Ch26 Bullies

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Fritzs POV:

The bell rain for lunch to start and I quickly hopped out of my chair, grabbed my stuff and left the classroom. Its lunch hour now and I want to be as far away from those birds as possible. I just need to get to my little spot and Im all good. As I continued towards my destination, I thought about Glam. Maybe I shouldn't have told him about my book this morning. He was probably upset all day just knowing about it. And just thinking about Glam being upset makes me upset. I don't want him to be upset about me. I mean, his guitar was literally smashed yesterday and he didn't care once. He only cared about me. And he shouldn't have. If he keeps trying to protect me, he's gonna get himself hurt. But I'm not letting these birds pick on him. He doesn't deserve hate. He deserves all the love in the world. Finally I made it over to my spot and to my surprise, Glam was sitting there on his phone. I cleared my thought and walked over towards him. "H-Hey Glam." I greeted him with a broken voice, making look up at me. "Hi Fritz." He greeted back with a sadish tone, then patting the spot next to him to make me sit down. I did so and sat next to him. "Have you been feeling better?" He asked as soon as I took my seat. "Um... I dont know really..." I was honest with him. "Well... I do have some slight good news." "What is it?" "Um... so... Monty didn't throw your book away." Glam said. That perked my attention for a second. "Well there's no use to it really so maybe he should've thrown it away." I said. "Yea... he told me that it's almost impossible to read anymore. But I think he's gonna keep it." I was confused and hummed in a questioned tone. "I mean. I think he might keep it for memories. Yeknow. Like, he kept your guitar anyways it was broken." "Why would he do that? There's no point in keeping broken stuff." I said. "Hm. I don't know." It went silent for a moment until he thought of something. "Hey, maybe we could try it." He said. "Try what?" I asked confused. He reached over to his bag and pulled out a notebook and pin and then turned back to me. "We could write something." He said. My heart jumped. "I mean like, if you want to. I just know that you were an excellent writer and I don't want you to give your hopes up on it because of the incident. So maybe we could write something together. Yeknow. We don't have to write something big if you want." He said. That really warmed my heart. He's trying really hard to stay positive for me. Thats hella sweet of him. "Um... Yea. I guess we could." I said. He grew a big, lovely smile and scooted closer to me. "Ok. So what do we do first?" He asked me. I giggled, "Well first we need a plot, a setting, and a time." I told him, joining his sweet mood. "Ok, um... Plot is a romance story with the characters. Um... setting can be... Winter time around Christmas, and the time can be around the present time if you want." He said. "Sure. So a romantic-fiction it is then." I said. He quickly wrote it down and them clicked the pin twice when he finished. "Ok, plot, setting, and time done. What's next?" He asked me. "Well we need the main character or character's for it." I told him. "He took a moment to process something. "Well, we could do four characters again. If you want. I just think it'll makes the book interesting with four people in a relationship again." He told me, making me crack a small smile. "Sure, who do you want them to be?" I asked him. He took a moment to think. "You got any names on your mind?" He asked me. I sorta blushed. "Heh, I mean... Do you want it to be another gay Polyamorous book?" I asked. He nodded. I blushed again and giggled. "Ok. We could do that then. Um... I can write down a couple names and you could circle them." "Sure." He handed over the pen and notebook and I started to write some names down. As I did though, I thought about him. He's trying to make me happy with writing again. That's really sweet of him. And really cute. What a sweet little Glammy boy. Glammy boy, that's a cute nickname. I finished writing down those names and set the note book back in his lap. "Ok, there you go." I said. He looked at all of the names and then took the pin and circled four of the multiple names. "Ok, so we got Leo, Caleb, Taylor, and Elis." He repeated the names he circled. "Ok, now what are they're personalities gonna be?" I asked next. "Hm... I dont know yet. Let's kick back to that later." He said. I just agreed. "Whats our story gonna shape like?" I asked next. "Hm..." He took a second, "How about, Four boys who have no idea eachother existed until they all bumb into a certain event during highschool causing them to slowly grow feelings for eachother?" He asked me. That wasn't half bad. He's got a plot that he thinks is interesting. That's cute. "Ok, good start. What's next?" I asked. "During they're 'crushing faze,' Leo goes through a tough problem. Like, his parents died, he got kicked out of his home, he's insecure. Anything really that causes the others to try and help him. Causing more problems just for themselves." Glam said. "Yea, a big problem effecting everyone else. That's interesting." "Yea, and then after a long while, then maybe they can all confess their feelings to eachother or something slips giving them all this immediate knowledge that they all are in love and then they confess. Maybe it could all happen at a party or a festival." Glam said. I felt my tail wagging and I gave Jim a sweet smile. "Sure. Sounds cute. Maybe it'll work." I said. He giggled in joy and that really warmed my heart. I was starting to feel happy again. Just talking with him made me happy, seeing him made me happy, even listening to his cute laugh made me happy. Gosh I could kiss his beautiful face right now. But I don't wanna push it. He's not gay anyways. But looking into his beautiful ocean blue eyes made me want to drown in them. God I love this bear. I was about to say something to him before someone cut us off. "Hey faggots!" The voice shouted. My tail immediately stopped wagging and I felt a chill down my spine. I looked over our little spot to see who it was and of course, it was the birds. Oh no... they're gonna bother us again. I don't want then hurting Glam. Oh please just walk past us. Glam looked over and noticed and then quickly ducked his head down. "Just act like you didn't notice." He told me with a now sad tone. "O-Ok." I replied. I looked down and pulled out my phone while he acted like he was still writing. Those birds walked over towards us and stopped right infront of us. "I know you heard my ya fags." He said. Glam sighed but continued to look down. "Go away Daniel." Glam told him. I felt those two guys with him just staring at me. It made me feel sick. My heart started pounding and the only thing my mind was telling me to do was leave. But I couldn't. "What fag? You scared of me?" He asked Glam. I still couldn't feel those guys eyeing me and it still made me sick. I think Glam could tell so he looked up at Daniel. "Just go away. We aren't even doing anything to you." He said, now catching the other two guys attention. "You and your dumbass boyfriend are my problem, shit head. Just you two being here is a problem." He said. Don't talk to my sweet bear like that you dick head. "Just leave him alone." I said. "Ha! Says you faggot." He barked at me, "Sorry, am I hurting your boyfriends feelings? What are you gonna do about it? Punch me again?" He said. I didnt wanna fight so I stood up and tugged Glam with me. "C'mon, we're leaving." I told him. I started to walk away and he was about to join me before one of those birds stepped in the way. I turned around and noticed. "You think you can just walk away that easily, huh?" That bird said in Glams face. Another bird behind Glam grabbed his bag and pulled him back making him slightly stubble and almost fall back. The one infront of me, blocking Glams path to me was laughing. That pissed me the fuck off. I quickly rushed over and kicked the guy in the back of his knee and he tripped and stumbled out of the way, giving me a chance to grab Glams hand and pull him out of that mess. Those guys started barking something at us but I just took him with me and we quickly fled the area to get away from those birds. "We gotta hurry." I told Glam. He didn't say anything but speeded up with me as we ran away from the birds. I think that Daniel guy was still after us so we dipped behind a corner and we lost him. We were now in a tighter hallway and away from those guys. Glam and I were panting. I didnt release his hand. I just held it tight then slowly calmed my grip down. I was about to turn to Glam when he suddenly just hugged me. "You shouldn't have had to do that for me, Fritz..." He apologized to me. I hugged him back. "They started pushing you. I couldn't let that happen. Those guys are just assholes." I said. "Heh. You could say that again." He chuckled. We held that hug for a minute. He felt so warm and sweet, his arms wrapped around me. And hugging him felt so lovely. God I wanted to just jump in his arms and cry. I actually started to cry. Not like, hella cry but like tear up sorta kinda cry. I didnt even know I was. I hated seeing that. Seeing them hurt him. Dumb bullies. He noticed and slightly pulled back. "Fritz?" He asked, worried and looking into my broken eyes. I didnt say anything yet. I just sniffed. "You dont deserve any of this. You don't do anything wrong. Your an angel and your literally the sweetest boy I've ever met. I just don't understand how people could hate you so much..." I said, sounding broken. He didn't respond for a moment. "Some people are just viewed different to the world. I'm just one of those people I guess." He said with his voice starting to sound broken. I just hugged him again. I couldn't help myself but hug him. "Please don't cry. You'll make me cry if you do." Glam said. I slightly chuckled. "I'm not. I'm not. Just... upset." I said, then pulled back to face him again. I looked up at his eyes and just stared dreaming. I was so close to him. So close to almost... Kissing him... I so wanted to but I couldn't... Then the bell suddenly rain and wr both jumped and quickly let eachother go. I quickly whipped my tears before the halls started to get flooded by people. "S-sorry about that..." I apologized, blushing madly. "N-no, it's ok... I um... I needed a hug." He replied. We both stayed quiet for a moment before he moved back up close to me. "Other than those guys, we had pretty fun today. Maybe we can write a little more before we start the actual book." He said. I giggled. "Yea, today was kinda fun. Thanks Glam." I thanked him. He gave me a smile. "No problem. I'm happy you were confertable with hanging with me." He said. I felt my tail start to wag and I retured his smile. "Of course." I said. It went silent for a moment before he started to walk past me. "I guess I'll talk to you later Fritz." He said. "O-ok. I'll see you later Glam." I said after he walked past me and spung around. He gave me a cute little wave and I returned it. I love that bear... with all my heart...

Glams POV:

I should've kissed him! God I had so many chances. He was so cute and pretty. God dammit! Why does he have to be so cute!!! I thought to myself, dreaming of that sweet little fox. I love him so much. He's so sweet and handsome and pretty and cute and- I could go on forever on how perfect he is. I just wish I could've kissed him. And told him how I felt. But I wanna ask everyone out together. Monty, Riley and Fritz. Even if I don't get them all, I still wanna tell them all together. I had that note book still with me and I looked at it. I was so excited to write this book with him. I want to keep his hopes up so I'm happy I mentioned it. I continued to my next class just repeating his name and my other two dreamy boys in my head. Fritzie Fritz, RieRie Riley, and Monnie Monty. Heh. Those are cute names.

The Lovers Connection (Monty X Freddy X Bonnie X Foxy)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang