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It is official, I am going to die and nobody will know where I fucking am, I thought as I took deep breaths.

I was strung to a dungeon wall and tied up like a fucking criminal by a mad man and all because of what?

I continued taking deep breaths with my eyes closed, trying not to think about the man who was in the dungeon with me; the idiota that had murdered my brother and father.

He did not look better off himself but I wondered why he wasn't dead, butchered and buried like all the men that had tried to harm me since the arrival of Andres.

The air was putrid and definitely housed the odor of a dozen urines from a dozen dying men and the hijo bastardo had locked me in here like he would all he wanted dead.

The door to the dungeon creaked open and I sighed in relief, jumping to my feet as an old woman strutted in. She had a gun in her hand which I could tell was loaded with the way she handled it; she advanced towards me and I shied back against the wall, wondering if she had come to finish me off.

"Do you need to use the restroom?" she snapped.

"Yes please" I muttered, fear paralyzing me

She spat and I yelped as I dodged the goo which landed so close to my feet and then she helped me loosen the knot on my legs and hands, holding the gun dangerous close to my abdomen.

"I will only say this once; if you try to run, I will shoot you and explain the whole situation later to the boss. I suggest you move in the direction I point out for you because one silly move and you are dead meat, is that understood?"

"Yes" I answered in a small voice.

I walked in front of her, trying to concentrate on the left and right she was barking to me until she shouted a stop. We were in front of some door which did not look like a place that had been used in a while.

"Go in and leave the door open" she told me.

I stepped around the mucky water pooled on the ground and walked to the door, prying it open. There was a toilet alright which looked incredibly neat for the sort of environment it was situated in.

I had no idea how much I was pressed until I sat, sighing as the urine trickled out of me.

The woman spat again and I watched, noting where her spittle had landed so I do not make the mistake of stepping in that general direction with my bare feet.

"Come on out, this is not a vacation on some yacht and I have other things to do" she bellowed.

I stepped out, neatly side steeping her disgusting goo spittle and followed her with the gun pressed in my back like hot coal.

We walked back to the dungeons and she began fastening my binds.

"How long have you worked for Andres?" I braved a question.

She stared at me like I had definitely lost my mind asking her such dumb question but I continued. I was past caring and she definitely could not kill me... no, I am sure Andres wanted that honor.

"Do you have any kids and is this how you treat them?" I asked.

Her fingers stilled on mine for a brief second and I could see that I had definitely hit a nerve with her but then it was gone as she continued tightening till she was sure that I wouldn't be able to escape.

I watched her step back to admire her handiwork and it would seem that my words about her children had indeed gotten to her... the binds were tighter, digging into my already bleeding wrists.

She took one glance at the man tied in front of me and let loose a string of curses before leaving, slamming the door behind her.

I collapsed on the ground, wincing as the rope dug deeper into my wrists. It was almost dark and Andres had said something about rats. I had no idea if that was just to scare me but I did not like the sound of that and one thing I hated more than rats was the dark and its finality.

The man groaned interrupting my hysterical thoughts and I glared at him, although he could not see me.

"Why aren't you already dead?" I blurted.

"Andres cannot... kill me by himself but at this rate, I... will be dead soon" the man pushed out painfully.

"You deserve to die" I spat

He said nothing and I suddenly felt bad

He did deserve to die but to be tortured in such manner, I thought, eyeing him

"Why?" I asked again

"It needed to be done and my cousin was too... weak. Your father would... have... done the same" the man muttered.

My father would never...

Even as I thought this, I knew that what the man was saying was true. It was the way the mafia world worked and my father would have wiped out the whole family to prevent an uprising in the nearest future from any member he might have mercifully left alive.

"Are there rats in here?" I asked

"You are worried about rats?" the man raised his bloodied face to stare at me.

I shrugged.

If I was going to stay here then I had to know what exactly I would be facing

"There are rats" he said simply and then put his head back down.

The night crept in slowly, casting shadows unto every object in the room and bringing them to life under its deathly glow. I was grateful for the little ray of light coming from underneath the door of the dungeon but it was nothing compared to the panic I was now feeling as darkness enveloped me.

I closed my eyes, my chest constricting painfully as I struggled to breathe through my nose and mouth. I was crying softly and writhing in agony by the time the dungeon doors opened and I was released from my binds and carried out.

"Thank you" I said gratefully.

A grunt was the only response I got as Andres carried me gently until I could breathe easier.

SINISTER SEDUCTION: A Mafia's ObsessionWhere stories live. Discover now