A Note to the Readers

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Hello everyone,
This chapter is just to talk to yall and explain some of what's been happening with me and finishing this book.
I will delete this chapter and move it to the comments once I continue writing this book.
To explain why I haven't been writing is for two reasons.
One, is because I have been suffering a serious depression and haven't recovered from any of it. But thats just a small reason.
My second reason and the biggest is that I am disgusted to want to continue this book and not finish it because of you readers. Not all of you of course, or all I'd that's what it comes too.
Let me explain:
I'm tired of wanting to write this book if every time I open my comments I just see someone asking for the characters to have a foursome, or Fritz and Monty have sex. I've seen comments constantly and I've deleted most of them because they make me uncomfortable and feel like no ones even reading the actual book.
I've put hard time and work for people to enjoy this story with fnaf characters, but all I've seen is people crave for characters to fuck.
Not only that, but Fritz is trans, not even transitioned yet. So for people to ask me to make him have sex is uncomfortable.
I just wanna write a good love story and not have to make it sexual. And I know that's what a lot of people were looking for in this book, but I really didn't want to write any sort of smut for this story.
Especially for this kind of story.
Sure, I'll slide in bits of the characters feeling sexual tension towards eachother and talk about it with eachother. But I'm not going to write a sex chapter.
If that's all your here for, then please move onward and have a good day.
But if you are here for the actual story, then I will continue writing soon. I promise that.
I don't want to sound like I'm mean, but it feels like no one wants to just read this story for what it is anymore.
It just breaks my heart.
Thank you for understanding.

Your writer,

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2023 ⏰

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