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My heart slammed wildly as I took the stairs two at a time, rushing to the pool where I had seen her dive into the water. If she fucking died then I would never forgive myself from taking her from her family, intruding on her perfect life.

Miguel followed directly behind me not bothering ask why I was in such a haste.

I crashed into the cave where I had instructed that a private pool be made for me and saw the water bubbling; it would seem that she was struggling to come up.

I dived into the water and began reaching for her just as she began sinking. I touched her hand and held fast, drawing her up to me while trying to remain afloat. When I was sure her face was out of the water, I began sliding to the corner until I had a grip before passing her to Miguel.

I climbed out, soaked but only concerned for her.

"Wake the fuck up" I panted, pressing my hands together against her chest.

I did that for a while and then proceeded to give her mouth to mouth ignoring the look in Miguel's eyes.

She sputtered awake, her eyes fluttering open as she coughed up water

"I want to live" I heard her say before her eyes closed again.

"She came incredibly close" Miguel commented.

"Yes, she did" I concurred.

My heart was still beating furiously but I could feel relief flood my veins that she was alive and breathing steady.

I climbed up to my feet, carrying her in my arms and walking out of the cave.

"Have the mouth of this cave barred... permanently" I told Miguel

He stopped in his stride, staring at me while I carried Catherina into the house and to her room where the doctor was waiting.

"She will survive and it is a miracle that you found her when you did or she would have died. Her lungs took in a sizable amount of water but it was obvious she fought it" the doctor droned on

I want to live

Why then did you jump into the water? To get away from me so bad, I thought, my teeth grinding against each other.

"Thank you doctor" I told him

"I was told you were also injured... by a knife?"

I glanced at my arm where Catherina had stabbed me; it was no longer bleeding but it still hurt like hell and was definitely going to scar.

"Just a scratch" I told him.

He packed up his equipment, bowed and then left the room leaving me to watch Catherina while she slept.

She slept so peacefully for someone that had almost killed herself but if she thought for one second that this was going to make me go easy on her; then she had to be fucking joking.

"The cave has been barred... permanently" Miguel reported on entering the room.

"Go to the dungeons and make it clean and comfortable for our guest, she will be using it as her personal room when she wakes up"

"You do not mean that?"

I turned with a snarl causing Miguel to take a step back

"Do not ever fucking question my orders again, now do as you are told or I might be forced to punish you for insubordination" I told him.

"Alejandro is still locked up in the dungeons" Miguel stammered

"That is perfect, she should spend appropriate time with her family's killer" I smirked.

Miguel hesitated for just a second before nodding and then bowed out of the room.

I approached the bed and sat beside her, stretching my hand to brush the tendril of hair that had fallen across her face but stopping midway.

"How dare you?" I muttered, furious at myself for even give a fuck whether she died or lived.

She was making me weak, even my men could see that and that was why they acted on their own, without my permission.

"You want to escape? Die? I will fulfill your wish, Dulce nina and by the time I am done with you... you will definitely wish I had allowed you drown today" I vowed.

There was no way I was going to leave her alone so she could run away again; it would seem that she had the penchant for fleeing at any given opportunity and so I bound her hand to the bedpost and her legs together.

The courtesy I had been extending to her as a guest and as my wife to be was officially over; henceforth, she was a fucking prisoner and the daughter of an enemy and she was going to be treated as such.

I sat in a chair, drinking alcohol and waiting for her to awaken. I wanted my face to be the first thing she saw when those eyes finally fluttered open.

It was noon before she finally moved, coughing as she did. Her hand reaching to rub her face leisurely; she still had not noticed the bind on the other hand but she was going to.

I watched her eyes flutter open and focus unseeing on me before she frowned, trying to stand. She fell back unto the bed, one hand reaching for her bound legs in confusion and then her eyes widening in realization before coming back to me.

"What is going on?" she queried

"You are awake" I muttered, rising from where I sat.

"And I am bound which is why I am asking what the hell is going on" she snapped.

She still had a mouth on her... good. Then I wasn't going to feel one hint of emotion when she was finally broken and kneeling before me, begging me to have her.

"You, my dear are a prisoner and the daughter of an enemy... so don't you think that you should be treated as such?" I asked.

Her eyes showed further confusion at my words but they stayed on me as I rounded the corner to where she sat immobile

"What are you doing?" she asked, her eyes finally showing fear.

"I am going to show you how we treat enemies and brats in my clan" I muttered, smiling darkly at her.

SINISTER SEDUCTION: A Mafia's ObsessionWhere stories live. Discover now