Ch42 Apartment

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Fritz's POV:

After Monty dropped me off, I made my way up to my apartment. I loved that Monty was so open with the others about our relationship. Well, I kniw he probably told Moony already and Sunny and Moony are questioning and Roxanne is Lesbian but still, it takes alot to come out like that. I think that was really sweet of him. They were all so lovely tonight. I can't wait until we don't have to worry about anyone or anything anymore and it'll just be us. I so wish that could happen right now. I dreamt of that in my head as I made my way up to my apartment. I made it up to the door and open it to be greeted immediately by Clare in the kitchen. "Oh, hey Fritz." She greeted me, "I thought you'd show up around this time. I'm making dinner right now." She told me while she was trying something on the pan. I made my way over towards her, leaning my guitar against the wall. She caught note of that with a glance at it. "So, I noticed you were out till pretty late last night. I was gonna wait to tell you the good news but I suspected you were with your friends out somewhere. So i just passed out." She told me. "What good news?" I asked her. "Oh, just a little something. I'll tell you more about it when I get the plans down." She promised me. "Ok." I just agreed with her. She glanced at the guitar again and then cleared her throat. "You wanna explain to me what happened to the old guitar?" She asked me. That made my heart skip a beat. I didn't think she actually payed attention to the old guitars. She barely does now. "U-um..." I stuttered in fear. She smirked and rolled her eyes, "Your not in trouble, dumdum. I just wanna know what was up, that's all." She said, calming me down. "W-well, it um..." I started. I don't wanna tell her that some bullies broke it or she'll be even more upset with me. "It um... It broke. I accidently did something stupid and it broke." I told her. She sighed but didn't ask further questions about it. "So how'd you buy that one?" She asked me. I held my arm and blushed. "Heh, funny story actually." I started with a nervous chuckle, "You remember that gator boy I told you about?" "Monty?" "Yea, him. He um... He bought it for me." I told her. She seemed shocked for a second and then turned around to give me her full attention. "No shot." She said, not believing me. "No, for real. He actually did. He bought me and Riley new guitars." I told her. She was surprised. "No shit? That's fuckin awesome, Fritz!" I giggled and smiled. "Yea, it was very sweet of him." "Tell me that you atleast kissed the guy after he gave you it." She joked. I kinda forgot that I haven't told her yet about... Ye'know. So maybe nows a good time to tell her. "Well, about that..." I started off with a nervous laugh. "Wait. Wait wait wait. Are you about to tell me what I think your about to tell me?" She started off. I blushed madly now. "M-Maybe." I stuttered again, "I may have three boyfriends now." I told her. She gasped in joy. "No fucking way, Firtz!! I'm so proud of you!" She squeeled, hugging me tightly. I giggled and hugged her back. "T-Thanks." I thanked her. After a minute, she pulled away and jumped in joy. "So did you ask them out or did one of them?" She asked immediately. "Monty did, actually. He um... He bought Riley and technically Glam and me a guitar after ours broke and then after he did that, he just took a deep breath and confessed his feeling to us. It was probably the sweetest thing I've ever heard in the entire world. I just hugged him immedieatly and said yes. Same with Riley and Glam. Then last night, we all went out to dinner together to talk about our feeling for eachother and vent about our past lives to understand one another." I told her. "Thats so god damn cute Fritz! I am literally so proud of you!" She said, giving me a wonderful smile. I just giggled, "Thank you. I'm really excited for this relationship too." "So, have you kissed them yet?" She asked me. "Um... kinda. I kissed Monty and Riley on the cheek so far. I haven't kissed Glam yet but I will for sure tomorrow. I kinda wish we could all just form into two people and kiss for a first kiss thing. I don't think there's a 'group kiss thing' that we could do. But I don't know. I just don't wanna do seperate first kisses. If thar makes any sense." I said. Clare just giggled, "Your too cute Fritz. How are they all doing?" "Great now. Well, sorta. Montys parents are homophobic and are straight up rude to him and Riley has some dad issues at home. He wants to move out as soon as he hits his birthday next week. But Glams doing ok. Other than him being extremely emotional like me, he's doing ok. His adopted parents are super supportive and caring so they might not be homophobs. Hopefully." I explained to her. "Hows Monty been after that party incident? It's been about a week since you've informed me about it." She told me. "Hes been... Upset about it. Montys very insecure about himself and he blames everything on himself too, so he's been apologizing to me about a hundred times a day." I exaggerated, "Montys slipped up with some of the others too so he's been at that... I wouldn't say depression state or anything but intense anxiety. I wouldn't know how to explain it. But yesterday was that peek and now hes happier than ever." I explained to her. "Oh poor Monty. I'm happy he has you now. Your a great kid Fritz. I know you'll make him happier than ever." She told me. I giggled, "Thank you." I thanked her. "Have you told them about your... Ye'know." She started, turning back towards what she was cooking. "Past?" I asked her. She nodded. "I um... I have. But I havent told them about... Ye'know... Who I really am. I just think they wouldn't love me if I told them. Ye'know? And I'm trying really hard to fix myself too..." "Fritz, your gonna have to tell them eventually. And if your gonna want surgery when your eighteen, they have to know. But for now you just need to tell them who you really are so they can fully trust you." Clare told me. "Yea. Your right. I'm just so scared because they all view me as.... well, me. Same with the band we have. But I don't want to just, shatter everything and make everything awkward." "Fritz. Who you are don't have to make things awkward. And I'm sure they'd understand what you want and what your doing. At some point, come out to them about it. If you haven't told them this, then you haven't given them the full story about yourself." Clare told me. "I know, I know. I'll try soon. For you, ok?" I told her. She smiled. "Thank you, Fritz. Now go sit at the table. Foods almost ready." I nodded and made my way over towards the dinning table with a soft smile on my face. I didn't like the last bit of that conversation but Clare's right. I need to stay positive about all of this and tell them it. Maybe I'll do that tomorrow. "Oh and Fritz!" She called across the room. I turned around and called back. "Tell your boyfriends that me casa es su casa!" She said, meaning "my home is your home." "Thanks Clare! I will!!" I told her. "And tell Riley that as soon as he's sixteen, he's allowed to crash here as long as he wants!" She called out again. I smiled and felt my heart warm up. "Thank you Clare!" I thanked her. "What ever makes my Fritzie happy!" He said with a little laugh after. I sat down at the table and pulled out my phone. I'll tell everyone the good news tomorrow and talk to them about my... little thing. But for now, I'm gonna just be happy. I opened up our groupchat and saw some text message from Glam and the others. I opened it:

Glam: Good night my loves!♡♡♡ I love you!!!
Monty: Night loves!
Riley: Love you too! Goodnight

I giggled at the text and texted back.

Fritz: I love you too my sweet loves! Goodnight♡

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