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I stormed into the hospital with an unconscious Catherina in my arms.

One look at my face and I was ushered into a room immediately where a doctor was waiting.

"Please leave, we have to be sure she has no internal injuries" the doctor said

"I will remain here; now get to work" I snapped.

The man's face paled but he said nothing as they scrambled around her, checking and prodding

My gatita, my heart sang

She looked so pale and small, laying there and she had bruises all over her face and her wrists were swollen and bloodied.

Bastardo but I was going to enjoy torturing Miguel and then I was going to kill him but he will suffer slowly until his heart gives out, I swore silently to myself.

"She is going to be okay; she is stressed, dehydrated and has probably not eaten in days" the doctor concluded

"She will be fine?" I echoed

"Yes Mr Cruz; now I need you to fill in a form and state your relationship with the patient and to do that you have to leave the room and come with me to the reception" The doctor explained calmly.

I nodded following him out of the room and away from a sleeping Catherina. He handed me a form and I immediately filled her names in, stopping at the point where they asked about my relationship to her.

How do I explain to them that she was the fucking reason I was alive and my everything. That I did not begin to live just yet until I had met her and I wanted to spend the rest of my existence with her by my side.

No, there was no way to put that all into the flimsy paper I was holding but there was one thing I could do right now before my kitten awoke.

"Excuse me" I said to the girl at the reception

"Yes sir?" she answered.

They all knew who I was of course; there wasn't anyone alive in Spain who did not know the Cruz and what they did.

"Where is the nearest jewelry shop around here?" I asked

"That will be Rufus; he is quite close to the hospital actually" she said.

She wrote down the directions and I handed the paper back to her, leaving the relationship area blank.

I walked out of the hospital and true to her words; I found the jewelry shop almost immediately.

"What can I get you?" The man at the entrance asked me

"I need a ring" I announced

He nodded and then proceeded to show me the various rings they had in stock until I settled on one which I figured will fit my kitten. I had plans to get her a very huge blinding diamond later on but I needed to define our relationship and this was the only way I knew how.

I bought the ring, paid him double and walked back to the hospital where I was informed that she was awake.

Her eyes brightened immediately she saw me and I hugged her tightly, taking in her scent.

"Thank you" she muttered

"I am sorry" I told her

"There is nothing to be sorry for; you did not kidnap me" she pointed out

"But I also did not protect you enough, gatita" I murmured, touching the swollen side of her face... my blood boiling

He had laid hands on her, I thought

"I am fine and I was so scared when I thought he was going to kill you..." she said softly, her eyes filling up with tears

"I am not dead, mi amore... I am right here" I reassured her

"I love you Andres, I was searching for you to tell you this the day I was kidnapped and I do not care if you do not feel the same way but I love you and..."

"Marry me, Catherina" I interrupted.

She stared at me, blinking rapidly before her face lit up like a Christmas tree

"I love you more than life itself and I hope I will be able to show you from now on" I told her, holding the ring out in front of her

"Yes, I will marry you; Andres Cruz" She giggled, allowing me put the ring on her finger

And so it was sealed with a kiss; my love for Catherina Salvador till the end of time.


I walked into the dungeon to meet my enemy; Miguel. He looked bad, his leg still bleeding and his breathing labored

"Hello Miguel" I said, drawing up a chair so I was sitting in front of him

He raised bloodied eyes up to meet mine and spat

I could see that Ana has roughened him up a bit in my absence

"That was not the welcome I was expecting" I tsked

"Go to hell, Andres" he said, glowering at me

"Sure but isn't it great how you are going to be my forerunner?" I smiled, pulling out the Santoku knife

SINISTER SEDUCTION: A Mafia's ObsessionWhere stories live. Discover now