Ch16 Talk

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Montys POV:

I woke up a little early in the morning to a somewhat achie body. Didn't feel as sick as last night and my head wasn't pounding so my mind was finally clear. I thought about what happened last night. I was so lost. And Fritz... Fuck. Why'd that have to happen? And why did he have to go through it? This whole thing is bullshit. And now he probably thinks there's something wrong with me. Ugh. This whole thing is so stupid. I woke up and immediately went to stretch but noticed that Fritz slept with me last night. He was still in my arms. I blushed madly. I didn't even have a shirt on either. But I also didn't want to let go of him. He seemed so sad in his sleep and his ears were down. But holding him felt so lovely. I sighed and just rested my head on his. I closed my eyes again. I didn't sleep but I just dreamt of what happened last night in my head again like it was a movie. Fritz had to fight a guy. He kicked his ass though, which was pretty hot, not gonna lie. I really hope he doesn't think I got wasted or something. Fuck high school partys. And fuck that Kaelen bitch. Trying to use me. Disgusting. After a while, I decided to scoot away. Carefully released him and then removed his arms around me slowly. He looked like an angel in his sleep. A sweet little angel. God I wish I could kiss him. But I've already fucked up enough. If I even wanted to do something like that, it would feel wrong. Those birds are gonna bully him because of me. Like I've ruined his whole life. God fucking damn it! Why do I always fuck shit up? I turned away from him and sighed. I had my arms propped up on my legs. I just sat there for a moment before rubbing my eyes. After I finished, I saw my phone on the coffee table. I reached over and grabbed it. I turned it on and my heart jumped. My notifications were filled with texts from Glam, Riley, and the band. And one from my dad. I opened up Glam's text first.

12 am:
Glam: Monty? Is everything ok? Fritz said something was wrong.
12:10 am:
Glam: Monty, I'm really worried. Please text me if you're ok
12:23 am:
Glam: Fritz won't answer his phone. Please tell me you are ok. And please call me and tell me if Fritz is ok too
12:30 am:
Glam: I still haven't gotten you to pick up and I'm really really scared Monty. Please check your phone, I wanna know your safe

My heart burned when I read his messages. He was so scared. Worried. And I didn't say anything. I guess Fritz told them the situation. Actually, how the fuck did Fritz know something was wrong? Ugh, doesn't matter. I need to text my baby.

8 am:
Monty: Hey Glam, I'm so sorry about what happened last night. So much shit happened and Fritz put me first before his safety. Everything was fucked. I'm so sorry. But we're both ok. I swear.

I didn't know how to respond to him. He was so heartbroken. And Riley...

12:10 am:
Riley: Monty please call me
12:15 am:
Riley: Monty please call. I'm really worried. I can run down there if you need help. Just please tell me where you are and if you're ok.

His text messages continued. I sent him the same thing that I sent Glam. Oh my sweet loves, I'm so sorry. I looked at the band's group chat and saw more messages.

12 am:
Glam had added Riley and Fritz to the group chat

Glam: Hey we have a problem!!!
Moony: What? It's midnight mate
Glam: Fritz texted us that Monty might be hurt
Roxy: what?
Glam: Fritz said something was wrong at this party Monty went to and he might be hurt. Nor him or Monty are texting me now and I'm really scared.
Krista: He's probably high as fuck or something. It's a dumb high school party. So they're gonna do illegal shit until they dropped dead.
Glam: But that's not my Monty. He'd never do that. He's not dumb.
Riley: Fritz won't text me. I'm really worried, Glam
Glam: I know, me too. Let's just hope that Fritz is with him and they are both ok.

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