Chapter Thirty-Five: Preparing For A Lockdown

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Conference Room | Watchtower, Earth's Orbit
Monday, January 10, 2020 | 10:45 EDT

After the fiasco at the White House, in which I royally told off our nation's idiotic leader for being a disrespectful tool to my wife, I'm now reviewing the footage of our encounter with Lois and the rest of the Senior Staff.

Oh, did I fail to mention that I recorded our meeting with the President? Yeah, I had my visor on my face and recording every single word. And before my meeting with POTUS, I didn't know that the visor had a "cloaking" setting. But I used it. See, I've taken Bruce's words to heart: "If there's no written, video, or audio evidence of it: There's no proof it ever really existed." Those are words I remember well, today.

Either way, we called for a press conference, for a week from last Friday, and today is that day. So now, we're up here before we Zeta-Tube back down to the Earth, reviewing the footage of the video I took.

"Ha, Clark!" Barry says, coming at me while initiating a congratulatory high-five, which I respond to, in kind. "My man! That was some quick thinking, recording our asshole POTUS, like that."

"Yeah, dude," says Billy. "And you were, like, all up in his face and everything. How'd you do it? And how'd you make your phone invisible? 'Cause that seems like the only way you could have shot this impossible video."

I swipe my left thumb across my face and materialize my visor onto my face. "My visor is how I did the impossible," I say. "Think of it as the world's most advanced pair of spy's sunglasses. And it's this that I had invisible." I swipe the visor away. "Anyway, we ready for this press conference?"

"We don't have a choice but to be," says Bruce, that stoic Batman expression still painting his features through his cowl. "We called it, we must be ready for it. Victor, do you have our findings and evidence ready?"

"Yeah," says Vic. "All of it."

"Good," replies Bruce. "And Clark, you're good with that footage?"

"Absolutely," I reply with a smirk, "and we've got our Clark and Lois robot doubles ready to stand in for us for Daily Planet representation."

"Then let's do this," says Lois.

Hall Of Justice Main Atrium | Washington, District of Columbia
Monday, January 10, 2020 | 11:00 EDT

As the final reporter takes his seat, I step up to the podium and begin, "Good morning. First off, on behalf of my team, let me just begin by thanking you all for taking the time out of your schedules to hear what we have to say. And, believe you me, this news might be as alarming to all of you as it was to us. Cyborg?"

I step back, Vic steps up to the podium, and he says, "Thank you, Superman. Good morning to you all. We really don't have a lot of time on this, so I'll just cut to the chase. Last summer, we became aware of a supervirus that gained momentum in Southeast Asia, and is claiming thousands of lives all around the world, as we speak. In less than six months, this bug that we've dubbed the Gorovirus Disease, or GOVID-19, has managed to finally breach United States sovereign borders, and we feel that since the United States Government has refused to take proactive measures against this thing, the responsibility has fallen upon us to pick up that slack. Questions?"

Dozens of hands go up, and Vic points to someone. "You, ma'am, in the back, with the blonde hair and the red jacket."

The woman in the back stands up and says, "Yes, Linda Davis, Metropolis Star. When you said this was a 'supervirus'... what exactly did you mean?"

"Well, what I mean is this: The Gorovirus is contagious, it spreads like wildfire, and it indiscriminately kills like the Black Plague... quickly, and painfully. Does that answer your question?"

The Chronicles of The Trinity on Earth-10: Part One - SupermanDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora