Chapter Forty-Nine: Livewire's Redemption, Part Three

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Launch Bay | Watchtower, Earth's Orbit
Tuesday, June 21, 2033 | 15:30 EDT

We took Ma'alefa'ak to A.R.G.U.S., and when we were satisfied that they had him securely squared away, J'onn got Rose and we came back here. Now, those that need spacesuits are putting them on, and we're preparing to leave for Mars.

After everyone is finished, in the launch bay, Bruce says, "Listen up: This is an extraction. We're going to get in, and we're going to get out, as quickly as possible."

"That's right," I agree. "J'onn is a member of our family, so we are rescuing a member of this family who is in mortal peril."

"And if any harm shall befall the girl," Diana adds, "our fury shall know no bounds. We will be be victorious, we will retrieve J'onn's daughter, and we will get her back to Earth, safely. Today, we are canceling her Apocalypse!"

"And when we get to Mars," instructs J'onn, "even though we will be searching for K'hymm, we need to remain concealed. However, in the event that any of us get discovered, use lethal force. Kill the Invaders if they see you, for they will not hesitate to try to kill any of you."

Ma'aleca'andra Capital City | Mars, Sol System
Tuesday, June 21, 2033 | 16:28 EDT

When we land in one of the deserts of the Red Planet, on the outskirts of the capital city, J'onn tells us, "We need to be silent. We need to be fast. And we need to stick together. There is less of a chance that we can be picked off if we are all watching each other's backs. I will establish a telepathic link between all of us with a cloaked psychic frequency."

When the link is up, J'onn thinks to us, Roll call.

And each one of us mentally sounds off. Once roll call is finished, J'onn says, No one is to wander too far away from the group. Mars was once a very friendly world. Now, with the volatile and hostile Invaders inhabiting it, it is very hazardous for aliens to Mars, and to native Martians, alike.

17:55 EDT

Nearly an hour and a half later, as we move, we near a plateau, and J'onn stops us and says, Everyone, halt! K'hymm?

We hear a young female's voice in our heads, saying, Ba'bahn (Father)? S'kumaa te'zhe ba'bahn pat'ii tuu'zhahn'aa (Is that really you, Father)?

S'kumiezz me'zhe mis'dah'zhah pat'eah muu'zhahn'aa (It is really me, my daughter), responds J'onn.

Wo'kaa nah ma ba'bahn ne'kaa'nah te ma'ahn (Where are you, Father?) K'hymm asks J'onn. Ne wo'kaa nah ma ba'bahn se'toh nehn ere'hneh bah'nii sah (And where have you been)?

I have been living on Earth for a century, little one, says J'onn, but I am currently standing, as it appears, almost right above you.

You, Father, a different tongue are speaking. Now, I, differently am speaking! Why, to me, this is happening?

I am giving you an Earth tongue, love, that my friends may understand you as we speak, and that you may understand them, when, if, and as they address you. They are linked with us, now, as we speak. They are helping me to take you from this cursed place. But we are short on time. Do you remember how I taught you to phase-shift?

Every day, Father.

Good. And do you remember how to fly?

I believe I do, Father.

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