Ch40 Heart

265 11 2

Montys POV:

I pulled up to the side of Roxannes house and parked my car. I hopped out and made my way towards her garage. I took a peek in to see who was already here and it was just Moony, Roxanne, Sunny and Krista. I smiled and made my way up. The first one to spot me was Krista. "Hey Monty!" Everyone greeted me. "Hey dudes, what's been happenin?" I asked them as I stopped infront of them. They took a second to respond before Roxanne decided to talk, "So is everything ok with you and Riley?" She asked. It took a second to click in my mind what she was talking about. "Oh, um... We're all good now. I fixed stuff. I just... I let my anxiety take control of me and slashed him in anger. I never ment it at all. But its ok now. I fixed everything. I swear." I told them. "I knew you would Monty. Your too good to be mean." Sunny said, relieved of the situation. "I told you it was fine. We literally had a long call about it." Moony said. "I just wanted to hear his side of the story. Just incase." Roxanne said. "How'd ya fix it?" Krista asked me. I rubbed the back of my head. "With a um... A couple of things." I started, "I fixed their guitar situation, I fixed Fritz's destroyed book and... I did a little something else for them too." I said, with a nervous chuckle just thinking about it. Moony just gave me a side smile. "What else did you do?" Sunny asked, hella interested. I chuckled, "I'll tell you when they get here." I said, walking into the garage to find my drum set. "I bet you they fucked." Krista joked towards Roxanne. Roxanne just laughed and I chuckled to myself. I walked over to my drum set and started to set it up again. We keep my drums at Roxannes place because there is literally no point in taking it with me everywhere. As I was setting everything up though, I looked back up at the others and asked, "So we ever figure out a name at all?" They all turned to me. "Ha. Nope." Krista said. "Can't figure out anything. Some things are already taken, somethings are just too bland, and some of them just seem too complicated for a name." Moony explained more into depth. I rolled my eyes. "Maybe when the others get here, we can talk more about a name. Maybe even do outfits too." I said, looking specifically at Sunny. That made him smile. "Alright! Sounds like a plan!" He said, keeping his bright smile on his face. I smiled too. Then out of the corner of my eye, I saw Riley walking over towards the garage. He had his guitar on his back and a soft little smile on his face. Along with his scar I made. The others caught notice from him and immediately gasped seeing his face. "Holy shit Riley! Your face!" Krista called out to him. Riley immediately turned to embarrassment and looked slightly down. "Heh, yea. About that..." He started as he stopped infront of them. I got up from what I was doing and made my way over. "Monty did this shit to you!? I thought it was just a scratch. Jesus christ, Riley..." Roxanne panicked. I didn't want to say anything. I wanted him to tell them. Well, mainly cause they wouldn't listen to me. "N-n-no. He didn't mean to. He didn't mean to. He just..." Riley looked past them towards me I just avoided eye contact and looked down. He went back to explaining, "He slipped up, yes, but he never ment to do it. He let his anxiety take over and he hurt me by accident. Just so much shit was happening last night that he was so on the edge that I guess when I called him a pussy and yelled at him... I guess that broke him. But he made up for it. He helped me and then," He continued before pulling the guitar I bought him from behind his back, "He bought me this." He finished. They were amazed by the guitar. Completely fazed by it. "Holy shit! He bought you this for an apology?" Roxanne asked him. Riley looked back at me again. "I guess so, yea. It was very sweet of him to do so." He confessed. Roxanne and Sunny looked at me. Roxanne seemed questioning and Sunny seemed proud of me. Two Completely different moods. "Hi guys!" I heard a voice shout from behind Riley. I glanced over his shoulder while they all turned around and we saw Glam and Fritz walk up to them. Fritz did a cute little wave. The others greeted them back. "Did Monty actually buy you a guitar too?" Krista asked Fritz immediately. "Oh, um... Yea. He did actually." Fritz pulled out the guitar from his back and showed them. They were stunned once again. "What the fuck dude?!" Krista asked herself, stunned. Fritz just chuckled as they examined the guitar. "Theres no shot you were just willingly bought them like four hundred dollar guitars." Roxanne said, trying to figure out if this is real or not. I made my way around the band towards Glam, Riley and Fritz. "Well I did. One, to fix shit that should've never been broken, and two, for... another reason." I said as I stopped in-between my lovers. "Ok, what the fuck is going on with you four? Yall keep on say there's another reason." Krista demanded. "Maybe Montys just being nice. Who knows?" Sunny said. I could tell Moony was looking at me knowing exactly why. I glanced at my three loves next to me and then looked back. Looks like we're doing this. Or me technically. "Sunny, Moony, Roxy, Krista. The main reason ive done all of this is because I felt something with these three boys. And now, I am coming out and tell you all that..." I took a deep breath and then confessed, "We are all in a polyamorous relationship." I said. There was a mixed reaction reaction between the crowd. Sunny gasped and smiled a cute bright smile, Moony just gave us a smile because he already knew, Roxannes eyes widened, and Krista, seemed jumped in joy. "No way! Really?! That's adorable!" Sunny cheered. "Are yall for real?" Roxanne asked. I just gave her a nod. She smiled and laughed, "Thats fucking awesome you guys!" "Wait wait wait. You're telling me, that all four of you, are dating?" Krista asked us. Glam took me and Fritz's hands and held them as Riley grabbed Fritz's other free hand and we all held eachother. "Gay and proud!" Glam cheered with a bright smile on his face. I chuckled and Riley and Fritz giggled. "That is fucking amazing! I'm so happy for you four." Krista cheered too. "Thanks you guys." Glam thanked them. "When the fuck did Monty come out as gay? I never knew this?" Roxanne jumped in joy. "Well..." Monty started. "We haven't figured that out yet. Montys still questioning himself." Fritz cut in for me. I'm happy he did cause this woulda been an awkward conversation for me. "Thats still super cute you guys. I'm really happy for you four." Krista said. Glam just thanked her again with a smile. "Anyway, we need to get to practicing. Especially if we want Fritz and Riley to play with us on Friday." I told everyone, glancing over at Fritz and Riley. They gave me cute little smiles and I just returned them. "Alright then, let's get this shit started!" Krista sang as she turned around to go grab her guitar. Everyone else split off too and my love and I released each other's hands and split off too. I'm happy they all support us. Well, obviously they would but I'm happy they weren't weirded out about all four of us being in a relationship together. And now that we have that done, we can be open with ourselves around the band. Which is awesome. Anyway, we had practice to do. Glam got up to his microphone and stood next to Roxanne and Riley, who now had the lead, and Fritz stood next to Riley and Krista next to Roxanne. I was near the back but next to Fritz. Now that theirs six of us playing, maybe this will be easier than before. Sunny stood out in front of us and taught us the notes and whatnot to play around with first. Riley and Fritz were new to this so we all worked around with them first mainly. Taught them the ropes of everything. I think it was cute that they were learning together. I could just imagine them up on the stage together, playing their hearts out with Glammy up front. How adorable it would be. But of course, I remembered Fritz's phobia and then turned to sorrow. Almost forgot he had that. Hopefully we can figure out a solution soon for that. I thought more into that. He seems fine with us though. Ye'know, the band and all. I think putting him in a different spot on the stage where he won't really be stared at will be a good idea. Like, I'll be in the back a little so maybe him next to me will get him less stares from the crowd. Unless he'd like to be noticed more. Then that's his discussion. Riley could probably keep his hopes up too, he did it before and he felt confertable playing in front of us. And he still has to practice singing with Glam for back up. Maybe we can do that later or something. If he's confertable atleast. Riley will be fine I think. Hopefully he won't feel too much stress on his shoulders when he goes up on stage. And we need to figure out outfits for them. Shit. We don't even know what we're wearing ourselves. Hopefully we'll discuss that more tomorrow too. I zoned back into reality and we got ready to practice the first song again. We aren't a huge band or anything so we don't have many songs to play. We have atleast six or so. Rileys gonna have to practice with Sunny and Glam alot. Sunny wrote the music and everything and Glam used to play the music so it'd make sense that they'd practice together. Krista would have to play with Fritz too cause they both do bass. I'm pretty sure they'd just do that all day tomorrow while tonight we just practice together. We have three hours to do all of this so we might as well have fun with it. So we'd play together, watch Fritz and Riley try and play, and then just practice some more. It was cute watching everyone play together. Then after maybe two hours or so, everyone started talking with each other. Riley was with Sunny, and Glam while Fritz was with Krista and Moony. I was in the back just finishing up my thing when I saw Roxanne back away from Krista, Moony and Fritz's conversation. Then I remembered what Moony told me about her and Krista and had to talk to her about it. "Roxy!" I called out to here. She heard me and turned to see me and then made her way over. "Hey, what's up?" She asked me as she sat down in an empty chair next to me. "So, hows everything been for you?" I asked her. "Eh, fine. Its been odd but fine." She said. "Well, a little lion boy told me that you had a little crush on someone. You wanna talk about that?" I asked her. That made her jump. "W-What?!" She almost shouted but kept her voice down. I chuckled, "Moony said you liked Krista." I said. She seemed flustered and leaned back on the wall behind her. "Of course he did." Roxanne complained. "Well, I confessed that I liked those three boys so he told me that he liked Sunny and you like Krista. I think it's pretty cool that we're all apart of the Lgbtq." I told her. She huffed, "Yea, I guess it is." She agreed. "But anyway, do you wanna talk about your thing with Krista?" I asked her. "No." She quickly answered. "Well, from what I learned from my loves, it's better to talk about things that keep them to yourself. It only makes stuff worse. And maybe I could help you. Who knows?" I told her, trying my hardest to sound sweet. She took a moment before she scooted her chair closer to me and sighed. "She's just so pretty, Monty." She started off, looking up at her talking with Fritz, "Shes just so pretty and nice and adventurous. And I love that about her. She's got that kind of crazy love that I've never seen anyone else have in my life and that just makes her amazing. It makes her unique. I love how she's crazy on the outside but on the inside she can be sweet and loving. God I love her so much, Monty." Roxanne confessed to me. I just listened. That was really sweet. "Then why don't you tell her that?" I asked Roxanne. "Because what if she says no? She's never mentioned liking a girl before or anything. I'm just scared that if I try and open up to her about it and she denies me, I could mess everything up. Maybe she'll feel uncomfortable and leave the band or something where she tries to avoid me. And if she doesn't but wanted to remain friends, I know I'll feel awkward about it and mess up everything with her. I just don't want that, Monty." She explained to me. I took a second to think. I could compare my feelings I had with my loves and compare that with hers. Maybe that'll give her more motivation? I took a deep breath and then told her, "I was just as scared as you were about Glam, Riley, and Fritz." I started off, grabbing her attention, "I could only put the negatives in my head. And then all I did was fuck up for the past week. I failed trying to keep them safe. I failed trying to make them happy. I falled everything. But I kept pushing myself because I didn't want to give up. Even if I caused so many problems in the past. I did whatever I could to make them happy and succeeded and then finally, I told myself that life is all about risks, and sometimes those risks seem impossible but you have to take them to be happy. So I told them. I got them all together, made them all happy and in a good mood and then I finally confessed. Of course I was terrified after but I knew I finally did something that my heart wanted me to do. I pushed away those negative thoughts to score for what I wanted. And I did it. So even I'd it feels risky, and you feel like you can't do it, it's still worth trying before you lose those feelings forever. No matter what it takes." I told her. She was... Shocked? I think? I guess she didn't expect me to be so open and insperational towards her I guess. Out of all people. "Wow... I didn't expect that. Heh." She chuckled nervously. Called it. "I never knew you felt like that, Monty." "Ye'know. Neither did I. I've just been so lost with myself that I never really found what I wanted. Guess these past few weeks I've really changed myself." I told her. She chuckled, "Na, your still dumbass Monty." She said. I rolled my eyes and chuckled, "Im the dumbass huh?" I said, calling her the dumbass. She just laughed and so did I. Then Krista walked over which cut us sorta out of it. "What yall giggling about over here?" She asked. "Nothin much. Just makin fun of Roxy with her problems." I joked. Roxanne clearly blushed. "Shut up." She told me, jokingly. I just chuckled. "Well, it is getting pretty late. Moony and I wanna do some practice with Fritz tomorrow with bass so if yall wanna join in and help us show him the ropes or help Sunny and Glam with Riley, feel free. Cause I bet you it won't be easy at all." She told us. "Well, we do gotta show them everything before Friday." I said. "Fuck yea. Thankfully they actually know how to play or we'd be incrediblely fucked." "And they're quick learners, so that'll make this better." I added. "Yea. Anyway, Roxy, do you mine if I crash here tonight?" Krista asked Roxanne. Roxanne took a second to respond so I bumped her with my elbow, kicking back to reality. "U-Um yea sure. Of course you can." Roxanne told her. "Awesome. We can talk about our outfit designs and stuff. Maybe even think of a name for the band. Who knows." Kirsta planned. "Yea, sounds fun." Roxanne agreed to her plan. I just stood up as everyone else walked into the garage. "Its been fun guys but I'm gonna head out. It's getting late." Moony told all of us. "Well its been fun everyone. Any of you need a ride home?" Roxanne asked everyone. "No, thanks though." Fritz thanked her. Everyone else were good too. We all said our goodbyes to eachother and split off for the night. Well, technically. I was of course with Glam, Riley, and Fritz. We were walking together on the sidewalk. "Do you guys need a ride home at all?" I asked them. "That'd be lovely." Glam said. Fritz and Riley agreed with him and we all walked over to my car and hopped in. The bear in the front and the bunny and fox in the back. I started up the car and started the drive.

The Lovers Connection (Monty X Freddy X Bonnie X Foxy)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum