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We weren't expecting my abuela but there she stood at the door with a little packed suitcase and that grin that frightened me as a child. She was a tall woman for her age and that probably was the reason my papa was tall because I was sure he did not get the height from my midget of a grandfather who died before I was born.

"Well, child... are you just going to stand there and gawk at me without letting me in?" she said, her mouth thinning.

"Sorry abuela, we were not expecting you." I answered, opening the door wider for her to come in

"Do I need to phone ahead before visiting my son and grandchildren?" she sauntered in, stopping to take a deep breath.

"Ofcourse not, abuela. I shall ask mamma to set out one more plate for lunch since you will be joining us." I said, dragging the suitcase behind me; it was heavier than it looked and I wondered what she had packed in it.

"I came over to see the man that will be marrying my granddaughter... where is he?"

"He is with papa in his study, I shall inform them both of your presence."

"And tell your mamma that the condition of this home is nothing to write home about." She scoffed and took a seat on one of the sofas.

I said nothing to this as I dragged the suitcase behind me

My Abuela and mamma have never liked each other, they were always arguing about the most minute things and although I heard that she never wanted my papa to marry her, she went along with it because he had insisted. That was the only time, my papa had ever actively defended my mamma against his own mother. Now, he just let them tear each other out till they were tired and they did it so often, it became almost like a routine.

I dropped the suitcase in her room, the one we always left available incase she decided to stop by which she was always doing. She had designed the room herself, not trusting my mamma to do a good job and even I had to admit that it was wonderfully furnished.

I dropped by the kitchen to inform my mamma of her arrival.

"Where is she now?" My mamma asked, her eyes darkening. She never did like the woman visiting and always put up with her because of my papa.

"In the sitting room, on one of the sofas. I wanted to let you know so you can set out a plate for her."

"What I want to do is set her butt outside the door and out of our lives forever." My mother muttered eliciting laughter from me.

"Do not let her hear you" I whispered and we both smiled mischievously.

I could remember when my papa had brought me home after my shameful act of running away with a man. My abuela had asked him why he had not just done away with me alongside the boy, it was my mamma that had shunned her immediately; she had dared her to speak such words again. I was quiet, oblivious to the happenings but I was proud of my mother.

"I am to inform papa and Mr Cruz on the arrival of abuela" I told my mamma.

"Do so, she will not rest till she has set her eyes on the gentleman, so let us not keep her waiting." My mamma said, rolling her eyes as she set out more food to go round. We knew how persistent and utterly annoying my abuela could be

I walked to my papa's den and put a hand out to knock but something devilish sprang up in me, it was like my satan angel was perched on my shoulders because I suddenly had the urge to eavesdrop on their conversation and so I pressed my ears to the door hoping to catch their conversation.

I tell you that anytime something devilish like this spring up in my head, it always came with consequence.

I could not hear anything being said even with my ears pressed tightly against the door, I was so focused on straining my ears that I did not hear the clicking of the lock before the door gave way and I fell through, caught in the arms of none other than Andres.

He had first a confused look on his face and then it turned to realization at what he had just caught me doing, his lips turned up into a smirk and I could see the twinkle enter his eyes as he continued holding me. It was like the world has disappeared and it was just he and I consuming each other, it wasn't until my papa cleared his throat that I realized where I was.

I jumped out of his arms immediately, blushing with guilt with my eyes darting to my papa's in alarm.

"What are you doing here?" he asked me although I knew he could tell that I had probably being eavesdropping.

"Abuela is here and is seeking your presence along with Mr Cruz's" I murmured, hoping the ground could swallow me where I stood.

"I will be right down." My papa said, waving a hand in dismissal.

I turned and fled before Andres had the chance to taunt me about my shameless behavior. I thought I was rid of him; I heard his voice behind me.

"Little eavesdropper" he whispered.

I yelped, turning around with fear in my eyes.

"You scared me" I said

"You are not the sweet girl everyone knows"

"I do not know what you are talking about" I said, turning away

"I am still speaking" he growled, turning me around.

"Let go of me" I said in panic.

"You are beautiful, I want to have you against a wall; naked with your breasts pressed against my chest.

I gasped, my eyes widening in shock but my head envisioning what he had just said.

I am a whore, I thought fleetingly.

"A penny for your thoughts" He murmured, bringing his head closer to mine.

"Let go of me"

He sighed and pushed me away before stalking off, leaving me to wonder if I had just been ditched.

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