Ch39 Questioning

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Montys POV:

It's time for the last class of the day. My class with my lovely fox. I was walking down the hallway towards the journalism class and as soon as I made it in, I saw Fritz sitting in the back. He had his head laid down and his tail was still. Then, his eyes turned to the doorway and I saw a sweet little smile brighten on his face and his tail start to wag. God he's so fucking cute! I walked in and made my way over towards him. "Hi, Monty!" He greeted me when I came up to him and made it over to my seat. "Hey, Cutie!" I replied, making him clearly blush. I sat down and glance back at him. His cute little tail was still wagging. I thought of something and chuckled to the thought of it. With my own tail, I started wagging it and then when I felt his tail brush up against mine, I wrapped mine around his. Because gator tails can do that. He noticed and giggled as I laid my head down on the table too. Then the bell rang and class started. We were sitting fairly close to eachother so I just scooted a little closer to him until we were almost shoulder to shoulder. The teacher started the class and we all listened. I just thought of Fritz. The teacher gave us our lesson and then told us to get to work. After she did so, Fritz and I sat up. Students in the classroom started talking and Fritz and I got ready to work. "I love the book by the way." He told me suddenly. I glanced at him. "The book?" I asked. "Yea. I forgot to tell you during lunch but, I read it all and wanted to tell you how well you did. It ment so much to me and you fixing it really just warmed my soul and my heart and I just wanted to thank you for that again. You did an amazing job and I love you for that." He told me. "If it makes you happy and my sweet little fox, then thats all that matter. Whatever to make you happy my love." I said. He giggled, "Thats why I love you gator boy." He said. I just smiled and continued my thing. "Also, that was really cute by the way. With our tail thing. Its cute." Fritz also mentioned. I chuckled. "I've always wanted to do that." I told him. He chuckled and pulled out his laptop as so did I. I pulled up the assignment we were doing and we both got started. But of course talked while we worked. "So... do you wanna talk about your sexuality?" Fritz asked me. My heart skipped a beat. I kinda forgot I asked them about that. I was really in my feels at the time. "Oh, that." I said, "Yea, sure." "Well, first things first is, how do you feel about people?" He asked me. I took a second. "Relationship wise? Um..." I started. "How do you feel about someone's gender, I guess you could say." He dumbed it down for me. "Well, I guess... I liked girls, obviously, but after some time I just lost attraction towards them, ye'know. I didn't know why but... I guess I was just lost with love. And then I met you three and boom, love connection." I explained to him. He thought for a moment, "How do you feel about girls now?" He asked me next. "Absolutely nothing. Because I have you now and-" "Well I mean like before we started actually being together. Like, do you still find girls to be attractive to you at all? Do you still feel that sexual or romantic attraction towards them?" "Thats the thing. I... I really don't know. I don't know if I just suddenly lost it, or if I just... lost myself? Or something. I don't know..." I tried to explain. "So, what you are is questioning. Which is someone who is questioning their sexuality and many other things. You don't know who you are yet and that's ok. This is a very common thing that happens." Fritz told me. "I think I read that somewhere. That's what the Q means in lgbtq right?" I asked. He nodded, "Yep, Questioning and Queer." He explained for me. "So... What happens if I'm still questioning?" I asked him. "You still question yourself. It's not like you aren't allowed to date anyone or anything because you can't figure yourself out. Your exploring yourself." He explained more to me. "So... Is there a sexuality where I don't care what you are? Not like, I don't care about you, I mean like, gender wise." I asked. "That would be pansexual. Where you love girls, boys, and non-binarys or anything under that umbrella." Fritz explained, "But I don't know if that's really your exact experience." Fritz said. "Oh, well... Uh, I don't know. I do think I'm just gay but... I feel like I'm something else." I told him. He took a minute to then and then bumped my shoulder. "Hey, it's normal to be questioning. It's ok to stay that way for awhile. Glam came out as gay because he's never felt attracted to a girl before. He's only felt an attraction to boys. It's ok for you to stay this way Monty. I came out as gay when I was young but I was questioning my attraction for so long. It's ok to be lost. Just take your time until you can finally piece everything together." I explained. I sighed and slipped my hand into his that was resting on the table. I loved the feel of it in my hand. So soft, so warm. It was wonderful. No one could actuallysee us or anything because they were all turned an opposite way so nothing about this felt awkward. "I just wanna figure out who I am, Fritz. I've been questioning myself for so long that I can't even figure out what I like for a person. It's just so hard to try and put my mind to anything anymore." I explained, laying my head in my other arm on the table. Fritz didn't respond for a moment. Then he released my hand. But with that hand, he scooped my chin to lift me up and give me a quick, soft kiss on my cheek. That made my face burn. "We'll figure it out together Monty. You, me, Glam and Riley. All four of us." He told me before releasing me. I felt like I lost control in my body for a moment and had to adjust myself in my seat and sit up. I was still blushing madly. I chuckled nervously too. "Um... That was ok, right? I'm sorry if you weren't confertable with that." Fitz immediately started apologizing. "N-No it's ok. It was just unexpected. Heh." I chuckled nervously again. He smiled and chuckled nervously too. "I dont think anyone saw either so I think we're ok." He told me. I looked back at his hand and held it again. He held back. "I loved it by the way." I said suddenly, "It was sweet." That made him giggle. We continued our work together and then not even five minutes later, the bell rang. Everyone grabbed their stuff and flew the classroom. I grabbed my stuff too and Fritz and I left the classroom together. Then we hit the fork in the road to split for today. "I'll see you at practice?" Fritz asked me. "Yep. I'll see you then." I told him. He smiled, "Ok, I love you." He said before getting ready to split. "I love you too." I also said. He gave me a cute wave goodbye and ran off to however the hell he was getting home. I smiled and made my way towards the otherside of the building to make it to my car. God I fucking love that fox! Ugh, I should've kissed him back. Fuck me dude. I should have. Oh that kiss was so sweet though. I felt my whole heart explode when he did that. I've kissed girls before and they've kissed me but God damn have I never felt that happy from a kiss in my life. That was the sweetest thing in the world! Just like Glammys little kiss. I dreamed of them both in my head as I walked down the hallway. I'll see my angels at practice tonight.

The Lovers Connection (Monty X Freddy X Bonnie X Foxy)Where stories live. Discover now