Ch36 Restaurant

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Monty's POV:

I pulled up to the nearest place that was a pretty highly rated restaurant and we all got out of the car. The place had this nice yellow glow to it that give off this calming kind of feeling to it. Of course though, the place was packed and had people at a bar watching the baseball game. But it seemed nice and I'm sure we'd all love it. Whatever it is to make them happy. We all quickly made our way towards the building together will just giggling and talking together. "I literally can't believe this is happening." Fritz said. "Ha, that makes all of us." Riley said. "I'm really happy we're doing this instead of being awkward at the theme park." Glam said. "Oh we for sure woulda been really weird about it." Riley joked. We walked inside of the building and were immediately greeted by a host. "Hello, welcome. How many of you are seating today?" The host asked us. "Just four." I told her. She took a second and then grabbed some menus. "Alright, follow me." She started walking and we followed her close behind. We walked towards this corner table with high up chairs and next to it was a big window to outside. She placed the menus down on it as we all took our seats. "Your waiter will be right with you." She told us before walking away. As soon as she did, I flicked back towards my loves. Fritz was across from me, Glam was to my right, and Riley was to my left. How the fuck could I get so God damn lucky with you three. Just looking at my gorgeous baby's made me want to melt in my seat. I still just couldn't believe it. "I can't believe this is actually happening." Glam spoke first at the table. "Yea. Me neither. I thought something like this was only a dream." Fritz added. "Well thank god it's not a dream now." I added, making Glam and Fritz giggle. "I just... I almost don't know what to say. This is amazing. I never thought something like this would work out." Riley joined in. "Well, having to confess to you was as so scary so I'm happy it did. I never thought I'd ever be in that sort of position ever and man was it terrifying." I said. They giggled and chuckled and I did the same. "So... When did you guys catch feeling first?" Glam asked everyone. I wanted to confess first, "I think for you Glam, it was at the theme park when I told you I would dye my hair red for you. In all honesty had absolutely no clue why I felt that way towards you until immediately after, I met Riley and Fritz." "Really? Well thats sweet, Monty." Glam said. I gave him a little smile. "I think I grew feelings when we were at practice at Roxys house. Well I mean, I think I might have caught feelings before but I think there it was official. Hearing that you two supported Fritz and I being in the lgbt and helping us through our problems really warmed my heart. Especially when I heard Fritz was gay. My mind couldn't stop imagining his cute face." Riley told us. Fritz giggled to that. "Well I'm happy I wasn't the only one then." He added, "I found out that I liked you three awhile back but I was so confused about it that I never really tried to look into it until we all texted eachother about that party thing. Then I felt my heart tell me that I actually loved you guys." Glam told us next. "I'm gonna be honest, I couldn't stop day dreaming of you three the first day I met you." Fritz told us. We all giggled and chuckled. He continued, "I just felt my heart tell me that you guys were it. Everything it needed to fix itself. And now here we are." Fritz told us. "And how amazing it feels to be here." Riley added. "I didn't think Monty was, yeknow, into guys or anything." Fritz said. "I wasn't, until I met you three. I never thought of boys that way or a relationship with more than one person until you three just warmed my heart. Like, obviously I've dated some girls here and there but mainly you three sparked that light in me that told me I wanted to love you." I explained to them. "Well thats sweet. I'm really happy we lit that light in you." Riley said. "Yea. Me too." I agreed. The waiter came over and asked us what drinks we wanted and we all ordered. Then he quickly left and it was back to us. We all were looking at the menu before Fritz decided to speak. "So um... Do you guys have any personal space thing we need to know? I just wanna make sure so we don't accidentally slip up at all." Fritz asked us, catching everyone's attention. "Well, I don't think I really have anything. Just very... Emotional. So if I get really upset or anything then I guess there's that." Glam explained. "I guess I don't have much but anxiety." Riley joined in. "And me... Well we all probably know what's wrong with me." I told them. "Your anxiety attacks or..." Glam asked. I shrugged, "A little more than that. I mean, it is anxiety attacks but I think I'm just super insecure about myself all the time and whatnot. It's not that I want to feel insecure but I feel like I just cause so many problems that I don't even trust myself anymore. For example, Rileys incident." I told them, slightly making a hand gesture at Riley's scar. "You know I forgive you, Monty." "Yea, I know. I just still feel stupid for doing that. I guess it was just a panic attack that I couldn't control. Or I was stupid." I told Riley. "But its ok now. That doesn't matter. We're here now and we're all happy. And that's all that matters." Riley told me, making me smile. "You guys wanna know something funny?" Glam started. We all payed attention to him. "I actually came up with nicknames for all of you that I thought would be cute." He said. Fritz giggled, "Thats cute, what are they?" "Well, I thought Riley could be RieRie, Fritz could be Fritzie, and Monty can be Monnie or Montieboo." Glam said. I chuckled at me nickname. "Montieboo sounds cute. I thought Glammy was a cute name." I added. He laughed, "You called me that before and I thought it was a cute nickname." "Ha. I remember that. I completely did that by accident and blushed like a mad tomato." I told him. He giggled. "Thats adorable. I love those names." Riley said. Glam gave him a cute little smile before we were interuped by a our waiter. He gave us our drinks and then we all just agreed to order a pizza together. He then quickly left and we immedietly went back to talking. "So... Um... How do we wanna work this out?" Riley asked us, "I of course have never really been in a big relationship before so... How do we wanna do it?" "Well, I havent been in one either but I've written a book about it like it was just a normal relationship. As long as we aren't jelous or anything over each other then we'll be fine. Like, we all love eachother equaly, give eachother equal attention, and just act like a normal relationship. But theres four of us." Fritz explained. "Ok. Sounds simple enough." I said. "We just all need to be open minded with eachother and trust one another. I dont think any of you would cheat or anything bad like that but we all need to grow that trust bond with eachother." Fritz explained. "Well, clearly if we have all liked eachother for awhile then I'd think that none of us would try to do anything like that." Riley agreed with Fritz. Glam and I also agreed with him. I wouldn't think that any of my sweet angels would do such a terrible thing to us. "And don't be like me and lie to eachother about problems." I added in. "Even if your trying to protect us from feeling upset. We need to be open with eachother about everything. Past, present, and future. I... I really want this to work for us. I want to keep this relationship with you three. I want it to work." Glam told us. "And so do I, Glam." I agreed with him. "We all do. We just gotta work together. Even if we get hurt sometimes, that doesnt matter. We're together and that thats what matters most." Riley added to the talk. I chuckled, "You guys are making this sound so insperational." I joked. They all laughed and I did too. But then I remembered something off that topic, "Speaking of being open minded about ourselves to each other..." I looked over at Riley and he looked at me. He knew what I was thinking about. "Oh, um... Yea..." Riley started. "Just talk about it if you feel confertable. Even if it slightly ruins the mood, its better for them to know now." I told Riley. He took a deep breath and let it out. "Ok, Yea. Your right, Monty." He said. Then he cleared his throat to tell Glam and Fritz his story. "So... This is gonna get really upsetting but I dont want it to ruin our love mood going on but like Monty said, its best you guys know now then later." He started, "Two years ago, my mom and I were driving on the road together and it was my 6th time driving. I was pretty good at it so I thought nothing would go wrong but... That was a lie. I accidently skipped past a yellow light i thought I could make and a truck slammed into the passanger side of my car. Thats where my mom was sitting. It was a train wreak. I didnt even get to apologise to my mom. She was gone in an instant. I fell into a deep deprestion because of it. And my dad didnt make it any better. He was already crabby enough at home but after that wreak, he lost his mind. He blamed me for my moms death and he would drink away his emotions and beat me. He never really loved me either. He called me an acciedent that my mom wanted to keep. He always hated me but kept me with him because I take care of our house. I've ried to run away to family that we have but they live too far away for me to be able to continue the life I actually want. So where this is going is that I live with an abusive father. And I've stuggled with relationships my whole life because of it. So that's just your heads up if I call you and ask for a place to stay for a little while." Riley told them. Fritz and Glam were stunned, they didn't know how to respond to that one. But then Glam finally muttered something, "Oh, Rie..." "Dont apologize, Glammy. I've been surviving it." He tried to calm Glam down in fear of his sorrows. "I'm happy you told us that Riley. Even if it hurts to hear it, I'm happy you told us it." Fritz said. Riley game him a smile. "You welcome, love." He said. Fritz returned the smile back. "Well we're all here for you sweetie. All we are is just a call away to helping you." Glam told him. Riley gave his a loving smile too and thanked him. "And now we're closer than ever, so we're always open for your vents or calls or anything " i joined in. "And now, I think we should talk about my little thing with my past." Fritz said. "Yea. Please do. Glam and Riley really need to know about it." I told him, "If you feel confertable about it." I told him. "Yea. Yea I do. I guess I'll start then." He started, "Before I moved here and pretty much before I moved in with my aunt and everything, I used to live with my parents. And my dad wasn't the kindest of people. Him and my mom would argue every single night. They hated eachother but stayed together because of me. But I never loved them. They always treated me terribly and never took care of me. I learned how to cook when I was six because they'd forget to feed me. Then one night, they got into a very heated fight. There was screams, glass shattering and then after a long moment, I heard a gunshot. Or what I thought at the time was just a strong punch to the wall. I quickly came in to check but still heard them fighting. But worse. Then my mom started begging for him to let him go and then the next second, she was silent. I peeked in the doorway and saw that my dad dug a knife deep in her throat and was calling her slurs as he just kept stabbing her. Then I looked at the ground next to the bed and saw that gun that he shot. Next thing I know is my dad had a bullet in his head and I had the gun. It was traumatizing but I was smart and knew I stopped a bad person for good. The police were called and I just sat out on the porch and waited for them to come by. I cried but almost couldn't tell why I was crying. Then my aunt took me in. She knew something bad like this would happen to me but she didn't expect it to end out this way so she took me in as a guardian. She did what my parents didn't. Taught me how to be strong. How to care for myself, how to love someone, she tought me everything. She didn't even feel like an aunt to me. She felt like my actual mom. The mom I've always wanted. She didn't even want kids either but when she took me in, she couldn't resist the love. She made me a bright, talkitive, loving, and adventurous kid that had so many friends that he could love and keep forever. But people took that away from me. I went through this questioning stage with myself about my sexuality until I found out I was gay. I told my aunt and she supported me instantly and I thought that everything would be ok. I was wrong though. I asked out a boy that I loved and the whole world turned that against me and I was broken into a million pieces. I was bullied and because of that, my whole personality was whipped away. And that's why I have that disorder... But my aunt wanted me to be happy. She would move from place to place until I would be finally supported by people. She of course had a moving job but in here mean time she would scan the internet to find a perfect place where I could be loved by the community. And here was our last stop. School clearly was a big thumbs down for the lgbt but the city and laws were lgbt friendly. And now here I am, happy with my three loves." Fritz told us. Glam was shocked. "You didn't tell me about your parents. Jesus Fritz, I'm so sorry, love." Riley apologized. "Its ok. It could've been worse if I hadn't done anything. As bad as that sounds, don't take it that way." Fritz ensured. "Well... I'm happy we have you here with us my love." Glam said. "We're all happy your here, Fritz." I added for Glam. Glam crossed his arms. "Well, now thinking about it. Maybe I have something to confess too about my past." Glam said. I was interested with this one. He even turned to me. "Ye'know how you guys have never met my parents or how I've never talked about my parents?" Glam asked me. "Yea?" I asked confused. "Well, I'm actually adopted." He said. I jumped. "What? No way." I said, not believing him. "I'm not lieing. My bio parents never wanted me so they just put me up for adoption. When I was three, I was adopted by my now mom and dad. And if you look at them now, my mom is a bird and my dad is a dog. They took me in and taught me everything about how to take care of myself and how to love and be a joyful soul. They were great parents. And still are. Before I was adopted though, my adopted parents were married for five years and wanted a baby. But sadly, they couldn't try for one. So my dad decided that adoption was a choice they wanted to score for. And as soon as they saw me, they both immediately fell in love. They are both very supportive and lovely people. I wouldnt be shocked if they would let Riley move in with us because we're in a relationship. They are very supportive about everything. They even bought my guitar so we could play as a band together. But yea. I'm adopted." He told us. I was stunned now. "Why haven't you told us this before?" I asked him. "Eh. I didn't really think it mattered. Plus I love them so I treat them like their my actual bio parents." He said. "Well God bless them for being so loving and caring or we wouldn't have your cute ass here with us tonight." I said. He giggled and Fritz and Riley chuckled. Then we calmed our laughs down. "So, what about you Monty?" Glam said. My heart skipped a beat. "Me?" I asked confused. "I know you have something going on with your parents right now. Why not vent about it?" Glam told me. "Yea. I'd like to hear about it. See if we could help." "Or you can just vent and tell us how you feel. Ye'know." Riley and Fritz told me. I took a second to hesitate and then took a deep breath. "I hate the absolute shit out of them." I started off, "They're both homophobic, no good lieing and hurtful assholes. My mom hates all my friends and my dad wants me to turn into someone I'm not. Which is get married to a rich girls family, get used, and hate my existence. And I don't want that life. You wanna know what my mom call you Glam?" I asked him. "What?" He responded. "She called you... that offensive gay name. And then said you were gonna just turn me into a failure." I said. Glam huffed, "How'd you react to that?" He asked me. "I told her to fuck off. You were my friend and I loved you and I wasn't gonna let her dog shit on you. Quote 'were' my friend, by the way. Now hes my boyfriend. " I said, making him giggle, "For short, parents suck. I can't wait until I can move out of that hell hole and be with you three." I said. "Well, I guess that's a thing we all have in common. Parent problems. Or well, bio parent problems." Riley said. "At least we have each other though. Better than being separated." Fritz said. "And it's all thanks to softie gator here." Glam joked, looking at me with a sweet smile on his face. "Heh. I guess so. I just found you all cute lookin." Everyone giggled. "Is that your love language?" Fritz asked me. "Your pretty faces? Kinda I guess. If you'd hug me or hold my hand for more than half a second, I would immediately melt into you." I said. "Awe. So loves touch is your language. That's mine too." Fritz said. "Oh I love hugs." Glam also added. "Loves touch is a thing we all have in common then. Heh. I guess that means we'd all die for some cuddles, huh?" Riley added. We all laughed to that. I fucking love them so much. Then the waiter finally came by with our pizza and sat it down in the middle of the table and gave us little plates. We all took a slice and started eating. But we still had our little conversations In between. "So... How do we tell the others about this?" Glam asked us, "The band, I mean. I just don't wanna have to hide our relationship ship from them." I chuckled. "Well, you won't believe this then." I started, "Right before I was gonna confess to you guys, I called Moony for some motivation and you won't believe what he told me." I started. Glam was interested. "What was it?" He asked before taking another bite of his pizza. "Moony is apart of the lgbt." That made everyone jump. "What? Really?" Fritz asked excited. "Yea. He and Sunny are both questioning their gender. And~ Moony has a little crush on sunny." I explained. Glam smiled. "Thats adorable. Now thinking about it, they'd look really cute together." Glam said. "And get this, he also told me that Roxy likes Krista too." I said. Now that had everyone hyped. "No, way!" Glam said excited too. "Hell yea. Looks like the band is all apart of the lgbt." I said. That had everyone excited. "Thats amazing! Is Krista a part of it too?" Riley asked. "Eh. Not one hundo percent sure about her. But she and Roxy are hella close so who knows." I said. "That is literally adorable!" Fritz cheered. "Hell yea. Maybe we can motivate them into confessing to their long lost loves ye'know?" I said. "That would be very cute. We should for sure do that." Glam said. "Hell yea. Then everyone will be happy." I said, taking another bite of my food. "We just hope stuff will be able to work out between all of them for this." Riley said. "Sunny and Moony are very close, same with Roxy and Krista. There no way in a million light years that it wouldn't work. Plus, they'd honestly look adorable." Glam said as he continued to eat. We all finished up and ate that whole ass pizza in a couple minutes. Man were we hungry. After we finished, the waiter swung by and dropped off the bill. I of course insisted on paying it and I did so. "Ha. Montys being a gentleman~." Glam joke. I just laughed. I finished up and then we got up and left the restaurant. "Enjoy the rest of your night!" The host said to us as we walked up to the exit. "Thank you!" Glam said. We walked out and started heading towards my car. We were all laughing and giggling with eachother while still talking about Roxanne and Krista being together. How much dumb and stuipid stuff would happen but how cute they'd be. We'd just make up stuff as we walked. Then we got inside my car, Glam in the passenger, Riley and Fritz in the back. After we all got in and I started the car. I looked at the time on the clock the car had and it was around ten o'clock. "Well, it's getting late." Glam announced, sitting next to me. "Awww man. I forgot we had school tomorrow." Fritz said upset. "Hey, it's ok. Maybe we can all just meet up during lunch or something tomorrow." Riley told us. "Yea. That'd be fun." Fritz agreed with his plan. I smiled and started up the car and got ready to drive. "You want me to drop you off first Fritz?" I asked him. "Yea sure, I live closest nearby anyway." I nodded and started the drive, pulling out of the parking lot and then right back onto the road. "I'm really happy we did this. And I'm so happy it even happened too. Like, it's literally a dream come true." Glam told us. "I'm happy I grew a pair to actually tell you guys how I felt," I chimed in, "I was so worried that I could screw up out friendship." I told them. "How could anyone deny you handsome little face thought." Riley joined in, making me laugh. "I'm excited to see how this goes with us. I really want this to work out for us. Like, screw peoples views on us and realitys view on us." Fritz joined in too. "And it is gonna work, I can feel it will. No one's gonna stop us." I said, positively. Glam giggled, "I love it when your so positive about things." He said. I chuckled and he did too. He slipped his hand in mine and held it as we continued the drive. God it felt so soft and lovely. I held back immediately. I looked through the review mirror and saw Fritz and Riley leaning on eachother while Fritz had his book in his hands and was reading it. It was somewhat light in the back so when I got a glimpse of the cover, I saw that he changed it. And when I got a glimpse of the cover before focusing back on the road again, I saw what he added to it. It said, "The Lovers Jinx, By: Fritz and Monty." That melted my heart. Gosh, what a sweet little angel. Anyway, we finally pulled up to Fritz house and without hesitation, Glam got ready to hop on out. "I wanna do one last goodbye hug before you go, Fritzie." Glam said, releasing my hand. Fritz smiled and hopped out too with Riley. I also did as well. After I hopped out, I walked over to the back trunk and opened it to get Fritz's guitar so he wouldn't forget it. I grabbed it and then closed the lid and walked around the car. They were all standing together, giggling about something while holding eachothers hands. God they looked adorable. I couldn't explain how happy I was to see them three all together and so joyful with one another. I made my way over towards them with the guitar and said, "Dont forget about this." I told him as I stopped next to Glam and Riley as I was facing him. "Oh shoot. Yea. Thanks for this Monty." He thanked me. "Of course." I replied. "Oh and um... The book is perfect by the way. Thank you so much for that too. It means the world to me." He told me. I smiled, "No problem, cutie. Anything to make you happy." "Oh and, I put you name on the cover too. Technically you wrote fifty percent of it twice and made two chapters for it so I had to put your name on it too." That warmed my heart. "Thanks cutie." I thanked him. He took the guitar and held it close to himself. "Well, thank you guys so much for tonight. This was amazing and I loved it so, so much." He told us. "Well, none of this would've happened if it weren't for Monty here." Riley said, bumping my side with his. I laughed, "It was a great night. I'm looking forward to how our future will go together." I said. "Me too, Monty. Me too." Glam also added. It went silent for a moment. I guess we were all being blushy and shy. I took that chance and gave Fritz a little hug. He hugged me back. Then Glam and Riley came over and joined in the hug to make it a group hug. "I love you my sweethearts." Fritz told us. "I love you too, Fritz." We all replyed, giving him different nicknames separately. He just giggled. He held that hug for who knows how long before releasing. Fritz gave us all a smiled and we returned it. "I'll see you tomorrow my loves. Goodnight." He said before starting to walk away. We all told him goodnight and then made our way back to my car. We all got in and then started it back up and drove to Riley's house. Or well, to that end of the block from his house. "I love that fox so much." Riley said. "Hes so sweet and soft. How could no one love him?" Glam added. "And he's so flippin cute. I could hug his little face forever." I added too, making Glam and Riley laugh. We then pulled up to that end of the block and we all hopped out again. I headed to the trunk, opened it and took out Riley's guitar. They headed over to me after I closed the trunk. "Well, it's been a blast, loves." Riley told us as he held his hands together. "Yea, today was great." Glam said. Riley opened his arms and Glam and I immediately jumped in his arms and hugged hum back. He knew we'd hug him. He giggled, "I love you guys." He told us with a gentle tone. "I love you too, Riley." Glam and I both told him. After a long moment of remaining in that hug, we finally released. I still held his hand thought. "Please text us or call us if anything bad happens with you and we'll swing by and pick you up, ok?" I told him, talking about his dad. He gave me a soft smiled, "I will, Monty." He said as I slowly released his hand and returned his smile. "Stay safe RieRie." Glam told him. Riley took his guitar and gave Glam a smile too. "I will. Goodnight you two." He said before turning around and starting his walk. Glam and I wished him goodnight and watched as he walked home. Then we both hopped in the car and I started the drive to Glams house. "Monty?" He asked me as he slipped his hand in mine. I glanced over at him. He was laying up against his seat. "Thank you for everything tonight. Thank you for making them happy and for making them both smile. Thank you." He told me. I just smiled. "No problem, baby. Anything to make you three happy." I said as I held his hand back. We stopped at the front of his house and we both sat up in the car together. Nether of us had any hesitation to turn to eachother and hug eachother. He held Mr close and I did too. God I loved hugging all my sweet boys. I could melt in all of their arms. I love them so much. "I love you so much, Monty." He told me. "I love you a million times more, Glammy." He giggled and then pulled away but held both of my hands. He looked down at them and smiled. Iooked down too and smiled. A second later, without even noticing at first, he let go of my hands and quickly gave me a little kiss on my forehead. I felt my whole body freeze up as my cheeks turned bright red. He chuckled nervously from that and just smiled. Then I came back to reality and laughed nervously too. He then opened his door and hopped out and then turned around after to look at me. "Goodnight, love." He wished me. "G-Goodnight, sweetheart." I wished him too. He closed the door after giving me a bright smile and then he ran towards his house. I leaned back in my chair and just smiled to myself. That whole date I was blushing the whole time. I couldn't resist or anything. I love my baby's so much. I hugged myself and giggled to the thought of them. I'm such a lucky little gator. I sat there thinking to myself before remembering something and pulling out my phone. I texted the group chat.

Monty: We are practicing every day this week after school! Everyone keep that in mind!
Krista: Do you not remember that the guitars were smashed?
Monty: I bought them new ones cause I'm not giving up on that festival!
Roxanne: No fucking way!!!
Sunny: Thats so sweet of you Monty!!!
Monty: Monday after school, we're practicing at Roxys place. Be there and don't forget your guitars!!!

I smiled writing that. I was so happy. Then I started getting a call from moony. I quickly answered it. "Did it work?!" He asked me in joy. "Hell fucking yea it did! I'm the luckiest gator in the whole fucking world!"

The Lovers Connection (Monty X Freddy X Bonnie X Foxy)Where stories live. Discover now