Ch45 Proud

274 10 16

Montys POV:

The bell rang and class ended. I was walking through the parking lot towards my car. I wonder what Fritz wants. Hopefully he's ok. I don't want my sweetheart to be... I can't think about that now. I just need to talk to him. I continued my walk until I finally made it to my car. I spotted Fritz leaned up against the hood, hugging himself and looking down. His ears were down and his tail was tucked under his legs. He was truly scared about something. Poor thing. I hope he's ok. I walked over and right when I got up to him, he jumped and looked up. "Holy- Monty you scared me. Sorry I zoned out." He said. "Your fine. What's up?" I asked him as I leaned up against the hood next to him. He looked down and took a deep breath. This is super serious. "Hey, take your time if you need to talk about it Frtiz. Just, go slow and I'll understand." I tried to confort him. It sounded better in my head. He shut his eyes and let his body relax more. Or well, try to. He made a sad little whine and hugged himself tighter. I wanted him to feel confertable if he was this scared to talk to me. "Hey, we can sit in the car if you'd like. I don't want you to feel unconfertable." I told him. He took a second before he just nodded. We walk towards the back doors of my car and hopped in the back seats. I closed my door, he closed his. Then it was just us. Silence filled the car. I sat up ok the seat and turned to fave him as he did the same but laid his legs down on the seat. I just looked up into his sad eyes avoiding me. "Monty?" He asked for my attention. I remained silent. "Monty I'm... I'm..." He struggled to say. But finally, he let it out, "Im Trans Male, Monty." My heart skipped a beat. I felt my my body almost weaken when he said that. "I should've told you sooner. I'm so sorry. I was just so scared and I didn't want to lose you.-" I quickly cut him off by grabbing his hands. He went silent. He was crying in fear. I didn't understand. I didn't know much about this. But I did ask one thing, "Does that mean your not a boy?" He didn't answer. Just looked aside. I guess that answers my question. I let go of his hands to try and hug him but as soon as I let go, I guess I scared him. He probably thought I didn't like him anymore. But I still loved him. I cupped both of his cheeks and looked him in the eyes as he did to me. "Fritz, I wouldn't care if you were a boy, girl, non-binary, a fuckin attack hellocopter, I would love you no matter who you were. Your my baby." I told him. He looked down and a soft smile went over his face. He moved his hands up and pulled mine away to hug me. I just hugged him back. "Your sure you ok with me being Trans?" Fritz asked me again. "Of course I am, sweetheart." I told him. He took a deep breath and pulled away from the hug. He leaned back, still hugging me, but leaned back to face me. "I'm sorry. I was just so scared of telling you..." "Fritz, it's ok. I get it. I know I've said some things, but you can be whoever you want and I won't care. Your you, Fritz." He smiled after I said that. "Thanks Monty." He thanked me. I still had some questions though. This is brand fucking new news to me. "So... Your a female, correct?" I asked. He nodded. I looked at his face and chuckled. "Well, I can say that you one hundred percent look like a guy right now." I told him. He giggled. "Thank you, I try my hardest." He replied. "So..." I asked him as I looked at his body. Hopefully he didn't take it weirdly or anything. "Do you have something to... I guess, flatten your chest? Or is you chest just flat?" I asked him. He giggled, "Im just flat. No boobs in sight." He joked. "And your name?" I asked next. "My real name is Fritz. It's a unisex name. But when I was born, my parents didn't come up with a name on the spot so my mom asked Clare for some suggestions and Fritz was one of the names she picked. Out of the other names, I don't know exactly why my mom would want to call her little girl Fritz." He told me. "Well, I'm happy she did. Fritz is such a peaceful name. And such a badass name." I told him. He giggled and thanked me. "Just as bad ass when I kicked that bird guys ass at that party?" "Ha! So fucking hot." We both laughed. After awhile, we finally calmed ourselves and looked back into eachothers eyes. "So, have you told the others yet?" I asked him. "During lunch today. I was gonna wait until you got there but... I was really scared and couldn't hold it in anymore." He told me, "Im sorry I hid it from you guys for so long. I really shouldn't have." "Baby, it's ok. I'm proud of you for coming out to me now. That means the world to me Fritz." I told him. A clear blush burned on his cheeks. "I love you my sweet gator boy." He told me, cupping one of my cheeks and rubbing it with his thumb. "And I love you, my adorable little foxy boy." I told him. He then hugged me again. I just hugged him back and pet the back of his head. He purred softly as I pet him. God it was so sweet. I felt my heart melt heating it. God what a sweet boy he is. I could hold him like this for ever. But, we released after awhile. Fritz looked past me to see the school bus's leaving the parking lot. "Shit, the bus's left." Fritz complained. "Hey, it's fine. We're both going to the same place anyway. We'll just swing by your place, grab your guitar, and then head over to Roxys." I told him. "You don't have work?" He asked. "Nope. Wasn't called in today or anything so I'm good." I told him. "Alright, then we could do that." He told me. I released him completely now and hopped in the front of my car and he hopped in the passanger seat. I started the car and we got ready to drive. "Um, Monty?" He asked me. "Yea?" I replied. "Do you think Riley and Glam would like to do a bond thing?" I was confused. "A bond thing?" I asked him. "Like a ring, necklace, bracelet, like a promise ring." He explained to me. "Oh, um. We could do something like that. I would have to take off one of my biker rings to do that though." I said. "We can do a bracelet if you want." He told me. "We'll decide together. But in my opinion, a ring and a bracelet would be cute." I told him as I started the drive. He went silent and leaned back in his seat. I had an idea though. "Now to think of it." I started as I took off one of my long biker rings I had on. "You can have my ring. It'll make you look like a bad ass." I told him as I held the ring out to him. He joyfully took it and slipped it on his index finger. "Thanks Monty." He thanked me, "I've never really mentioned how much I love your rings." "Really? Most of them I just thought looked hella bad ass." "Well I love how hella bad ass they look." He told me. That made me smile. I turned on the radio and we continued the drive to Fritz's apartment.

(Happy pride month!!!)

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