Ch56 Drive

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Rileys POV:

"I'll just throw your guitar in my room when I get home." Monty told me as we were walking together towards his car. "Ok. Whatever works for you." I replied. We made it up to his car and we both got in. I got in the passanger and he got in the driver's. He started the car and right before he started driving, he asked me something. "Do you want me to drop you off near the end of the block again?" He asked. "Yea. I think it'd be better then him seeing your car again." I told him. "Oh yea... I completely forgot about that." Monty said. "Hopefully he's not home. I don't want to deal with him right now." I said. Monty sighed. "Hey, if anything goes bad, you know I'm just a call away and I'll be right at your doorstep to pick you up." Monty told me. "I know, love. And I thank you for that. It means a lot that your there for me." I said. "Of course, baby. I love you and I'd do anything to protect you." Monty said. "I know. And thar means alot to me." I said. He started the car and we started off to my house. "So, how'd ya sleep?" He asked me. "Like an angel. I think because it was such a perfect temperature in the room that all of us cuddling was amazing. And it was hella comfortable." I told him. He smiled. "Good. I hope Fritz slept well too." "He did. We both woke up around the same time so we talked all morning about how wonderful that cuddle was." I told him. "Thats good. I'm happy he slept good." Monty said. Then it went quiet for a moment. He didn't say anything, nor did I. Until he finally thought of something, "So um... I know you didn't tell Glam and Fritz about the whole non-binary thing yet. Do you wanna talk about it?" He asked me. That made me a little embarrassed. "Well, um..." "It's ok if you don't know yet. I just want to keep your thoughts flowin around it just incase you decide." Monty said. I sighed, "I just don't know exactly what I want yet. Like I want to be a masculine but I also want to be feminine and then I don't want to be either. It's just been difficult to wrap my head around. I just, feel weird with my body. And I don't know if I want to be a mix of both or to look like I'm nothing, ye'know?" I told him. He took a second to think. "I don't really know much about the whole non-binary umbrella, but I do have an idea." He started. I leaned in. "Ye'know what Sunny is?" "Yea, he's genderfluid." "Have you thought about that at all?" "Well, kinda. I just don't really know about it." "Well, if this makes you feel any better. I see you wanting to be genderfluid." Monty told me. I giggled, "Let me guess, you can see it through my eyes?" I joked. "Actually, yea." He said. "Really?" "Yea. I feel like you'd want to be fluid with your identity. Maybe that's it. Yea it may feel odd at first, but maybe that's it. And if you still wanna look feminine, you can start that hormone therapy with Fritz. You'll do the feminine one though. And I don't really know much about it, but I do know there's this kind of thing where you can take small doses and stuff until your feminine and masculine are balanced. But I'm not one hundred percent positive if that's how it works." Monty said. "You really know alot about this." I said, kinda suprised. "I did my research. Mainly to understand what Fritz's feelings are and whatnot. Though, I know it can be kinda dangerous if you do it. Unless it's actually safe and the internet sucks balls." Monty said. "No, it can be pretty scary at some points. Blood clots and stuff can be scary. But there's ways to work at a better pace." I explained. "Well good. I just feel like if you'd do that, I just want you be safe. Ok?" Monty told me. Thar warmed my heart. "Thanks sweetie. That means alot to me." I said. He gave me a smile. Then he brought up a new conversation, "So um... I just want you know that if you do leave his home, I can bring you clothes and whatever you need if you dont have enough stuff. Ok?" He told him. "I think I'll be good. But if I do need more or something, I'll tell ya." "Ok, I just want you to be ready for this. I know it must be really hard to do this and I want you to know that we're all here for you. Ok?" Monty said. That warmed my heart. "I know, love. And it really does hurt. But I can't stay there anymore. I can't take the abuse anymore. The only thing that hurts the most is what my mom would think." I said. That clearly made him upset. But he tried to make me feel better, "She'd want you to be happy. Even if that means leaving him behind to look forward on your life. Yea I don't really know how'd she feel about us, but I know she'd want you to be happy." Monty said. That made me giggle. "I think she'd love you." I said. Monty chuckled. "Yea, until she knew who I really was." He joked. "But if she knew that you, Glam, and Fritz were all doing whatever you could to make me happy, I know that'd mean the world to her." I told him. That made him smile again. "I just hope I'm making it up to her with all of this. I want her little baby to be happy." Monty said. That made me blush. "Whatever silly." I said, making him laugh. We finally pulled up to the end of that block and we parked the car for a second. I noticed a rainbow bracelet on Monty's wrist and teased him about it. "So, are you coming out to the whole world or do you just like rainbows?" I joked. He seemed lost with the joke until he looked down at the bracelet and laughed. "Oh, that. Yea, it's Fritz's. He made it for a pride festival. I saw it in his room and just took it and kept it." He explained. "Oh really? Thats cute. Maybe when June comes around we can all go to a festival together." I said. Monty likes the sound of that. "Fuck yea we are. Shits gonna be so much fun." Monty said, making me giggle. I like that he's thinking about the future with us. "Now all I need is something from you and I'll have a heirloom from every one of you." Monty said. "Well I already got my heirlooms from you." I said. That made him confused. "I thought I only gave you the one ring?" He said. I then pointed at the fading scars from him on my face and he huffed. "Oh... that... Well, that is most likely to dissappear after awhile." "Maybe. Maybe it'd like the scar and it'd never go away." I joked. "So I get to see the damage that I did to you for the rest of our lives? Sounds dope." He said. I giggled. "No, dummy. So we can remember the time we spent together that night. And so you can see the damage." I then joked again. He chuckled to that. "Well, now I want you to give me something close to you. Most likely a ring or bracelet. I already got Glams cute necklace." Monty said, taking necklace around his neck to show me. "You wanna know something funny about that? Glam actually asked Fritz and I if you'd like it." I told him. "Really?" "Yea. He made it after we showed him the symbol and everything. He wanted to give it to you first because your the brave one who asked all of us out first." I explained. That touched his heart. "Thats really sweet of him. I'll give him a thousand kisses when we go back to the apartment." He said, making me laugh. "I'll find one of my lucky bracelets I made and give it to you. Me and mom made some and I've never tooken it off until she... well... ye'know." I said. "Yea, I get ya. And you know if you give it to me, it's never bring taken off. Unless I have to. For like, showers and such." Monty said. "We need to do rings or something cool. So then we all have like a bonding thing or something." I said. "Like promise rings? That'd lokie be awesome." Monty said. That warmed my heart. "Promise rings? You'd want to do that?" I asked him. "I mean, we're kinda already putting our entire lives together. Are we not?" He said. "Well, yea I guess." "So why wouldn't we confirm it? Yea, I know it may be too soon but we all really love eachother so why don't we?" Monty said. I felt my heart melt to him saying that. But I made a joke, "So you'd take off your badass ring for a promise ring? That's really cute of you." I said. He laughed. "Of course I would. I'd wear your hoodie for the rest of my life if you gave me one." Monty said. I laughed. "Then I'll bring extra clothes to lend you." I said. He laughed again. Then we finally pulled up to the end of the block and Monty parked the car. "So if you'd like, after my shifts done and I come get you, you can pack a little and bring some of your stuff over to Fritz's. Just for the shot of it. And it'll make it easier when you actually move out." Monty told me. "Way ahead of you. That was my plan from the start." I said, making him chuckle. "Ok, well I'm sure I'll be off around four or five and I'll come get ya, ok?" "Alright." "And please text me if anything goes wrong at all. I dint care if I'm at work, I will drive all the way back here and get you, ok?" Monty told me. "I know." I said. He smiled. "Alright. I love you." He said. "I love you too." I replied. We both then leaned over and gave eachothet a sweet little kiss and then pulled away. I gave him a sweet smile before opening my door and stepping out of the car. "Be safe and call me." Monty said one last time. "Its only a matter of time before we won't have to worry about me living there anymore. See ya my love." I said before closing the door. I started off to the house and watched Monty drive away. I love that silly gator so much. I saw no car in the driveway so I just made my way inside.

The Lovers Connection (Monty X Freddy X Bonnie X Foxy)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz