Ch15 Midnight

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Fritz's POV:

Its midnight. I was excited to see Monty. His text message really inspired me. It gave me that hope I needed. Gosh, such lovely boys. I could only dream of them. I was sitting on my bed wagging my tail back and forth waiting for that clock to strike midnight. After it did, I took my phone out and waited a few for him to text me. A couple minutes passed and he didn't answer. So I texted him.

Fritz: Hi Monty. You told me to text ya just in case you forgot about the time

I waited for him to respond. I was very excited to see him. Then my phone buzzed and I grabbed my phone. I read the text and my ears dropped and my tail froze.

Monty: Hey, sorry I'm busy. I'm hanging out with my girlfriend for the rest of the night. Talk to you later.

I felt like my heart shattered. I felt broken. But... This didn't feel right. He said this chick wasn't his girlfriend. This chick was weird and off. He didn't like her. Something was wrong. I texted Glam and Riley.

Fritz: I think something is wrong with Monty
Glam: Why? What happened?
Riley: What's wrong?
Fritz: So he's at a party right now and he promised me he'd come over and help me a little at midnight but I texted him and he responded with something off. Like some chick took his phone and said something
Riley: What was the text?
Fritz: He said, "Hey, sorry I'm busy. I'm hanging out with my girlfriend for the rest of the night. Talk to you later."
Glam: That's not Monty texting that. Somethings wrong.
Fritz: I know. And I'm really worried.

I looked up from my phone and saw my door open leading into the living room. The TV was on and Clare was watching it. I sparked a plan.

Fritz: I'm heading over there
Glam: What!?
Fritz: What if he's hurt. I'm worried. He told me where it was so I'm going
Riley: Are you sure Fritz? We can go with you
Fritz: Yea, I'll be ok
Riley: Bring something with you just in case. I don't want you getting hurt by someone if something bad is happening
Glam: Please be safe Fritz. And make sure Montys safe too
Fritz: I will. I'll keep you guys updated

I got up from my bed and ran to my closet. I opened it and took out my switchblade from the top shelf and closed it. I slipped it into my pocket, quickly got dressed and bolted out of the room. "Clare!" I called her. She jumped in fear. "Holy shit Fritz, what?" She replied, sitting up now. "I need you to drive me to a party. Now please." I begged her. She stood up. "A party?" She asked confused, "You've never been to a party before-" "No! I think... I think Montys hurt. He's that gator I told you about and I need to help him." She looked at me confused. "Are you sure?" She asked. I nodded. She rolled her eyes and then walked over to the kitchen and grabbed her key. "Go get in the car." She said. Without hesitation bolted out of the apartment and straight to the car. I got in and then she ran out and hopped in too. "Where to hotshot?" She said. "It's some rich kid's house by the high school. Just drive around there until we find it." I said. "Oh, that place? I passed by it, I think I might know what you're talking about." Oh, thank you Clare. She started driving and we started towards where we thought the place was. After a minute of driving, we luckily found it. Hopefully, I have time. I quickly hopped out. "I'll call you when I need you to pick me up ok?" I told her before quickly slamming the door shut and walking towards the house. She drove away. Please be ok my love. Please be ok Monty. I sped walked towards the building and as soon as I made it in, I immediately felt scared. No one here knew me so everyone looked at me confused for a moment. I felt my heart pounding and I felt myself shake. But I controlled myself. My fear. Montys in here and I have to find him. I looked around the place until out of the corner of my eye, I spotted two gators going around a corner. I rushed over there. And as I turned that corner to look at the dark hallway, I saw Monty. My heart jumped. He was limping and his body looked weak as some girl helped him walk. I made my move. Wait, oh god what do I say? Oh no. Um, think Fritz think. "Hey!" I shouted at them two. The gator girl stopped, causing Monty to stop. They both turned to me. Monty looked so weak. "Who the fuck are you?" The gator girl asked with a sassy tone. "Fritz? What are you doing here?" Monty asked with a broken like voice. Oh no what do I say? "Um... I came to see you." I said. That gator girl was not happy at all with me. Monty moved out of her reach and towards me. "I'm just super tired and whatnot... Kaelen said she was gonna lie me down for a while and-" He tripped and I quickly caught him. "Shit, sorry, everything still hurts." He apologized. "N-n-no it's ok." I pushed him back a little to get a good look at him. His eyes were bloodshot red and his eyes looked shattered. He wasn't high or drunk or anything from I could tell. Nor would I want someone who was. He was... He was drugged. I felt a chill go down my spine. She was gonna try to... Oh god no. No she wasnt going to... Not my Monty... "L-Lets take you to the bathroom first. ok? Then you can rest-" "No!" The gator girl denied me, "He needs rest now! Give him back to me!" She argued, about to rush over to us. "Kaelen, cool your tits. He's just gonna check on me and then he'll give me back to you, ok?" Monty said, sounding so tired. I started to drag him with me. That gator girl stood there. Then I got him out of that hallway and lead him to a bathroom. I turned on the light and then slammed the door shut and locked it with Monty and I inside. Because I let go of him for a moment, he sat down on the floor next to the toilet. "Oh fuck... Everything hurts so much..." He whined. I kneeled down next to him. What do I do, if hes drugged and its hurting him, it could kill him. I looked over at the toilet and saw the lid open. Then I looked at him. He was holding his stomach too. Then something clicked in my mind. "Hey Monty." I told him before pulling him towards the toilet. He looked up at me. Im sorry Monty. I then punched him directly in the stomach and leaned him over to the toilet after hearing him groan in pain. Then, he threw up. I let go of him and let him do his thing. I just sat there. I didn't watch him throw up but I waited. Then he finished and fell back and leaned against the wall. He whipped his mouth with his sleeve as he panted. "What the fuck just happened?" He asked himself. I think his mind kicked back to normal. He looked down and then noticed me sitting on the ground in front of him. His eyes widened. "F-Fritz! What are you doing here?" He asked, confused. Now he's back to my Monty. "Monty, Are you ok? Is your head hurting? Are you feeling ok?" I asked a million questions. "Kinda. My head is still pounding though and I feel weak." He said, "Why are you here?" "Because I got a text. That gator girl took your phone and told me a lie that you were busy and that she was your girlfriend and whatnot and I came here knowing that wasn't you and after I found you I saw that she was taking you to a room and I stopped her and looked at you and I could tell that just looking at your eyes that she... She... She drugged you." I said. He froze. Didn't know what to do. Then he slammed his fist on the sink drawer and screamed, "Fuck!" Then he pulled his hand away and laid it on the floor. "She was gonna fucking use me. She was gonna force me too..." He stopped himself. I held his hand on the floor as I scooted closer to him. "Im so sorry, Monty." I said. "That's why the drink tasted bitter. That's why she..." He still couldn't think. With my other hand, I cupped his cheek and faced him towards me. "But your ok now. Everythings ok. We just need you to get somewhere safe from here. Ok?" I told him, looking into his broken eyes that cleared the slight redness from them. He looked into my eyes too. "Ok." He replied. I gave him a smile and then removed my hand from his cheek. Blushing slightly. "We'll head to your car, ok?" I told him as I pulled his hand towards me. He nodded and then I stood up and pulled him up with me. He stumbled and fell onto me but I caught him. "Sorry." He apologized. "It's ok. You just need to stand for a moment so your body starts working again." I told him. I was gonna help him stand back up but he did it on his own and just hugged me. He held me and dug his head down. "I'm so sorry Fritz." He apologized. "It's ok." "No it's not. You shouldn't be having to do this." He apologized again. "But I care about you. Of course I'm gonna wanna do this." He sighed, "Your too sweet to have to go through something like this. And I know this place makes you feel awkward and I'm sorry." I just held him back. I loved that hug. He felt so warm and sweet. "It's ok, Monty. As long as your safe then everything's ok." I told him once again. I then released him and held his arms as he held mine. I looked into his eyes as he looked down with a broken look. "Let's get you out of here. Ok?" I told him. He nodded. I took his hand and we both left the bathroom together. He's still weak so I have to hold him to guide him. His hand felt smooth and warm. I felt happy and safe holding it. I just hope no one sees it. I looked over at the front door and it was blocked by a crowd. We'll never get through it. I looked around and spotted the backdoor. "We'll head through the back, ok? And then we'll take your car." I told him. He nodded. "Ok." He replied. I walked him over towards that back door and we exited the house. We were in the backyard now. And the exit gate was across from us. Directly past the crowd. Shit. I don't want to go through it, but I'm doing it for Monty. My Monty. I slowly started to walk him through. I felt that glare of people looking at me. I don't like that they did. I hated it. I felt my stomach twist and my heart pound again. I felt sick to the bone but then felt a tug from Monty. I turned around to see him struggling to keep up. Then he stumbled again. I caught him. "Monty?" I asked in fear. "Im ok. Im ok." He told me as he adjusted himself to stand up straight. "Are you sure? Do you need to sit down again or-" "Hey!" Someone shouted cutting me off. Monty stumbled again but I caught his side. I looked to see who it was and saw Monty's Gator crew. They were staring at me as they walked over. I grew feared again. "Monty? What the hell happened to you?" One of the gators said. Someone else looked at me and examined me. "Your the new kid at our school. How the hell did you meet Monty?" He asked, confused. I spoke with the little strength I had left. "He was drugged." I said. "I'm sorry what?" One of the taller gators asked me. "He's right. I was drugged." Monty conformed. "The fuck. How?" Monty let go of me to prop himself up on some weird table-like thing next to us. But he stayed near me. "Fuckin kaelen drugged my drink and then tried to use me." Monty told them. The others were disgusted. "Jesus Christ, Monty." One said. "Where the fuck is she? I'll kick her fucking ass in." Another guy said. "I don't know." Monty told them. Before anything else happened though, a voice shouted at us. I turned around to see one of those bird guys rushing over towards us. Staring me down. It was one of those birds Monty told me about. They bully Glam. "You the mother fucker that's fuckin with my girl eh?" He said as he rush up to me. He was four inches taller than me. He beamed me down. "I-I didn't-" "You think your funny or something punk?" He pushed me back more into the open light and I caught myself. He started towards me again. "Fritz! We need to leave!" Monty told me. People around us started to stare. "You think your so cool huh?" He got up to me again and then swung his fist at me. I dodged it quickly and then backed up. I heard some people around me start snickering something. And they were all staring at me. "Kick his ass Fritz!" One of Monty's friends called out toward me. Hearing my name from Monty. Some other people started cheering for a fight. I gulped. "Oh, now it's a fight huh faggot?" He said rushing over towards me. I felt my heart jump. He swung again and I quickly dodged it. Some people oohed and continued to cheer. Even the DJ did and he changed his music and turned it up. I saw that bird gang pull up and circle us too with the other people. That gator girl was with them. "Kill his ass, Daniel!" One of the birds shouted to him. This bird Daniel laughed. "Oh, now your fucked kid." He said. I'm so fucked. I didn't want to fight. I couldn't punch this guy. And as much as I could, I didn't want to. "Listen man, I don't wanna fight you." I tried to say before he ran at me to swing once again. I dodged it, ducking to my right and jumping out of the way. It was very close. This guy's movements felt off. I don't think he was... How do I say it... 'Normal' as much. After he missed me, he spung back around and swung again. I dodged it again but this time I kicked his shin, causing him to stumble away. He did not look pleased at all. He looked back up at me and charged. I didnt want to hit him again but I knew I was gonna have to. I saw a little light cord under my foot and I had a plan. I dug my foot under neath it and pulled straight up. The other end pulled up under the guys feet and caught his ankles. He tripped towards me so I got ready and then as he got close, I punched him directly in the face. He stumbled to my right and then I kneed his head. He fell to the ground. He groaned in pain. Some people said something or oohed at the punch. I didnt want to punch the guy or hurt him. I felt terrible. Those other birds had no words. I didn't care. Some of the people started to cheer for the fight. Like it was entertaining to them. That guy couldn't help himself up. I just snuck away from that fight and went back over to Monty and the other gators. He saw everything and was in shock. "Fritz... you didn't have to..." Monty said. "It doesn't matter. Let's just get you home so I can check on you." I told him, cutting him off. Those gators were still laughing about the whole fight. "You kicked his ass, Fritz. New guys got balls of steel." One of the gators joked. I didnt care. I just wanted my Monty home and safe. "C'mon we're going." I told him as I wrapped his limp arm around me and we started walking. The others tried to call something out to Monty and I but I didn't care. I felt so embarrassed fighting that guy. Everyone was staring at me and cheering for me to lose and to win. And now those bird guys are gonna pick me around for embarrassing their friend. I just walked Monty through the rest of the crowd, minding the people. Then we made it out of the backyard. We were now in the front. "Monty where is your car?" I asked him politely. He pulled out his keys and pressed a button and his car headlights glowed by the road. I took his keys and we headed over there. By the time we made it to his car, I released him and helped him into the passenger. I hopped into the driver's side. As soon as I got in and closed the door. There was silence. All the sound there was, was Monty's slow breathing and my panting. I was shaking from that. I was so scared. Everyone was staring at me. Judging me. And I punched someone. "Fuck. My head..." Monty groaned to himself. "Hey, it's ok. I take you to my place and give you some proper medicine, ok?" I asked him, placing my hand on his shoulder. He sighed and leaned back. "Im so sorry Fritz." He apologized. "It's ok, Monty-" "No it's not. I made you worry about me. I made you have to fight someone, I made you have to take care of me, I made you feel uncomfortable. I just feel terrible. And as many times as you say it's ok, it isn't." He said. I sighed and leaned back. "But I don't care Monty. I saved you and that's all that matters. You could've gotten hurt a million times more than I did tonight. That girl could've done terrible things to you if I haven't shown up." I said. "I know... I just wish you didnt have to..." He said. It went silent for a moment. I just started the car and got ready to drive. "Are you feeling any better?" I asked him. He sorta rolled over to face me. "No. My body is still aching and my head is still pounding." He answered. "Oh. Well, I'll give you your medican when we get home. Ok?" I said. I started to drive and just had to guess where I was going. I don't have a license. Just my permit. "Um. If we get pulled over, just tell them your eighteen." I said to him. He laughed, or well, tried to. "Why?" "I don't have my license." I told him. He laughed again and I laughed too. He then stopped and calmed down. "Just don't do anything illegal and we should be good." He told me. It went silent again. No music, no talk, no nothing. But suddenly, he said, "I just want you to know, even though it was very stupid, you looked very cool during that fight." He said. I chuckled and blushed, "Thanks." "I knew you'd have some badass secret about yourself. Cool ass shy kick can throw some strong punches." We both laughed together. Finally, we pulled up to my place and I parked the car outside of the apartment building. I hopped out and quickly rushed to the other side to help Monty. He got out and I lended him my help. I did so and after helping him, we walked toward my apartment. As we got up to it, I knocked on the door and waited for Clare to answer. Luckily she did so and she gasped when she saw Monty and I. "Holy shit! How'd you get here?" She asked confused. "We took Monty's car." I told her. I walked Monty and I in and I sat him down on the couch. "Could you grab some ibuprofen from the bathroom please?" I asked Clare. She nodded and hurried. I looked back over at Monty. His mind is still lost. I'll try and talk to him more in the morning. He's staying here. "Hey Monty?" I asked him as I crouched down next to him on the couch as he laid down. "Hm?" He hummed, sadly. "Your gonna stay here for the night, your hurt too badly to go anywhere else and I just wanna look after you just in case, ok?" I told him. " He nodded. Clare came back in with a bottle of water and some pills. I took them from her and gave them to Monty who now sat up. He took them and leaned back on the couch. "What happened Fritz?" Clare asked me as she stood next to me. I didnt know how to respond. I was still shaking from the people and the fear and... I just wanted to rest. "I'll tell you in the morning. We just need to rest for now. Too much has happened tonight already. It's ok if he sleeps over, right?" I asked her. "Of course. I'll leave you two be then." She said, backing away. I grabbed a blanket and gave it to Monty, and then I sat down on the couch next to Monty and held my legs. I pulled my phone out and saw messages from Glam and Riley. I checked them.

30 minutes ago:

Glam: Fritz, is everything ok? You haven't texted in an hour and I'm worried.
Riley: Fritz, please answer my calls, I'm really worried about you

Recent messages

Glam: Are you ok Fritz? Please be ok
Riley: I can come to you if you need help or anything. Just please respond.

I kept them worrying. Shit.

Fritz: Everything is ok. I have Monty with me and we are both really tired after what happened tonight. I'll explain more in the morning for you guys. Im so sorry for keeping you worried.
Glam: Thank God, I was so worried about him. Thank you so much Fritz!
Riley: You're a hero Fritz!

I turned my phone off and sat there. I looked over at monty. He was setting his stuff aside on the coffee table and then he took off his jacket and shirt. I didn't expect him to take off his shirt so I quickly looked away and blushed. I guess he doesn't sleep with his shirt on. I heard him shuffle and turn. "Fritz?" He asked me, I turned over to face him now. He had the blanket over himself. I looked into his broken eyes. "Hm?" We were pretty close to each other so I could see him pretty clearly. "You didn't deserve to go through this tonight and I'm so sorry." He apologized. I didnt respond. I still just held my legs and wrapped my tail around myself. I was still shaking after tonight. He placed the blanket over both of us and it sorta shocked me. "You didn't deserve to feel this scared and worried. And it's all my fault." He said. I couldn't think. I just, hugged him. Feeling his scales from his chest and just held him close. He held me back. I felt my eyes grow heavy and I had no hesitation to pass out in his arms. I loved him and I saved him. And as long as my gator is safe, that's all that matters.

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