Chapter Twenty-Eight: Delivery

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1978 Reeve Ave. | Metropolis, New York
Monday, June 17, 2019 | 12:45 EDT


It's the first day of Bridgette's summer vacation, the first day of the time we get to spend with her before she moves to California to officially join the Titans, and the third day of Lois' estimated delivery month. All we're doing now is waiting for her water to break.

So, I've just woken everybody up, and I'm making brunch. Just some French toast, pancakes, sausage, bacon, scrambled eggs, and a fruit salad. Nothing major.

13:02 EDT

When the three of us sit down to eat, we say grace and dig in. After we finish, Lois and I hear a chain fire down on 39th Street, and I say, "So, Bridgette, wanna help me out with a fire down on 39th?"

1978 Reeve Ave. | Metropolis, New York
Monday, June 17, 2019 | 20:35 EDT

After we help the firefighters get people out of the burning buildings and extinguish the structures, we head back home, and watch a movie with Lois.

1978 Reeve Ave. | Metropolis, New York
Wednesday, June 19, 2019 | 12:25 EDT


The entire Senior Staff gets called up to the Watchtower for an emergency meeting, so I tell Bridgette to help her mother out however she can, tell them I love them, bid them adieu, for now, and I fly up into space to meet my teammates.

Conference Room | Watchtower, Earth's Orbit
Wednesday, June 19, 2019 | 12:35 EDT

When I get here, I make a beeline straight for the conference room. And when I walk inside, half of the Staff is already here.

When everyone gets here, Hal asks, "Alright, who sounded the alarm?"

"I did," says Victor.

"Alright, Vic," says Barry, "what's got you so stressed out, you had to sound the general alarm?"

"There's a global pandemic on the way," replies Vic, "and it's about to be a major problem for all of us."

"Uh... what's a 'pandemic'?" asks Billy. "I mean, I've heard of an epidemic, before, but not a pandemic."

"You've learned about the Black Plague in school, by now, right Billy?" I ask.

"Well, yeah," he says.

"That's what a pandemic is. Far worse than an epidemic. The biggest population that an epidemic will tend to affect is a country, at best. Pandemics have the potential to blanket the entire world. And if doctors don't know how to fight it, an epidemic can claim hundreds of thousands of lives. But if the same bodes true for a pandemic, millions--tens of millions--of lives could potentially be lost to us."

"Oh..." says Billy, visibly alarmed.

"Is that all?" asks Hal. "I thought you were going to say something that would actually worry me."

"You should be worried," retorts Vic. "This uprising virus is unlike anything we've ever faced, before. Its incubation time is estimated at around four to six days, and because it replicates itself two times every half-second, the infected victim usually doesn't last the next fourteen days. And it is highly contagious. As a matter of fact, this virus is the very definition of contagion. That's why every single member of the League, Society, and Titans should get tested immediately to see if they have the potential to catch this bug. Especially those of us with normal cardiovascular systems, families and children, small children, at that. And those of us who are expecting..."

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