was? He sent his Green Kryptonite-powered cyborg lackey: John Corbin, the Metallo. To my doorstep. Today.

So now, I'm getting ready to make good on my promise. But, first things first. Metallo.

So, I fly out of my and Lois' bedroom, in uniform, of course, and I land in the middle of the street, my arms folded, and say, "Get off that porch, Corbin! Now!"

Smirking, Corbin struts over to me and says, "Well, well, well. I must say, hiding in plain sight. If I had known who you were, sooner, killing you would have been so much easier!"

As he speaks, I just look up at his towering, seven-foot-nine frame, as he's exactly eighteen inches taller than me, and he's looking down at me. Then, I say, "It's painfully obvious who sent you."

"Yeah? So what're you gonna do about it?" jeers Corbin.

"What am I gonna do about it?" I echo his question back at him.

"Yeah, parrot, what're you gonna do about it?"

"I'm gonna ask you two questions. One: Did Luthor give you rockets of any kind when he rebuilt you?"

"Uhh... no...?"

"And do you need to breathe air, eat, drink, sleep or be warm to survive?"


"Good," I say before quickly yoinking him up by his ankles, spinning as fast as I can, and hurling the giant metal man into space and at the moon.

Then, I dust my hands off on themselves and go back inside to spend some quality time with my wife. Because tomorrow, I'm gonna hit my oldest enemy exactly where it's gonna hurt him the most. I mean, and it's only fair, he comes after that which I hold dear, the people in my life that I care about, so I'm coming after everything he holds dear, which is: Everything he owns... starting with his money.

When I get back inside, Lois is up, and she asks me, "Is everything alright, my love? I thought I heard Metallo outside."

"You did. But I threw him into space."

"You what?!" she cries, jerking in my direction, and I stop her from moving any further as she winces in pain from the sudden motion.

"Oh, he'll live," I reply. "John Corbin's too stupid to die. But he was sent by Luthor. Even after I warned him not to attack us again. But that's okay. It's alright, because tomorrow, I'm going to take everything he owns away from him. And that's a promise."

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