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"You refused of course and told him to shove it" I asked no one in particular

They were all just staring at me like they had sent me to die and this was my funeral procession.

"You have to do this for your family" My papa said gruffly

This was probably the first time I had seen him not staring at me with anger or disdain or hatred. He had pity in his eyes and sadness.

"I am not going to marry Andres Cruz, papa" I cried out.

"It is settled; you have no say in the matter" my papa said, turning away from me.

"You did not hear me. I won't marry the man and I do not care what say anyone has in it. I am not going to subject myself to such... I refuse to be like... mamma" I blurted.

"Catherina Elizabeth Salvador!" my mamma's voice rang out.

I turned and fled for the second time in two days and from the same person. He had pushed me away the previous day like I was some whore that had forced myself on him and now he wanted to marry me? No, the damned man wanted to punish me and this was his way of doing it.

I will rather die than marry him, I thought to myself

No one followed after me which was for the better; they knew I needed some space to come to terms with what I had just been handed but the same I needed was to plot my escape. There was no way I was going to remain in this house and wait to be bound in life and death to a man that would never love me and would always consider me a bought whore.

He had wanted my sister; I had been here and he had chosen my sister over me so why was he choosing me now?

Far be it for me to think that Andres Cruz was doing this to prevent bloodshed; it was punishment for me and neither of my family knew this

I collapsed on my bed and stared at the ceiling as my papa's words reached me again

Andres wants to marry you instead

Never! My head screamed.

"Cat" my brother's voice interrupted my thoughts

"Go away, Antonio... I do not want to see nor speak to anyone" I told him

"I have to tell you something and I need to know that you are okay" he said.

I climbed out of the bed and went to the door.

"You let him sell me off too" I screamed at him while he tried to hug me.

"You know I would have never agreed to such terms if it wasn't a matter of life and death" he told me.

"What the fuck does that mean?" I asked.

"Andres is a very dangerous man and you have to know that if we had rejected his proposal, none of us would have lived to tell it to another" he stated simply.

I stared at him, waiting for him to tell me that he was pulling my legs and that they could take on Andres.

"Father can take him. We have men too who are loyal to us" I said but without much conviction

"You are right, we do have men that are loyal but none of them would ever want to go against Andres. Hell, he killed his brother as soon as he became jefe of his clan" Antonio said.

"And this is the man you would have me marry? Someone that kills without blinking?" I snapped, pacing my room.

"He will do right by you and I seem to have noticed that he has taken a special liking to you, Catherina." Antonio said quietly

"Special liking?" I echoed, stopping in my tracks.

"I am not blind; he killed his uncle for you and then the man that drugged you? Andres doesn't go out of his way for just anyone and at first I had thought that it was definitely because he was marrying into our family but his proposal has opened my eyes to the fact that he might... want you" He concluded.

"Are you even listening to yourself? The man is a sociopath and you think it is because he likes me? I hope this thought still stands when you attend my funeral immediately after the damned wedding" I screamed.

My brother said nothing; he did not even embrace me as I cried. He merely sat there and waited until I had let out all of my emotions.

"I am sorry, Cat that I am a useless brother who cannot defend his own sister" he said

"It is not your fault and tell father that I will marry him. I will do anything for Audrey and for mamma and for you" I told him

"You shouldn't have to. You should be allowed to attend school, get a degree, go to parties, do drugs, date and marry whomever you want"

"Well, I cannot do that now, can I? You have to promise me that it will be different for Audrey and she will be allowed to marry... the man she wants"

"I promise... as soon as she tells me who exactly she wants" he muttered eliciting a smile from me.

I hugged my brother, my eyes suddenly dry. If Andres wanted to punish my family and me by getting married to me, then so be it. I would do whatever he wanted just as long as my family was alright and alive.

I climbed down the stairs with my brother; I had finally resigned myself to whatever the fates had in store for me.

"I am sorry, Hermana" my sister said softly.

She had been crying, I could see.

"Come here" I smiled at her

She rushed into my embrace, holding me tightly while I patted her back willing her to be strong

"I love you, Audrey" I whispered in her ear

"I love you too, sister" she said, hugging me tighter.

SINISTER SEDUCTION: A Mafia's ObsessionWhere stories live. Discover now