When Lisa got closer to their car, Rose realized that they hadn't had time to change seats. Jennie suggested changing seats from inside the car but it was too late because Lisa was already in a hurry to open the door and get in straight away.

The three of them were stunned, the atmosphere suddenly became tense because they were waiting for Lisa's reaction. To their surprise, Lisa, who had just entered, didn't immediately see who was in the car. Instead, she pulled the hood over her hoodie until it covered all parts of her face.

Jisoo, who saw this, was annoyed and almost shouted at Lisa but was stopped by Jennie, who immediately covered Jisoo's mouth with her hand. She then motioned for everyone to remain silent. With a nod of understanding, Rose followed suit.

After that, Jennie immediately took her glasses and got out of the car to switch places with Rose. When they finally changed, Lisa's witty remark caught them off guard: "Took you long enough, princess." The girls were confused, but it all made sense when Jake messaged Jisoo, revealing that Lisa knew he was going to be in the same car as her.

The girls were communicating with each other without uttering a single word. Their eyes met, and they seemed to agree to wait and see how long it would take for Lisa to realize that it was her bandmate who had picked her up. Meanwhile, Rose had her phone camera on standby, ready to record the situation inside the car. Jisoo got behind the wheel, and they waited for Lisa to make a move.

After five minutes, there was still no sign of Lisa removing her head covering, and the girls were getting restless. Rose decided to stop recording and wait for Lisa to show some signs of movement. Ten minutes passed, and still, there was no movement from Lisa.

Just when they were about to give up, Jennie whispered to the others that Jake had texted her earlier that Lisa might have a migraine. The girls nodded in understanding, and they realized that now was not the time to play a prank on Lisa.

Suddenly, they heard Lisa groaning in frustration, and Rose quickly pointed her phone camera at her, hoping to capture her reaction. Lisa slowly removed her hood, and Rose was ecstatic, thinking that Lisa had finally realized that Jennie was the one sitting next to her. But to their disappointment, Lisa just looked out of the car window before closing her eyes again.

"Motherfu..." Rose didn't have time to finish her swearing because Jennie had already covered her mouth.

The girls were in a frenzy as the car they were driving came to a halt in a never-ending traffic jam. The blaring sound of the car horn pierced through the air, adding to their already mounting stress. Suddenly, Lisa reached into her bag, surprising everyone. Jennie, who was quick to catch on, looking for her wired headset to handed it to Lisa.

"Jake!" Lisa exclaimed, and Jennie handed her the headset. "Thanks, you're a lifesaver," Lisa said, mistaking Jennie's phone for her own and putting the headset on it.

Jennie panicked and pressed the play button, and the lo-fi music she had been listening to the night before started playing again.

"You know me so well, dude! Jennie can't compete with your attention. You're the best!" Lisa exclaimed, unaware that she was not talking to Jake.

Jennie was left speechless, her jaw dropping in disbelief. "Unnie, stop! Be patient! She's just being silly. Remember, it's Lisa! She's stupid!" Rose whispered loudly, holding Jennie back. "We'll teach her a lesson later, I promise you!"

Jisoo couldn't hold back her laughter when she saw what Lisa was doing. Even after all this time, Lisa still thought the person sitting next to her was Jake. Rose panicked when she heard Jisoo's laughter and immediately warned her unnie to stop. But suddenly, Jennie chimed in from behind, assuring the group that Lisa wouldn't hear a thing since she was blasting music at maximum volume.

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