Ch44 Argument

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Montys POV:

It's lunch time. I missed a couple minutes of it while finishing a test I one hundred percent didn't know about nor studied for. But hopefully my loves are still at the usual spot. Man would I love to tell them about my dumbass day so far. And it's Tuesday. So that means that I won't have journalism class with Fritz today. But anyway, I was walking down the hallway to make it to the courtyard. Nothing insane was really happening in the halls. I think it was some club day or something. I'm not sure. As I continued my walk, I finally spotted something in the corner of my eye. Straight to my left, I saw the Gator Crew. More like the Dickhead Crew. None of them noticed me except DJ. He glanced up and spotted me. He gave me an odd stare and then turned away so no one else would notice. I rolled my eyes and just walked away. I don't wanna deal with the idiots over there. But of course, I stopped not even halfway down the hall. "Monty!" I heard DJ's voice from behind me. I sighed and stopped. I turned around and saw him quickly walk up to me. "What the fuck could you possibly want." I groaned when he approached me. "Dude, what the hell happened at the football game?" He asked, actually concerned. "What? The others didn't tell you their fucked up plan?" "They told me you fucked up or something. They said you were fucked up because of that bunny and then you clawed his face." That made my heart skip a beat. "They're fucking stupid. Same with you." I growled at him. "Monty, I wasn't there. I told them I was gonna be late because of work.-" "So you buy their shit?" "Monty, I'm worried, mate. What the fuck happened?" He demanded, once again. I rolled my eyes. "Your dumbass friends held a knife to Riley's throat." I told him. He didn't respond. He just let me continue, "They pushed him around, again. Threatened him, again. Hurt him, again. Then I showed up, shut that shit down and punched Ron in the fucking face. Then Riley ran off and I... I fucked up. But we solved the problem and he's fine. But your dumbass friends fucked up. You don't understand how fucking broken he was after that night, DJ. He-" I cut myself off when I spotted the other gator crew walking over towards us. "Shit." I growled under my breath. DJ noticed and remained silent. "DJ! Why the hell you talking to this faggot?" Ron called over as they approached us. DJ said nothing. I looked at Ron and noticed his black eye. Man, I really fucked that guy up. "Well, look who we have here. The fag himself." Ron said looking at me. I huffed, "Hows the eye, bitch?" I argued. "Fine, hows your boyfriends scar, huh?" Ron argued back. I didn't answer that one. "You think no one saw you scratch the fucker when you ran away, huh?" He continued. I remained silent. I just crossed my arms. "The dogs saw you scratch the kid. And saw him run off crying too. They said they heard you panicking and calling out for him. So dramatic." Aiden said. I wasn't gonna say shit about that. People saw me fuck up, I don't care. They can call me whatever and say whatever about me. But I ain't gonna let them shit on my boyfriend. "Those dogs can go fuck themselves. Same with you. None of you understand how fucked up he is. That scratch ment nothing. He's fine." I told them. "Uh huh. You give him head or something after for an apology?" Lex joked making the others laugh. "Hey, stop harrassin the guy. Yall fucked up too." DJ defended me. I was shocked. "You dumbasses held a knife up to his throat." DJ told them. "The faggot needed to know his place. People like him are the reason why this world is fucked. And Monty is just another victim." Kai said. That pissed me the fuck off. "Him being gay is not wrong at all. He's a normal fucking kid with a normal heart. He does nothing wrong. Who the fuck cares if he's gay? He does nothing wrong and hurts no one." I argued with them. "But look at you now Monty. He changed you into a fucking faggot.-" "Go fuck yourself Ron. The kid didn't make me anything. I changed myself. I don't give to shits if I'm a faggot or anything.-" "Thats because your already a failure Monty. You've let yourself become a failure. And now here you are, a disgusting freak." Ron barked back at me. I'm not doing this. I don't care what they do. I can just walk away. But they'll just push Riley around if I don't do anything. If I argue, I can shit them down. But that'll make me a target, and who knows what they'd do. I need to make a choice. I thought for a moment. But finally, I made my choice. I'm shutting this shit down. I need to hit him back with a strong argument against Ron to brake his defense. I can't let him break me down though. He can easily break me down if I give him the opportunity. So I have to play this right. I let him start off first. "You're just a dumb gay ass gator. I can't believe that someone like you out of everyone here would let some faggot change you into a pussy." He started off. I argued back about the situation with him and Riley, "Oh, says the guy that started flirting with him first for some head. If anyone's more of a pussy, it's your dumbass." Point one to me. "Like you weren't jealous that I was flirting with your boyfriend." He joked back. I barked back with an insult, "Could never be jealous. It's just sad to see that your so single and lonely that your last resort is to flirt with other boys." Point two for me. "I...You..." He started stuttering. "Awe, what? Run out of things to say?" Point three for me. He just threw his hands up. "I'm not doing this. Fuck you, Monty." He said before quickly stomping away. I just chuckled to myself. DJ stayed next to me. "We're gonna have a talk about this later." DJ told me. I rolled my eyes. "Whatever. See ya." I said, now leaving the building and DJ. I won. Take that you dumbass gator. Ron can go fuck himself. I smiled to myself as I continued towards the courtyard. But sadly, the bell rang. That made my heart drop. I was too late to see my loves. Fuck... I sighed and turned back around to go to my next class. Before I continued though, I pulled out my phone to text everyone about my absence.

Monty: Hey loves. I'm sorry I wasn't with you guys during lunch. I got distracted and I'm really sorry.

I hate having to send that. I just walked to my next class. I shouldnt have argued with Ron. Fucking prick deserved it though. And I shut his bitch ass down. But still, I didn't get to see my baby's. I made it into my next class and sat down before taking my phone out. It was from our groupchat. Please don't be upset. Please please please!

Glam: It's ok Monty!
Riley: Yea. Your all good. We'll see you at practice!

I smiled and chuckled to myself.

Monty: Ok, I love you guys
Riley: Love you more, gator boy
Glam: Love you too Montieboo

I smiled to the texts. Right when I was about to turn my phone off though, I got a text message from Fritz.

Fritz: Hey Monty?
Monty: Yea? What's up?
Fritz: Could we talk at you car after school?
Monty: Um sure. Is something wrong?
Fritz: No... Maybe... Depends on how you take it.
Monty: Is it... is it about us?
Fritz: No. Its um... Its about me...
Monty: Oh.
Fritz: It's about me in general. But it depends on how you take it. That's why I wanna talk to you about it in person. I already told Glam and Riley.
Monty: Well ok. I'll talk to you then babe. Love ya.

I was about to turn my phone off again until I thought about that nickname.

Monty: Your ok if I say babe right?
Fritz: Lol. Yea. It's pretty cute.
Monty: Ok cool. I just don't wanna call you something girly if you aren't a girl. Ye'know.

He didn't respond to that.

Fritz: I love you my gaytor boy
Monty: I love you too my sweet fox. I'll see you after school.

I turned my phone off and laid my head down. I love that fox. I wonder what he wants to talk about. Hopefully it's nothing super serious about him. Well, I want to hear his problems but I don't want him to think there's something wrong with himself. He's too beautiful to be a bad person. Ah, what am I thinking. I just leaned forward and listened to the class that now started. Hopefully he's ok.

The Lovers Connection (Monty X Freddy X Bonnie X Foxy)Where stories live. Discover now