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Congratulations to me on getting 2k views on this book and I could not have done it without you, my dearest readers

In celebrating the moment, I will be uploading two chapters today instead of one

Thank you for reading and sending all of my love to you : )




I had one rule that was never to torture women or involve them in whatever happened in the cosa del infierno but it would seem that I was the only one who obeyed my rules in the clan.

Someone had given one of the maids before me a fucking peach, something they knew I was allergy for and an information the maids were not privy to.

Of course whosoever it was knew I would never take it but it was some warning to me to keep me on my toes. Someone was trying to let me know that they were watching and could do away with me at any time they deemed fit.

I laughed bitterly, my gaze resting on each of the maid's faces while they maintained their eye contact with the floor.

I was fucking jefe not some silly kid that they could poison with a fucking allergy condition.

"I will only ask this question once before I begin separating your fingers from its joints. Which one of you was given the peach fruit and asked to serve it to me" I spoke

They were shaking, fidgeting in my presence which was good. They should fear me, the whole lot of them

I stood in front of the first maid and gingerly raised her head so she could meet my eyes. She was crying, the tears streaming unabashedly from her eyes while I stared her down.

"I swear I have no idea why the fruit got there. We do not have a peach tree and I have never picked up a peach fruit here before" she wailed

"And the rest of you?" I asked

They all fell to their knees in front of me swearing their innocence but it had happened and I could not pretend that one of them or all of them was in league with an enemy.

"If you all insist that we do this the hard way then it shall be so" I muttered, leaving them to imagine all the horrible things I could do to them if the culprit did not confess as soon as I get back.

I was fucking pissed that I had allowed such betrayal slip between my ranks and just because I had been paying more attention to Catherina. First it was Alejandro who had disobeyed my command and now someone else was messing with me; probably someone in league with the bastardo locked up in my dungeons.

I strutted to my den and called for Ana; if there was one person I could trust, it would be her. She arrived minutes later, her face showing alarm at being summoned.

I remembered that our last conversation had not gone well and if I wanted to keep her complacent and obedient to me then I had to give her what she was asking for

Sex! It shouldn't mean anything seeing as it was something that we had done and with great pleasure in the past.

"You summoned me?" She asked

"Someone put a fucking peach in my food tray" I growled, waiting for it to sink in.

"Qué bastardo haría tal cosa?" she cursed in rapid Spanish, approaching me

"I aim to find out but I want to pull the plug on the men who had accompanied Alejandro on his mission"

"They will be dead by noon today" Ana promised

"Thank you; you are the only fucking person that has my back, no strings attached" I told her, hoping she got the implication my words were suggesting.

"I do have strings attached, mi querido" she muttered seductively.

I allowed her approach me, watching with hooded eyes as she dropped the dress she was holding to the ground, allowing me full view of her naked and supple body.

I am supposed to feel something, I thought as my gaze raked her bare breasts

"Come closer, mi amor" I told her

I watched her mouth stretch to a smile as she approached me, her fingers reaching for the curve of her pussy. She was standing in front of me now and I pulled her unto my laps reaching for her breasts while she arched her back to give me full access

"He extrañado esto, mi amor" she crooned delicately as I tweaked her nipple.

I wanted to tell her that the feeling was mutual and that I had missed whatever this was but I could not bring myself to tell that lie and I was sure she could feel it.

Her eyes fluttered open, pupils dilated as she stared at me.

"You have to find out who wants to poison me from the maids" I whispered to her

"I will" she gasped as my fingers reached for the center of her legs.

I had to stop thinking about Catherina and what she was doing right now, holed up in my room with Miguel.

"You are distracted" Ana commented, touching my face.

"I am" I muttered

"I promise to find the fucker" she said solemnly

"I know you will, Ana" I smiled, resuming my perusal of her pussy

"Get up" I commanded roughly

She stretched lazily on my laps before rising to her feet in one fluid movement.

I followed suit bringing both her hands to my crotch and watching the spark of realization flair in her eyes.

"Todavía travieso, veo" she breathed

I laughed darkly, reaching for her face and bringing it closer to mine

"Get on your knees" I whispered

She dropped to her knees, taking my pants with them and then palmed my cock in her hand, sighing in content.

"You know what to do" I told her

She smiled slyly at me and took my cock in her mouth slurping on it with all relish. I gripped the table while Ana continued, my eyes closing as I imagined it was Catherina, on her knees with me in her mouth.

A gasp forced my eyes open and there was the girl I had been imagining, her eyes wide with shock as she took in the scene.

Ana moved trying to see who had interrupted us

"Do not stop" I commanded her.

I watched Catherina flee, slamming the door behind her.

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