Ch21 Emotional

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Montys POV:

I'm so sorry my baby Fritz. You don't deserve this. I left the school quickly and started scanning for Fritz. Fritz was no where to be seen. He dissappeared after the incident. Fuck. I need to fix this. I fidnt know what to do so I started towards my car. I made my way towards my car in sorrow but as I made it to it, u saw Glam leaned up on the side of my car, waiting for me. He had his bag on and his broken guitar in his other hand. He needed to talk. Like I said before, Glams sometimes emotional so he needs someone to talk to. But we're both having the same problem so I don't know how this is gonna work out. I took a deep breath and walked over towards the car. He spotted me but didn't give me his usual little wave. I made my way up to him. "Do you have time to talk? Like, you don't need to be at work at any time right?" He asked me with a worry. "No. I ain't got it today. So we can talk as long as you want." I told him. He tried to smile but couldn't. He hopped in the car and I hopped in too. He threw is broken guitar in the back and sighed. We just sat there in silence. No words or nothing. I didnt like the silence, "So... Do you want me to take you home too?" I asked him. He hummed in response. Then it went quiet again. Then he spoke, "He threw his guitar away." He started, "Hes really hurt about this, Monty. Im really scared." I sighed. "I know he did. I took it out of the trash and I have it. I just... I know hes upset about it but he shouldnt just throw it away yet." I explained. Glam looked releved that I kept it but then his face turned back to broken. "I dont know what to do, Monty." I understood what he ment. "I... I cant really think of anything. I dont want Fritz to start getting bullied by those guys. He doesnt deserve it. He's too sweet. And I cant just tell him to go tell a teacher or anything because-" "Because this school wont do anything." I finished his sentace. He agreed with me. "I just dont want him to start getting bullied now because of something he didnt even mean to do." Glam said. That flipped my switch. "And Its all my fucking fault." I complained. Glam didnt respond. "He wouldnt be in this situation if I wouldnt have gone to that dumb ass fucking party and got fucking drugged. None of this would be happening if he didnt show up because he was worried about me. Its my fucking fault hes in this fucking dumbass fucking situation. And I could've fucking helped but my fucking dumbass got distracted and now hes fucking hurting and-" I stopped myself. I was doing it again. I sighed and placed my head in my hands. "Sorry, I didnt mean to raise my voice." I appologized to him. "Its ok, Monty. Your just stressed again." Glam said. I sat up. "I know I know." I said. Im emotional. Shocker. But not emotional like sad emotional. I get a stress kind of emotional where I feel way to stressed out and cant think. Its hard for me to control it. Thats why Glam like to talk to me. He knows how to help me with those situations. "I dont blame you for feeling that way." Glam said. "I know. I just hate it when I flip out like that." I said. "Its ok, Monty." "No its not Glam. I shouldnt be acting like that." "BUt you havent been like that in awhile so maybe your getting better about it." Glam said. "Heh. I'm tryin. I just... I hate how agressiv I am..." "Its ok Monty. We're still working through it. You'll get better soon about it." Glam ensured with his sweet loving voice. I sighed again. "Hopefully." I corrected him. "And... Its not your fault he's getting pushed around by those birds now." "But it is, Glam. He wouldnt be being pushed around by them if I would've tooken care of myself and actually thought shit through. Now hes hurt." I said. "Even if it is Monty, he wants to look past that. I know that for sure. I know he doesnt want to blame you. Because you didnt do anything wrong." Glam said. I didnt respond. "I just... I dont know how to help Fritz about this. I cant even help myself when I get pushed around by the dogs or birds. Im just scared he wont be ok." Glam said. I wanted to say that I could help him but then I remembered that bruse on Rileys neck from this morning. I didnt want to scare Glam but I needed to tell him my thoughts. "I want to help him Glam but... I think Rileys hurting too..." I said. "What do you mean?" He asked scared. "I think... I think something bad is happening to Riley. This morning he had this big bruse on his neck that he was trying to hide with his hood and I could tell something was wrong. And its not from like a 'oh I fell and hit myself' kind of wound, I think someone punched him." I explained. Glam gasped, "Was it the dogs or something?" He asked. "No. He said it wasnt but it sounded like he slipped and didnt want to tell me that. I think somethings wrong with him Glam. I just dont know what to do now Glam. Fritz is broken in peices now and something terrible is happening to Riley and he wont tell me..." Glam didnt respond for a moment. "I dont know what to do either." He said. It went quiet for a moment until he finally figured something out. "Maybe... Maybe we could work together?" Glam said. That caught my attention. "Hm?" I hummed. I knew what he ment but I wanted his explaination. "I mean... I know how to cope with feelings as such and you know how to protect people and care for them so maybe they just need someone to care for them. Ye'know what I mean?" He said. I was confused and could'nt really catch on. He just continued on, "Like... We help Fritz together and find out what Rileys situation is and then solve it. Like a team." Now I get it. "Like how we helped Roxy with her depresstion and how we helped Krista with her emotional problems." I said, talking about last year during Christmas. "Yea. like that. Fritz is new and hes soft so as long as nothing bad happens to him now then we can help him be happy again." Glam said. My heart dropped. I remembered his second incident with his book and whatnot earlier. I didnt say anything about it though. "And we can work up with Riley till we can save him from his problems too. Ye'know. Just like how we worked up with Roxys problem and Kristas problem." He said. "I thought you didnt know what to do." I joked. "Well... I ment just me..." He said. "Then lets hope we can do this right then." I said, now starting the car. "We just need to make sure nothing else bad happens to them and we should be ok." He said. I didnt respond to that. "You'd tell me if something bad happened right?" Glam asked. Goddammit why would you ask that question. I didnt want to tell him about the book situation with Fritz because then that would scare him. I dont want to scare him. "Of course." I lied. "You promise?" "I promise." He gave me a smile and I started driving. I dont want to lie to him but I dont want him to be scared and cry about poor Fritz and know that I let it happen because I left him. Fuck. I brushed the thought out of my head and just drove him home. A few minutes later, I pulled up to Glams house and he grabbed his stuff and got read to get out. But then he turned around and gave me a hug across from the seat. I hugged h im back with a mad blush on my face. "Thanks for the talk Monty. I really needed it." He said with a now somewhat happier tone. I smiled and then he released. He hopped out and said his goodbyes and then rushed over towards his house. He had his bag on and everything but he forgot his guitar. I looked back and grabbed I but before I could call out to him, I saw a sticky note on it. I took it off and read it. It read: Hey, could you throw this away for me? I just dont want my parents to see it broken and I dont wanna see it anymore. Thanks, From Glam. I sighed and crumbled up the sticky note and threw it aside. Im not throwing it away. I cant and I wont. Even if its broken. I looked out the window to see him go inside and I sighed. I'll make things right for you my love. I have to.

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