chapter 17 : visionary

Start from the beginning

Within Y/n, a compelling urge always persisted a desire to elicit care and concern from the people around her. She found solace in those moments when they rallied, rushing to ensure her well-being. Such as that time when she had passed out during the tumultuous aftermath of V and Kevin's wedding, and everyone had been in a frantic hurry to ascertain her safety.

She yanked her phone from her pocket, deftly flipping it open. With resolute steps, she began the journey back to her house, her intent to call Vinnie for a ride. Her footsteps echoed with a sense of purpose, each one taking her closer to her destination.

Yet, amidst the silence, an unexpected sound pierced the air – a series of insistent beeps emanating from her phone. Her curiosity was piqued, causing her to halt abruptly and take a swift glance at the messages. Her brow furrowed as she realized she had one unread message. The sender was enigmatically marked as 'Unknown.'

'Take your Pills,' the message read, and an eerie shiver of uncertainty raced down Y/n's spine. She instinctively scanned her surroundings, a feeling of being watched, or even stalked, lingering like a shadow.

The truth was that she hadn't taken her prescribed pills since the previous day. The events of the night before had left her disquieted and overwhelmed, and she had consciously avoided her medication. A maelstrom of emotions had swirled within her, involving her mother, Monica, Emmy's distressing encounter with a fight, and the unresolved tension with Lip.

Y/n, in her attempt to maintain her composure, briskly clicked away from the message, hoping to dismiss it from her thoughts. The sender remained an enigma, and she was determined to act as if the message didn't exist. In the back of her mind, however, a gnawing sense of unease lingered, as she grappled with the mystery of who was attempting to communicate with her.


In the frosty grip of the following day, Lip and Ian were inside of almost the frozen new car. It felt as though the frigid breath of the North Pole had cast a deep freeze over everything in sight. The biting cold seeped through the windows, and their breath created fleeting puffs of condensation in the air.

Huddled together in the car, the trio sat in anxious anticipation, their gazes fixed on their house. They were on a watch, waiting for any sign of Monica and her girlfriend emerging from the residence. It was as if they were collectively determined to avoid an encounter, bracing themselves for a confrontation they knew was impending.

"Where'd you get the car?" Ian questioned starting a new conversation between them. 

With nothing but bitterness still almost frozen inside of his tone. "Borrowed it from Steve." Lip didn't forgive Y/n for leaving when he needed her; it was almost something she was good at doing. "I've been working with him a bit," He turned to his brother a bit but the layers on him kept him back. 

"Doing what?" Lip didn't say anything letting the question linger in the air. A scoff came out of his mouth smirking from the corners of his lips. "Uh, you better not let Fiona find out about it or she'll kill you. And him." 

Ian continued rubbing the bottom of his lip a little watching out. The silence between the two brothers made Lip do nothing but question everything. "You doing okay?" 

"Lot going on." 

Lip didn't read the room quite as much. "Yeah. it's weird having Monica back." 

"Yeah, that too," Ian reminded with Lip raising his eyebrows turning and looking in his direction. Ian felt the stare on him, turning to try and explain everything to his brother. "It's kinda hard to explain." 

"Try me." 

Clearing his throat before he sped through all of the information that was going on with him only. "Mickey's gay and we're doing it, Kash shot Mickey because he was doing me. And Mickey would rather go to jail than admit that he is gay, I'm screwing less Kash than Mickey, and When Kash and I were hot and heavy, Linda found out....and is blackmailing Kash into having another kid." 

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