Ch14 Party

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Montys POV:

Todays Saturday. I went, got the drinks, got the cooler, and got everything else I needed for that party. It's around 9 pm. I haven't done anything today except homework and video games. But that's about it. I'm pretty addicted to video games. Anyways, It's party time. I left my room, didn't say shit to my mom that was home, and went outside. The cooler with the beer was on the ground next to my car so I grabbed it and threw it in my car. Then, my phone buzzed. I hopped in my car and checked to see what it was. It was glam in the group chat with the band.

Glam: Hey guys?
Monty: What
Glam: This is about the thing Monty
Monty: Oh yea
Krista: What thing?
Roxy: Let me guess. You got a band name? You bombed someone's house? Glam and Monty are leaving the band? Lmao Jkjk
Moony: What's up?
Glam: So um... Monty and I were thinking right? And we wanted to ask you guys... If maybe... You'd be ok... If Riley and Fritz joined the band? Just a thought.
Monty: I thought it'd be cool to have them too because Riley could play lead guitar because it's difficult for Glam to play and sing and Fritz could play bass with Krista and he could be a backup singer
Sunny: I think... That's a wonderful idea!!!
Moony: That'd be cool
Roxy: Ohhhh!!! That's a great idea!!!
Krista: Two new cuties to the band!
Glam: Really! Alright! Monty and I will text them both!

The next thing I know, Glam makes a group chat with him, Riley, Fritz, and I

Glam; Hi guys!
Fritz: Hello
Riley: Hello
Glam: So... Monty and I had a little idea. And the others were ok with it sooo...
Monty: We wanna invite you guys to the band.
Glam: And you don't have to join if you don't wanna. But we just thought you two did so well so maybe...

There were no messages for a moment.

Riley: Sure. Why not give it a shot?
Glam: Yay!!! What about you Fritz?
Fritz: Um... I don't know. I'd love to but I'm also scared to
Glam: Why? We're all your friends and we're here to back you up
Fritz: No it's not that. I'm Scoptophobic.
Riley: it's alright Fritz. Remember what I told you? Don't focus on the crowd, focus on us like your playing for us.
Fritz: I know... But it's still difficult yeknow
Monty: It'll be alright Fritz. We'll help ya get comfortable and figure out a way around it so you're happy

I blushed sending that text.

Fritz: Ok. Alright. Let's do it. I'm in
Glam: Yay!!! We can practice a little tonight if you guys want. And maybe we can practice on your backup singing Fritz

My heart dropped reading that. I... shit now I gotta make a decision. Go to the party or practice with my sweet boys. Fuck. I already bought the drinks and everything though. Shit. I'm sorry my loves.

Monty: Sorry, I can't. I got that party tonight
Glam: Oh shot. I forgot. Maybe tomorrow or something then
Monty: Sure. I'll be open to do it whenever you guys want then
Riley: Ok, have fun at your party Monty

I turned my phone off and sighed. Welp, now I'm upset again. But it's for the Gator gang. I started my car and started my drive towards the party. It wasn't too far from the high school we go to. And I'm pretty sure this place is a rich kids' place so the inside and back yard is gonna be huge. I'm kinda excited to go. See what kinda shit can go down with dumbass high schoolers. I drove past the high school and then pulled up near the house. There were neon lights of green and purple outside and loud ass music playing while the lights inside were all a soft orange. The place was packed. Cars everywhere. Crazy ass party. Can't wait to lose my shit here. I was about to get out of my car after I parked it but I checked my phone. Fritz texted me. I probably didn't hear the buzz from me blasting loud ass music in the car. I checked it.

The Lovers Connection (Monty X Freddy X Bonnie X Foxy)Where stories live. Discover now