Side Story Four - Jon-El: Phantoms And PowerPuffs, Part Two

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1978 Reeve Ave | Metropolis, New York
Tuesday, September 5, 2034 | 16:49 EDT

After I call an impromptu meeting of the team, to discuss the prospect of and vote in some new members, Mom and Dad come in as Superman and Ultrawoman just as we get ready to leave back out.

"Hey, whoa, slow down, kids," says Dad. "What's goin' on, here?"

"Yeah," says Mom, "why are you in uniform?"

"Whoa... Superman and Ultrawoman..." gapes Tucker. "Disguised as investigative reporters... ingenious!"

"And why do others know our secret? Jon..." Dad singles me out.

"They're our friends, Daddy," says Elli, "and they're superheroes in their own right."

"Yeah, Uncle C," says Ro, "and we were just about to head to Generation Justice HQ to vote them in."

"Wait, wait, wait," says Mom. "Who are these other kids? We don't know them, we haven't met any of their parents, yet, we haven't met Jenny's mother, and why is Jenny on our couch, deactivated?"

"Sorry if that's a little unsettling, ma'am," says Jenny in her XJ-9 body, "but I haven't learned how to operate both of my bodies, yet. Would it be too much of an imposition if I crashed here while I'm out with your kids?"

Mom sighs, exasperatedly, and says, "Between overseeing the reconstruction of the Planet and getting swarmed with all those reporters, I need a nice, hot bath. You handle this Clark, I'll carry Jenny's... other body...? upstairs, and lay her on Elli's bed until they get back."

Both Mom and Jenny's humanoid body disappear upstairs, and Dad, obviously sore displeased says, "Okay. And when the three of you get back, we're gonna have a long, hard talk about asking permission before revealing secret identities. And to the rest of you, we want to meet your parents. All of you. Am I understood?"

Jenny, Danny, Danni, Sam, and Tucker all nod feverishly, and Ro calls her NightBat to us from Gotham.

When we get outside, she says to Landon, Sam, and Tucker, "Fair warning, it might be a little cramped, because when my dad and I built my NightBat, I only gave him blueprints for two passengers, so one of you will have to man the particle cannon. Landon, if you'll be so kind...?"

"Yep," says Landon. "See you in Kansas, sweetie."

"See ya, hon," says Jenny, and they kiss briefly.

Once everyone is safely secured in the NightBat, we begin to make our way toward Generation Justice Headquarters.

But, just as we lift off, three girls crash into our street, and they just narrowly miss Ro's NightBat as they create three tailed craters in the asphalt of the street.

The first girl is fair-skinned, with knee-length red hair, glowing hot pink eyes, a button-like nose, semi-full lips with sparkling hot pink lipstick, and a big, hot pink bow tying her hair into a very long ponytail. She's wearing a dark burgundy, almost black, legless, sleeveless bodysuit with an insignia on her chest: A pair of hot pink, italicized uppercase "P"s that are diagonal from each other, inside of a hot pink oval all with a background the same color as her bodysuit. From her neck to where the sleeves aren't, is a hot pink collar, and at her waist is a hot pink belt. She's also wearing fingerless, over-the-bicep gloves and over-the-knee flat boots that are the same color as her bodysuit, with hot pink forearm gauntlets.

The second girl has skin the color of milk chocolate, gold hair with two blue hair ties styling her hair into neck-length twin tails, glowing bright blue eyes, a button-like nose, and full lips with metallic dark blue lipstick. She's wearing a blue, sleeveless minidress so dark, it's nearly indistinguishable from black, with the same neck-to-waist and the same insignia as the first girl, but in royal blue, thigh-high flat boots the same color as her dress, and fingerless shoulder-length gloves with royal blue forearm gauntlets.

The Chronicles of The Trinity on Earth-10: Part One - SupermanOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant