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I sauntered into the dungeons to see Oliver trying to maintain as much dignity as he could as he sat on his haunches on the bare ground.

He opened his eyes to cast me a full glare as I walked in and then rose to his feet; he wasn't anything close to being the same height as me and so I looked down on him as he snarled.

"Why is he not chained?" I asked Miguel.

"I was waiting for your arrival; no use him fainting before the actual fun starts" Miguel announced.

Oliver spurned around, his eyes darting to every corner of the dungeons as he tried to find where Miguel was speaking from

"I will not tell you anything and you cannot kill me or the girl and her unborn baby are gone" he mocked

"I cannot kill you but I definitely can get you to sing; may I show you?" I grinned devilish at him.

He swallowed as I signaled Miguel to bind him to the wall; he was going to occupy Alejandro's position pending when I found him and killed him. I wasn't going to allow such a threat slip through my fingers again because of some dumb law.

"Do you know what I find absolutely fascinating about the Vikings of old?" I asked him

He said nothing; I wasn't expecting a response of course.

I stopped in front of him, leaning forward so he and I were eye to eye.

"They had this torture method of execution called the blood eagle; you must have heard of it and I tell you that I have been dying to try it out" I whispered like I was sharing some secret with the man.

He paled visibly but said nothing as I approached the side of the wall where all my torture devices hung. I selected the Santoku knife that I had gotten during one of my many trips.

"What are you doing? You seem to forget that if I don't speak with my men in say... five minutes, then the girl dies" he cried out

"That is enough time for me to change your orientation, Oliver" I told him.

I strutted to his bare back and touched the tip of the knife to the base of his skull, drawing it until it nicked him in the back causing him to shiver in dread.

"The blood eagle is a method that was used to torture and execute cowards and pussies like you during the Viking era and it is only sane that you are educated with the same method, no?"

He was shaking now; much to my disappointment. I had expected that he would hold up just so I could rip his lungs from its cavity and carve my name to the bones I shall make like an eagle's wing so that in his next life if our paths cross, he would recognize me.

I stabbed the knife into his back, drawing it forward while he screamed in pain.

"Please wait... Jesus Christ... please I beg you...I do not want to die" he whimpered.

Miguel snickered from where he stood; I was sure he shared my opinion about the weakness of the man before me.

"Bring his phone over, Miguel" I told him

"You will call your men to meet with mine and they will hand over the girl; maybe then, I will consider letting you live" I growled at him.

He was shaking badly by the time Miguel dialed the number and a voice filled the dungeon

"You are to release the girl" he muttered.

"But boss, you said to make sure you are back before..."

"Release the girl and get her to the bus station where some men will be waiting for you. You are to give her to them and inform me of your success" he interrupted.

"Yes boss" the man agreed right before the line clicked.

"Now that wasn't so hard, was it?" I smiled, tapping his cheek.

He whimpered like a badly injured puppy as I stared at him in disgust

"We will wait for the phone call that she has been handed over and when I have ensured her safe arrival here; I will release you...unharmed" I told him

The man nodded vigorously, his eyes flying from my face to Miguel's who was staring at him grimly.

I would believe that we had both thought we were going to enjoy torturing the fuck of him but it would seem that he was all talk and no actual brawn... triste.

It took few minutes before the man called and confirmed that he had handed over Catherina's sister to my men.

"Confirm" I told Miguel who went out to place a quick phone call.

"It is true, they are close" he told me.


Oliver glanced up at me, his eyes watching my face.

"She has bewitched you, hasn't she?" he asked

I maintained my blank look knowing fully well what he was talking about

"That is the dulce nina for you. I was enthralled when I saw her as a child and swore that I was going to have her"

"She was a child, you fucking pervert" I thundered

"And she is not a child now? Or not at a disadvantage that you are taking advantage of?" he smirked when I did not respond

"We all do whatever we can to get what we want and I am sure you can agree" he said

"Yes, of course" I murmured.

Miguel stepped out at this point and returned with news that Catherina was already reunited with her sister. I smiled at this, hoping to catch a glimpse of the happiness on her face.

"Well" Oliver prompted

I turned back to the strung up man; my relief dissipating as quickly as it had come.

"You said you would free me...unharmed when the girl is brought here" he reminded me.

"Did I?" I asked, turning to Miguel

"I heard no such thing" Miguel answered, a glint in his eyes.

"I thought as much"

"No, you cannot... you are a man of your word" Oliver yelled as I picked up the knife again

"I am but I also did say that I wanted to try out the blood eagle" I reminded him

His screams echoed throughout the dungeons until it stopped.

I stepped back to admire my work on his back

"What do you think?" I asked Miguel

"You can do better" he tsked at me

"Yes, I am sure I can" I eyed the dead man's back, blood dripping off my fingers.

SINISTER SEDUCTION: A Mafia's ObsessionWhere stories live. Discover now