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He looked like he had had enough but I was far from done with him. He dared to touch her, smile at her and then drug her right in front of me. The man, whosoever he is had to be taught a lesson and wasn't it a good thing that I was in the lesson mood.

"Wake him" I commanded, cracking my knuckles slightly.

He had one eye swollen shut and his lips bust to bits but by the time I was done with him, he wouldn't be breathing.

Cold water was splashed on the man's face, reviving him immediately as he gasped for air, his one open eye landing on me with terror.

"Who sent you?" I asked again

It was the same question I had been asking again and again whilst ramming my fists into the sides of his head.

"I swear that I was sent by... no one... I was just messing... with the dulce nina" the man stuttered.

"Do not call her that!" I bellowed in rage, slamming my fist again into the side of his face.

I heard a satisfying pop signaling the exit of another tooth

"Pleasee... just kill me" the man begged

"Kill you?" I echoed, then laughed at the sheer absurdity of the word.

"I don't want to kill you... I want to make you suffer so much unimaginable pain" I said, walking to where his head remained by the side.

He had blood sputtering from his mouth and I shook my head in disgust

"You look horrible man" I told him, grabbing the handkerchief in my pocket.

I was still wearing my suit and wanted no slimy blood stain on it.

"Please..." The man begged, spittle mixed with blood running down the corner of his swollen lips.

"I will ask you one more time and I hope we don't have to resort to me peeling the skin off your flesh beginning with your fingers" I threatened.

I could see my threat had the right effect because the man flinched visibly, his eyes showing fear.

"Nobody sent me. I heard about the dulce... Catherina... about the things she did to and for men and I just wanted a taste, one tiny taste" The man groaned as my fingers squeezed on his jaw.

"You wanted a taste huh?" I repeated while he nodded vigorously

I rose and turned to my men who were standing silently at the side.

"He wanted a taste of the dulce nina" I told them

They chuckled at this, no doubt imagining what it would feel like as her mouth wrapped itself around their cocks. I hated to admit that I was imagining the exact same thing and the blood pumped furiously in my head at the thought.

"You have done nothing wrong... what is your name?" I asked the man

"Henry" He muttered

"Henry... you see we all want a taste of the dulce nina, even my men here" I said, pointing in their general direction.

They nodded vigorously, grinning at one another so much that I wanted to plant a bullet in their skull and in the head of any man that would even think of her that way... maybe also in my own head.

"You have heard the things about her too?" Henry asked, the one eyes which wasn't shut lighting up with mischief.

I said nothing but he definitely felt emboldened because he continued speaking oblivious to the fact that I was reaching for my side.

"I hear that her mouth on a man's cock can be the death of him and that she uses her beauty to get what she wants and that ass..." The man sighed dreamily.

My men chuckled at this but stopped immediately they took one look at the expression on my face

"Henry" I called out.

The man turned to me and the gun in my hand, his eyes widening once more in fear and realization

"No... you said I did nothing wrong... you said..."

I pulled the trigger, cutting short anything he might have wanted to say.

The whole place fell silent and even my men shifted uncomfortably on both feet. This was the second time I was killing and all because someone had dared to talk about...Catherina.

I sighed dramatically, holding my gun loosely as I turned in their general direction.

"We are sorry" One of them muttered.

"You are sorry?" I repeated and then laughed darkly.

They said nothing anymore. I was itching to drop the both of them immediately but it wouldn't be wise and how could I explain to the clan what had happened. They would know immediately whom I had killed them for and might begin a power tussle with my idiot stepbrother.

No, there was enough time to plan both their deaths and that was certified.

"Cut up the body, box it and make sure to send it to his family. Let them bear witness that whosoever would harm a hair on the head of anyone from the Salvador's family will have to answer to me"

"Yes Jefe" they muttered in chorus.

I walked out of the dungeons and took a deep breath of fresh air, my body floating with pumped up energy. Suddenly I noticed that I wasn't alone and there was someone hiding out and watching me

"Come on out" I said loudly for the person to hear.

I watched Catherina's sister and my wife to be emerge from the corner, her walk timid and her eyes trying so hard to cover the terror she was probably feeling

"What are you doing here?" I asked, my eyes observing her

She held her hands tightly to both sides. It could only mean that somehow she had witnessed what had happened in her father's dungeons and was dreadful of me

"I heard the screams and came to investigate" she muttered, her eyes avoiding mine

"And have you made your investigation or do you need more" I snapped, drawing closer to her.

She made no move backwards; she was more courageous than her sister, I had to give her that

"Is he dead?" she asked, finally glancing up at me.

I held her gaze and mouthed the one word I knew was true


"Good" she responded, much to my surprise

SINISTER SEDUCTION: A Mafia's ObsessionWhere stories live. Discover now