Chapter Fifty-Three: Death And Life

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One Word, One Christ Church | Metropolis, New York
Sunday, December 24, 2034 | 10:45 EDT

Yesterday, I picked up Ma and flew her over to the house, like I've been doing for the past ten years, so she won't be alone on the farm for Christmas.

Today, we're going to church, and Ma dresses up in her Sunday best.

Jon, Elli, and Aurora have also become the house musicians, with Jon on the bass guitar, Aurora on keys, and Elli on drums. As a matter of fact, becoming a drummer has significantly helped Elli get fine control over her strength, so, it all works.

1978 Reeve Ave. | Metropolis, New York
Sunday, December 24, 2034 | 15:25 EDT

After we get back home from church, having gotten some lunch out, we prepare for our annual tradition of going to the Christmas Eve party that Bruce and Selina host every year at Wayne Manor.

But Ma says she's not feeling up to going and goes to lie down. We help her out, and after we tell her and the twins that we love her, we make our way to the party.

Wayne Manor | Gotham City, New Jersey
Sunday, December 24, 2034 | 19:54 EDT

When we get there, we go straight to our table, and we set our things down before we mingle. I also see that most of the Senior Staff has shown up.

As Lois and I are talking to Barry, Iris, Hal, and Carol, Jon, dressed as Jon-El, makes his way over to me, tears flowing down his face, saying, "Mr. Kent, calmly follow me, please. It's your mother."

"What's wrong?" I say, as I signal for everyone to follow me.

"Mrs. Kent fell out trying to use the bathroom, and my sister got her to the hospital, but... she didn't make it."

I stop, dead in my tracks, tears are cascading down my face, and Lois says, "Oh, dear God..."

When we get to the hospital, we inform them who we are, the nurse at the front desk makes a call, and says, "Please follow me."

When we get to where Elli is, having changed out of her uniform, Elli runs over to me and breaks down in tears.

"Daddy!" she cries, hugging me tightly, "I'm so sorry!"

"For what, baby girl?" I ask, through my own tears.

"She was just lying on the floor and her eyes were open," she sobs, "but she wasn't breathing and her heart wasn't beating, so I tried to get her here as fast as I could, but I wasn't fast enough! I'm so, so sorry, Dad..."

Hearing my daughter apologize to me for something that was clearly out of her control destroys my heart, I cry even harder, and after I get myself together, I tell her, "Elli, you did nothin' wrong. From what you just described to me, Ma was already gone before you even got her in your arms. There was nothing you could've done."

Bruce then calls me on my cell, and asks me, "Clark, what's wrong? You and Lois left so abruptly, that's not like you. What happened?"

"Ma's gone, Bruce," I tell him through my tears. "Ma's gone."

"We're on our way," he simply responds.

After Bruce and Selina get here, Selina hugs Lois, who cries like a baby, and then the entire Senior Staff arrives. Diana makes her way to me and hugs me as I try to keep it together and fail. Lois calls Bridgette, and Kara calls the other members of our family, in tears. The first to arrive are Bridgette and Connor, followed closely by Karen. Mom and Dad arrive a few minutes later, and Kara's parents arrive shortly after Mom and Dad.

Bridgette hugs me and Lois, in tears, and then hugs her little siblings, and they share a bitter cry between the three of them. Kon hugs me, and Karen hugs her sister. Then Mom embraces me, whispering in my ear in Kryptonian, "I am here now, my son. Let it all out."

The Chronicles of The Trinity on Earth-10: Part One - Supermanजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें