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NARRATOR: The bitter side of love has definitely taken a dark turn.

An edgy tune kicks up.

DAVE: Jealousy's a pain in the butt.

JENNA appears on screen with a cast on one leg and crutches in hand and it is evident that she is in quite a lot of pain. ALLI is looking at her with an intense stare before she suddenly pushes her down. The scene changes from the hallway of the school to the bathroom where Alli is looking into the mirror as she cries. SAV looks on with a stern countenance.

SAV: I risked so much to be with you....

A series of fast flashes of different scenes follow. CLARE looks annoyed with her escort at a formal event; ELI slams his locker with a powerful punch; MARISOL'S heavy hand lands on the desk as she wears a bitter expression; CONNOR shoves WESLEY and he falls; Clare appears on the ground outside of the school writhing with pain; Eli sits on his bed amidst an untidy and dishevelled room as he looks down in sorrow. The tune suddenly slows down until it comes to an abrupt halt.

ELI (fighting back tears): I killed you.

The screen blacks out and loud, erratic breathing is heard. With every pant the scene becomes clearer until Connor's face is seen as he looks on with terror.

CONNOR: I think I know what's going on.

The tune kicks back in.

NARRATOR: Season 12: Bitter Love. Premieres Feb. 2012. 

The tune ends.

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