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"Do you think it is wise leaving her there with Alejandro?" Miguel inquired as soon as I stepped out of the dungeons.

"You seem to have grown fond of our prisoner. I remember you vividly opposing her presence in the Casa del Infierno and now you are acting quite loony. Has she infected you with her unmatched beauty?" I mocked as we walked

"I am not the one infected but you seem to be out of your mind and it is all because of her"

"Di eso una vez más y te prometo que no tendrás lengua" I snarled at him

He was the only one who could talk to me in such a manner and get away with it and he knew it and he was also the only fucking person I had to be weary of in the clan.

"Where are the elders?" I asked

"They are waiting in the el salón del trono" he answered, leading the way

The room quietened as I entered and took my place at the head of the table

"We have come to ask about Alejandro and what shall be done with him" One of the elders said immediately

"I cannot execute him for his wrong as you all know seeing as he is the last of the bloodline of my uncle; Franco but he will serve his punishment until I deem it fit to release him" I announced.

Mutters passed round the table and then another elder addressed me

"We understand how angry you are; Andres and it is indeed a crime punishable by death to defy the jefe's command but I believe I am speaking for every elder on this table when I say that Alejandro did the clan a favor and..."

"That is the reason he is not dead but please Esperanza, I won't want to be rude. You are the oldest in this clan and you served personally with my father. Tell us what he would have done to Alejandro already"

"He would already be quartered and his head hung on the gates to serve as warning to all that will try to disobey his orders again" The old man answered.

"Then tell me, have I not been merciful enough? He will serve his punishment and that is that on the matter" I commanded.

The meeting was immediately dismissed but Ana stayed back, her eyes searching my face.

"You seem tired, mi querido... what is it that has upset you?" she asked, taking my face in her arms.

Ana and I had dated when she had come back from the states to be with her father who was by then the right hand man to my own father. She wasn't supposed to even be aware of the happenings in the Casa del Infierno but she had been curious and eager to learn and I had been more than willing to show her the ropes.

Soon it was obvious that she was the one destined to take over when her father died and my own father wanted it to be match made both in blood and marriage. We had begun dating, sure that we were going to get married until my father had died and I had taken over.

It was then decided that we needed alliances and Manuel Salvador was the best person to give us that and I was to marry one of his daughters in exchange. Ana had been more than happy to step back and allow another take her place and we continued having casual sex until the day I had set my eyes on... Catherina.

I wanted nothing more than the dulce nina and Ana it would seem had noticed the change of mood in me. She had thought of course that it was as a result of the weight of having to marry someone I barely knew... if only that were true

"Andres" She called out

"I am fine" I ground out, stepping away from her touch

"What do you intend to do with the girl? I hear she is locked up in the dungeons" She asked, folding her arms across her breasts

"That shouldn't concern you; have you found the others? The ones that accompanied Alejandro on his mission?" I asked her

"I have and they are ripe for the picking anytime you want" she told me, her eyes glinting.

Ana was a hard girl who liked the smell of blood and the taste of violence.

"Keep an eye on them until I say otherwise" I told her.

"Yes Jefe" she murmured, smacking her lips

"I am not in the mood, Ana" I told her

"When will you be in the mood? We haven't had sex since you went over to get hitched to that dumb bitch that got herself pregnant and now? You are done with their family and you still are not in the mood... I cannot wait for you forever, you know" she said, reaching for my arm

"I never asked you to wait for me, Ana and you know we are over" I told her, walking out before she said anything more.

I headed in the direction of the CCTV room; I desperately wanted to see what Catherina was up to and if she was fine. It was already noon and she had seemed terrified when I had mentioned the dungeon rats.

I met the men I had put in charge to watch the footages always, laughing about something

"Jefe" one muttered scrambling to his feet while the others followed suit

"Leave" I told them.

They scrambled out of the room almost toppling themselves while I watched.

I waited till they were gone before I sat, taking in the atmosphere in the dungeon. She was quiet, her eyes closed like she was sleeping but I could see that she was taking in rapid breaths... too rapid.

I zoomed in on her face, startled by the streak of tears on her cheeks and the quivering of her lips as she continued... hyperventilating

She was fucking hyperventilating

Tight spaces, I thought in realization.


SINISTER SEDUCTION: A Mafia's ObsessionWhere stories live. Discover now