Peace and Quiet, Now Until Forever

Começar do início

"I am." Loki replied definitively.

Mobius smiled softly. "Alright. Then, I should probably give you this." He shifted in his seat, taking something out of his suit jacket.

"This is a tempad." Loki said after Mobius handed it to him.

"I'm glad your eyesight is clear as ever," he joked. "But, yes. It is. I wanted you to have it. I know I can trust you enough not to do some wacky crazy stuff on the timeline with it."

A grin tugged on Loki's face. "Thank you, Mobius." He said sincerely, his eyes softening.

"No problem, Loki," replied Mobius. "Just don't forget to visit once in a while, hm? Next time you see the TVA, it'll be so much better."

"I'll hold you to that."


A knock rapped at your door.

With furrowed brows, you rose from your spot on your sofa, but not before dog-earing the page you last read on your book.

You had no peephole on your door, so you really had to greet whoever was on the other side of it.


"Norns, it's you!" You leapt into Loki's arms out of sheer surprise, tightly squeezing his sides against your body.

Loki let out a strained huff from the impact of your body colliding with his. He didn't even have time to hug you back before you pulled away, an apologetic look to your face. If he inspected closer, he would definitely see the warm blush that started to spread across your cheeks.

"Sorry." You cleared your throat bashfully. Your eyes hovered everywhere but on him.

Loki shook his head fondly. "It's alright. No harm done."

You blew out a breath before mustering up that nice and welcoming smile Loki has missed— although he would never admit it. It made his heart stretch and yearn for something far beyond his reach, and far beyond his understanding.

"It's good to have you back," you say while stepping aside, gesturing for Loki to enter your home. "I normally don't get visitors, you know."

"Oh, no?" Loki responded, silently accepting your invitation as he stepped carefully into your humble abode. It was just as cluttered as he remembered it, however, he saw that your bookshelves housed new copies of leather bound books.

"They don't usually come back after I heal them. Even if they wanted to, they wouldn't know how. Nhyra is impossibly difficult to find."

Perfect. A voice in Loki's head rang.

He sat himself down on one of your chairs, specifically the one that he sat in when you healed his wounds.

"Tea?" You offered.

"If it won't be any trouble."

You smiled. "You're lucky I'm already making some then."

When you disappeared into your kitchen, Loki found himself observantly looking around your living room. He didn't pay much attention to your little trinkets back then, but now as he observed more intently, he could see that most of your stuff honored your home realm, Alfheim.

It made Loki's chest twist and ache with an undescribable sort of pain. Perhaps, he was experiencing empathy for the first time in a while, maybe that was why he couldn't name it.

His eyes landed on the book you were reading, the one discarded on your couch before you answered the door. He saw its title.

Callon The Brave's Greatest Adventures

LOKI IMAGINESOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora