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"Aren't you supposed to be in a meeting or something?" I said, glaring at the man who stood over me; not helping me up from the shrub I had gotten myself tangled in.

He smiled; putting out a hand for me to grab on. I eyed his arm like it was a snake but put my small one in it and he pulled me up too dangerously close to his own body.

I pulled away immediately before my sister who was hiding behind the shrub had any time to think about why I was so close to him.

We stared at each other for a while and I noticed he was wearing pants and a black short sleeved shirt that allowed me see the snake tattoo on his arm a little bit better and also notice how smooth and tanned the other arm was with its taut muscle; I was breathing a little bit faster but I did not care and we just stood there in front of each other with warmth rushing to the pit of my stomach while he watched my face with an eyebrow raised.

"What were you doing in the shrub and why do you want to stay there?" he asked, his eyes narrowing dangerously.

He thought I had been speaking and still had not seen my sister; I heaved a sigh of relief and prayed she would just stay there while I handled the situation.

"Is it any of your business? This is my house and I can stay wherever I want to." I told him.

Great, Catherina... make him more suspicious of you, I thought in dismay.

"As I said, Mr Cruz. This is my house and I can be wherever I want in it. It should not concern you in the least" I ground out, trying to salvage my situation

He shook his head, sighing with amusement but when his eyes met mine, I realized he wasn't amused at all... no, he had a look of fury in their depths and I almost took a step back.

"Move" he commanded. "What the fuck are you hiding?"

"Why? There is nothing there" I blurted

"You are downright scared, meaning there is something there. Now if you do not want to move, that is fine by me" he said and then bent to whisper in my ears... "I can just toss you over my shoulder, is that what you want; little bird?"

My stomach warmed and then flipped.

"You shouldn't be walking the grounds... I cannot let you pass" my voice broke

His eyes sparked with challenge; I could see that no one had had to challenge the almighty Andres Cruz and he probably thought me amusing with my arms spread out in front of him and a ferocious, pleading look on my face.

"Move, Catherina. This is your last warning"

"I won't be moving from here, feel free to toss me over your shoulder." I told him.

I bit my lips, just realizing what I had asked him to do.

His lips tipped and that tic on his jaw intensified as he took one step forward but I still did not move so he took another step until he was standing dangerously close to me and if I leaned forward, I would have my breasts pressed against his chest. He leaned then, brushing his shirt over my own with it caressing my already taut nipples; I bit my lower lip to keep the groan bubbling at my throat and I was sure he could see what I was feeling on my face... I always did have such expressive face.

I could not breath and he knew this; he leaned until his mouth was against my ears and then slowly whispered

"You are lucky, little bird that I am quite busy at the moment."

He stepped back while I took a deep breath, still holding my arms up in case he decided to come back and properly peer over the shrub. I watched him walk back into the house without so much as casting a glance towards me.

I waited until I was sure he wouldn't be back before I turned; my sister was standing with a very confused look on her face.

"What was that?" she asked, her eyes wide with confusion.

"What do you mean? I scared him away, didn't I?" I said, trying to brush the matter off.

"He merely left and do not think for once; hermana that it was about what you did." She said.

We both stood there unsure of whether to go back into the house or just wait till our papa was well in his room before we did, we chose the latter; it was better that way to avoid the questions we were sure would come.

"You had sex with him" I blurted, trying to change the subject.

My sister turned wide eyes to mine with smug expression on her face, she said

"This could literally be the last time we would see each other, if you were in my shoes; what would you have done?"

I said nothing to this but I was furious that she had nearly put us both in danger and nearly almost had Bruno killed.

"You cannot see him again, Audrey; for his sake and yours." I told her quietly.

"I won't see him again" she repeated.

It was more like a promise because if she did see him, I wouldn't be able to protect her from my papa's wrath.

"Still, don't you find it weird that Andres left like that? One moment, I was expecting him to peer over that shrub and see me and the next, he was gone."My sister muttered.

"He probably had things to do inside with papa, you heard him say he had better things to do" I shrugged, swallowing.

I was lying of course; I also had no idea why he had left even when he could have just done what he wanted.

SINISTER SEDUCTION: A Mafia's ObsessionWhere stories live. Discover now