Chapter Twenty-Two: Month Five, Part One

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Daily Planet Newsroom | Metropolis, New York
Tuesday, February 12, 2019 | 10:10 EDT


As I print out the manuscript for the "Lex Luthor Unmasked: Benevolent Businessman Exposed As Corrupt Metropolis Kingpin" story, I think about all of the unscrupulous and unethical ways that I got this story and its proof, and consider scrapping it. But then I think about all of the people whose lives and whose family's lives have been either destroyed or ended by Luthor because they tried to talk, and all of the people suffering because they're too afraid to talk, and I push the thought out of my mind. Just as I get the last page off the printer, I get a phone call from a strange number, and I answer it.

"You have reached Clark Kent," I say into my phone. "Who is this?"

"Mr. Kent," says a voice I know all-too-well, and I immediately start recording this call.

"Luthor. What can I do for you?" I ask, going into a broom closet.

"No, my friend," he says, "it is not what you can do for me, but what I can do for you. I have a proposition for you."

"I'm listening," I say.

"It has come to my attention that you are doing an exposé on me and my business dealings. It also appears that you have uncovered some... unsavory information about me that will be very bad for my businesses, and will put me in the sight of the law and a good number of my business partners and associates in a very bad way. Now, I understand that you are very recently married to Lois, and congratulations are in order because the... best man... has apparently won. I also understand that you have adopted a young lady and are expecting a set of twins. Therefore, my proposition to you is this: Shred whatever copies of the manuscript you have in your possession, and delete the files that you have, and you will be very handsomely compensated for your trouble."

"So let me see if I've got this straight," I say, in nigh-disbelief: "You want me to scrap my story and get rid of all the proof I have to back it up... and you're willing to bribe me for it?"

"Call it what you will, Kent, I don't care. What you should be aware of, though, is that whether you take my money or not, make no mistake: This city is mine. I own everyone and everything in it, and everyone has a price. It's all just a matter of what, and how much. So, that being said, what is your price?"

"You know what, Luthor?" I start, scoffing. "You may think you have everyone in this city fooled and in the palm of your hand, but I've been onto you ever since I first met you. And contrary to your belief, there are still at least a few honest, decent people left in this here city. I think I'd like to count myself as one of 'em. So let me make one thing very clear to you, Luthor: I don't take dirty money. And I don't take blood money. So you can offer me as much money as you'd like. You can offer me whatever else you'd like. Hell, as far as I'm concerned, you can take your offers an' you can shove 'em up your ass. 'Cause guess what? I'm still printin' this story. And you may think you're a king, but there ain't a damn thing you can do to stop me from dethronin' you."

"Hmm. That is quite a shame. I might have enjoyed a mutually beneficial partnership with you, Kent. But it is of little consequence, because I have silenced people better than and more powerful than you, before. I've come too far and been through too much to lose it all, now. And if you think, for even one moment, Mr. Kent, that I'm going to let some... country-hick farmer from a forgettable town in the middle of nowhere come into my city and destroy the empire that I've built from the ground up, then you clearly have no idea with whom you are dealing. It truly makes no difference to me, Kent, how I get what I want--whether it be by paying for it, or by getting rid of it and everyone and everything around it--but I always get what I want. Please understand that."

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