14장 || Of Roses and Thorns

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General Yeongho didn't waste a moment. Striding over, he stopped in front of her, offering a respectful nod. "Your performance was breathtaking," he began, his deep voice carrying a hint of something more personal. "It was truly amazing."

Neeria smiled, as she began to speak.

" Thank you... I'm glad you—" However her words paused. Just as the atmosphere was reaching its peak, a sudden hush fell over the gathering. Several palace officials, with stern expressions, made their way to the front, each holding a box. They bowed deeply, presenting the boxes as offerings to the crown prince.

Following them was Lady Minyoung. Adorned in a stunning hanbok that shimmered with each step, she walked with a grace that commanded attention, her piercing gaze fixed intently on the prince.

Uhn Yuhn, with a swish of her robe, quickly closed the distance between herself and Neeria. Casting a fleeting glance of mild annoyance at the general, she turned to her friend, her eyes sparkling with genuine admiration. "You were mesmerizing out there, unnie," she beamed, reaching out to give Neeria's hand an excited squeeze.

Neeria's eyes crinkled in delight. "Really? I was so nervous!" she admitted, her hand unconsciously rising to touch the pendant at her neck. But her gaze, drawn like a magnet, found its way back to Lady Minyoung.

Catching the direction of Neeria's attention, Uhn Yuhn leaned in closer, her voice a conspiratorial whisper, "Honestly, you outshined everyone, especially her. You look far better, unnie."

Neeria chuckled softly, her cheeks warming with the compliment, though she quickly turned her gaze to the ground, hoping to avoid the general's eyes, which she felt on her.

General Yeongho, standing a short distance away, seemed lost in thought. While he might have appeared aloof to the casual observer, the minute tightening of his jaw and the brief flicker in his eyes revealed that he had caught Uhn Yuhn's words.

The implications, hinting at the intricate web of feelings involving Lady Minyoung, Neeria, and the crown prince, were not lost on him. He took a deep breath, and with great effort, relaxed his clenched jaw, determined not to give away his emotions.

He looked at Neeria, who was lost in thought as she watched Lady Minyoung.

While onlookers remained entertained, the crown prince's expression turned from one of surprise to puzzlement. He turned to the king, his father, questioning the sudden turn of events. "Jeonha, what is the meaning of this? This isn't customary."

The king, equally taken aback, looked toward the palace minister for an explanation.

The palace minister cleared his throat, bowing his head slightly. "Your Highness, it is believed that the crown prince has been overdue to wed. Lady Minyoung, with all due respect, is presented as a potential match. It is only fitting for the future king to consider taking a queen."

The announcement sent murmurs rippling through the crowd. The king looked perturbed, and the prince's face was a mask of shock and disbelief. Neeria, standing at a distance, felt a weight pressing down on her heart. The festivity had taken a turn none had foreseen, and the palace was abuzz with whispers and speculations.

The king's voice boomed across the courtyard, drawing the attention of every attendee. "Wasn't it Lady Minyoung who broke any alliance of marriage just last year?"

The palace minister, looking slightly uncomfortable, replied, "Indeed, Your Majesty. However, after much consideration and reflection, Lady Minyoung has expressed her wish to stand by the side of the crown prince and serve the kingdom. Presenting her now, in front of everyone, is a gesture to showcase her sincere commitment."

Veil of the Dusken Rose - #ambw  (18+)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ