Ch59 Safety

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Fritz's POV:

Glam and I were still watching the show after maybe an half an hour or so until there was a knock at the door. "I'll get it." I told Glam as he sat up. He just hummed and I stood up and walked over towards the door. But before I made it, the person spoke. "Its me!" Montys voice could be heard from outside. That made my heart jump. I quickly unlocked the door and opened it for him to find a soaking wet bunny and gator at my doorstep. They had to have sat out in the rain all day for them to look like this. Riley was holding Montys hand and looking down. He seemed broken by something. Monty seemed worried too. "Monty? Riley? What are you guys doing here?" I asked them both. Riley couldn't respond. So Monty did, "Could you get us a towel. We can um... we can tell you inside." He said with this sharp tone in his voice. He sounded really hurt. "Yea, I'll go grab something. Kick your stuff off at the door." I told them before quickly parting. Glam noticed them and stood up. He walked around me to check on them before I left to go get towels. I went into the bathroom and grabbed some nice towels and went back to the living room. Monty took off his jacket and Riley took off his too. I walked over and handed them the towels but my eyes remained on Riley. He had bruises on his arm and a big one forming on his cheek. That stabbed my heart. "Are you both ok? What happened?" Glam asked them. It seemed hard for Monty to respond. He glanced slightly down at the bags on the ground and sighed. "Riley, go get changed, I'll talk to them. Ok?" Monty told him. Hr just nodded and grabbed one of the bags and headed over to the bathroom. I was so lost until I noticed the bag he had. It was slightly unzipped to show some clothes in it and I pieced it together. "It finally happened, didn't it?" I asked Monty as I turned back to face him. He just nodded. "It was horrible..." He started. I already knew where this was going and I ordered him to sit down. I took his hand and took him over to the couch and laid the towel down onto of it so he could sit without soaking the couch. Glam sat next to him and I sat down on his other side. "Just take your time. Everythings ok now." I told him. He just took a deep breath and let it out. "I dropped Riley off at his house and went home to get ready for work before I got a call from him. Already meaning bad new." Monty started. I hated where this was going, but I could feel that something like this would happen. "I picked it up and he was crying like crazy, begging me to go get him before his dad could. I was so panicked that I just ran over to my car and drove as fast as I could over there." "Was he ok? Please tell me he was ok." Glam begged for the good news. Monty remained silent for a moment. "I made it to his place, ran up to his door and he kicked it open and stumbled out into my arms. He was in so much pain. Then his dad came outside too." Monty continued. "Oh god... Poor Rie..." Glam grew sorrow. "He came out and when Riley tried to stand up or us, he punched Riley. Then went after me but... Riley beat him to it." "What happened?" I asked. "Riley knocked his bitchass to the ground. Folded him. And how brave and strong it sounds, I couldn't imagine the pain he felt right after. He defended me and wasn't gonna let him try anything. But he did something terrible and it hurt him so much. Then he grew mad and showed more of his anger. Kicking him on the ground and shouting at him. I didn't want him to turn out as that so I dragged him off and ordered him to go inside and get his stuff. Leaving me to talk with his father, still on the ground." He said. "What did he say?" I asked him. He seemed unresponsive for a moment. Like he couldn't think of what to say. "Nonsense." He then said. But it felt like he lied about that. But I didn't push it. "Then Riley came back out and we left. Never looked back." He finally finished. I was stunned and so was Glam. "Oh god, Riley." Glam almost started to cry. I tired to comfort him. "But he's here now. He can be safe here. This is his home now." I said. Luckily, it calmed him. "I know. It's just insane that happened." Glam said. "I know. It hurt seeing it too." Monty then said. I was at a loss of words. Then the bathroom door opened and Riley walk out. He had some comfy clothes on now. Which looked nice on him. His bruises were way more visible now. It was obvious to tell he was beat. Poor baby. He glanced over at us and then looked down and slowly made his way over. I scooted over so he could sit down between Monty and I and he did so. He whined in pain as he tried to though. "Ow!" He whined, making Monty panic and immediately give him assistance to sit down. "He hit my back leg and it just hurts to bend it." Riley told us. "Are you ok?" I asked as he sat. "No." Was his quick answer. Glam got up from his seat and walked around and sat on the coffee table right infront of him. He grabbed both of his empty hands and held them. "Its ok, sweetie. Your here with us now. You don't have to worry about him any more. Ok?" Glam swore to him. He just looked down at their hands and then slowly began to cry again. Monty leaned over and wrapped his arms around the bunny, holding him close. "Its ok. It's alright. We're here for you." He said, comforting him. I then hugged him too and joined the group hug. Glam had no hesitation to lean over and give him a kiss on the forehead. "We're all here for you now, Riley. Everythings gonna be ok." He promised him. Luckily, Riley calmed down his sobs and just remained in the hug. "It just hurts so much. I just can't..." "We're here. Ok? You don't have to worry about him ever again." Monty said. "I know. It just still burns a hole in me. "And it's ok. Well get through it together." Glam said. Then we all finally seperated and let him take a breather. "You packed all of your stuff, right?" Monty asked him. "I didn't have much. So yeah." Riley said. "That bag was all of your clothes?" I asked him next. "Four pairs of pants, five shirts, a couple hoodies and underwear." Riley said. Monty sighed. Then an idea sparked in his mind. "I'll go to my place and grab some stuff, ok?" Monty told him. "No Monty you don't-" "And we can go to my place and get some stuff too. I have alot of stuff that could probably fit him." Glam then cut off Riley. "Then we'll go get you some more stuff and I can get your guitar. I dropped it off at my place, so we'll bring it here. Ok?" Monty said as he then stood up. "That would be wonderful, you guys. I'll stay here with him." I agreed to their plan. Riley needs to feel welcome here and them getting stuff for him means a lot. "You guys don't have to." Riley said. "You need clothes. And I think I'd be cute to see you with my stuff." Monty said, making him giggle. "Fritz, please take care of him until we're back." Monty then said before running over to the door to leave. I stood up and took Rileys hand with me to make him stand. "I'll check your brusies and stuff, ok?" I told him. He just nodded. "Thank you, guys." Riley thanked us. "Of course, love. We'll be back soon, ok?" Glam told us two. "Ok, I love you guys." I told them. "I love you too." Monty and Glam both replied before heading out the doorway together. I held Riley's hand and pulled him to me to give him a little kiss on the cheek. "Lets go sit in my room, ok? I'll grab your bags." I told him. He nodded and walked into my room as I walked over to grab the rest of his bags. I of course grew curious and checked them. One was just full of electronics and expensive stuff. Like his gaming console, his laptop, some chargers, that's about it. Then in the other bag had some of the same stuff, but I spotted a handle underneath one of the clothes. It looked odd. So I reached under to grab it and when I pulled it out, it was a gun. A revolver to be exact. There was some bullets in a tiny bag with it but the gun had one bullet in it. But it was at the bottom. That pained my heart. I hope this is just some weird thing then what I actually think it is. I laid it back in the bag and then took them to my room to see my Riley.

The Lovers Connection (Monty X Freddy X Bonnie X Foxy)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن