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I heard the shot; one minute there was total darkness and the next one singular shot rang out, stopping me in my tracks before I sped again in one direction.


I charged into the room just as soon as the light fluttered on; her mamma was hovered over a bleeding Audrey but Catherina was nowhere in sight.

"Catherina" I began

The woman shook her head, tears streaming down her face as she cupped her daughter's face. I could see that she had been shot in the stomach and her breathing was labored but she was alive.

"Let me" I nudged the woman to the corner and carried Audrey, her eyes pinned on my face, unseeing

"You will be alright" I told her right before I began running in the direction of the doctor's home.

Catherina, my head screamed.

My chest seized as I continued running with Audrey; as much as I wanted to dash out and begin looking for her, I needed to be rational and I did not think that when I found her she would ever be able to forgive me for letting her sister die while I went out in search of her.

"What happened?" the doctor asked as I barged in with a bloodied Audrey.

He immediately cleared his table and I placed Audrey gently unto it while he commanded his people to begin preparations for a surgery

"Save her" I commanded.

"I will do my best" he told me.

I took one last look at Audrey before dashing off; back to my room. I needed to hear firsthand what had happened and how she had been taken and her mother was in the best position to tell me that

She scampered up as soon as I entered, her eyes searching my face.

"How?" I said the one singular word I was thinking.

"Catherina went out in search for you but she came back, right to this room. We were just talking about whether she saw you or not before the black out; I was blinded for those few seconds but I heard her screams and then the shot and that is all I know.

I nodded once, my rationale waging war with my heart.

"Remain here and lock the door behind me" I told her

"Please, I need to go to Audrey. The bullet pierced her stomach, her baby"

"Audrey is in safe hands; now I urge you to remain here while my men guard the doors until I am sure of what the fuck is going on" I told her

She took a deep breath, pulling herself together as she nodded.

I stepped out, my phone in hand and dialing Miguel who for the life of me was not answering his phone at such crucial moment.

"You are alright... what the fuck is going on?" Ana appeared at my side almost immediately

"I thought I had quelled the opposition but it would seem that the death of esperanza was only the beginning" I said grimly

"Where is Miguel?" she voiced out the one thought that was echoing in my head

Where the fuck was my best man, Miguel

"Catherina was taken" I muttered.

Her eyes widened in shock and then the realization that this had been a direct blow to me and somebody was very much aware of her location and everything there was to know.

"I don't want to voice out what I am thinking but it is highly possible that Miguel..."

"Do not fucking say it, Ana. Miguel has never given me any reason to doubt him; I will trust him with my fucking life and I am sure he has a damn good reason for being unavailable" I told her.

She bowed slightly, standing still beside me.

I had been foolish not to guard her; too lax and confident in the fact that I had dispelled the last of any opposition from Alejandro. It was no coincidence that he had escaped and now Catherina was gone; kidnapped from right under my nose.

"She is not dead; that is certain and I believe whosoever has her will call soon" Ana noted.

I glanced around, taking note of the men standing with me; their guns drawn and ready for one command from me.

"We wait" I told them, my heart pounding furiously in my chest

I stalked off to the den, pulling out all the footages of the past hour from my room. I stared at the screen; Catherina's beautiful face filling it right before the blackout. She had fought; I could hear her screams and then the shot I had heard.

Ana slipped into the room, standing silently by the side

"Fuckk!!" I bellowed, pushing at the table in front of me

"You have to calm down, Jefe" Ana told me.

"They took her right under my fucking nose" I snarled in rage.

She said nothing; she did not need to.

Her phone rang snapping me out of my thoughts; she raised a finger and picked up and I watched her face pale

"For you" she muttered, approaching me

I took the phone from her, gripping it tightly as I brought it to my ears

"Andres" The all familiar voice of Miguel filtered through

"Miguel" I replied grimly, my worst fears confirmed.

"I think I have something that belongs to you" he continued

"I want to speak to her, make sure that she is alright"

"I am afraid she cannot come to the phone right now. It would seem that my man hit her pretty hard, she is still passed out"

I growled low in my throat, a bloody haze coating the edges of my vision

"You will fucking pay for this, Miguel"

"Don't flatter yourself and if you want to see your lovely Catherina alive, then you will do exactly as I say. Are we clear on that?"

"Crystal" I grunted

"Good; doesn't it help to be very cooperative? You taught me that" he said, laughing

"What do you want, Miguel"

"I thought it was quite obvious... I want your throne and you dead, of course"

SINISTER SEDUCTION: A Mafia's ObsessionWhere stories live. Discover now