Ch62 Coming out

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Monty's POV:

We arrived at Glam's house finally and he hopped out of the car and started towards his house. "I want to tell them about us when we get the chance." Glam suddenly said, catching my attention. "You sure?" I asked him. He nodded. "I think they deserve to know, right?" He said as we then stopped up front at the door. "Your right, this is your choice. I'm just worried about what they'll say when we say we have two other boyfriends, too." I said. "They'll understand. Probably. We'll have to see, I guess." He said. He then reached for the door handle and opened the door and we both walked in. We were immediately greeted by a bird standing in the kitchen. She looked over and spotted us and smiled. "Hey Glam! Nice to finally see you home!" She called over to him as we walked further into the house. Glam's place was very welcoming of the calming lights, the welcoming furniture, and the lovely welcome from his mom. The house felt very nice. I felt calm just stepping through the doorway. "And who's this you're with?" She asked before we got closer to where she could completely see me. "Mom, this is Monty." He introduced me. I didn't know the exact tone this family wanted from me, so I just played it cool. "Nice to meet you." I said. "Finally, I get the meet the drum player himself. With how long you've known Glam for, we've never gotten to really meet eachother." She said before putting the last dish she was working on in the dishwasher. "My parents were very strict about me being out for too long and stuff that I guess I never got to." I said. "Well, it's lovely to see you now, Monty. And you two played amazing last night." She said as then a tall dog walked into the room from the hallway. He spotted both of us and smiled. "Hey Glam! You rocked at that festival!" He said as he walked past Glam's mom and sat something on the counter. "Thanks you guys, that means a lot." Glam thanked them. Then, his dad spotted me and smiled. "And you must be that Monty guy Glam's always talking." His dad embarrassed him, clearly. "Yes sir. The drummer himself." I said. "Well, it's nice to meet you, Monty." He said. I smiled at that. "Anyway, you're whole concert and everything was amazing and all, but what was that whole end credits thing all about?" Glam's mom then asked us. I knew they'd say something like that. Glam was embarrassed. "Well, um... It's a um... Funny story." Glam said. I was interested in exactly what they saw. "Depends on what you saw." I said. "A little fox kiss not only you on stage but then leaned over and kissed Glam and that bunny boy." Glam's dad then reminded us. Glam took a deep breath and grabbed my hand and held it tight. "This might sound weird at first, but that foxy boy, Fritz, is actually me and Monty's boyfriend. Same with that bunny boy, Riley." Glam explained. I chimed in too, just in case. "We're all dating." I said. "We're trying out a four person relationship." Glam added back. And when we thought his parents would lash out at us, instead, they were understanding. "Well, that amazing! I'm so happy for you." Glam's mom said. "Super proud of you both." Glam's dad then said. That warmed Glam's heart, same with mine. "You guys support us?" Glam asked them with joy. "Well, of course, dummy. Your love is your love. We don't care if you love a girl, a boy, more than one person. It's your love choice. And with the amount of times you'd only talk about Monty, we kinda guessed he'd be the one for you." His mom said, embarrassing him again. "Ok mom, you're making me blush." Glam said. "We actually started our relationship about a week ago, actually." I told them as Glam's dad then kept his work going around the kitchen. "Really? What about those other two boys?" "Riley and Fritz? Well, same with them. Monty asked us all out at some streetlight and we all felt the same." Glam explained, now embarrassing me. "Well, that's adorable. I'm happy you four are together. We should all have lunch somewhere and get to know them." Glam's mom said. I had sad news. "Well, not trying to cut the cord, but I have work tomorrow." I said. "But if you'd like, we can do a little lunch just you two, Fritz, Riley and I. I think that'd be fun." Glam said. "I got some errands to run sadly. You four can go." Glam's dad then said. "Ok, sounds like a plan." Glam agreed. "Anyway, what's been going on with you two?" Glams mom asked us, going back to the sink. "Lots of drama. We recently had an issue with Riley and his father at home, so now he's staying with Fritz at his apartment. We stopped by to grab him some clothes because he doesn't have any." Glam told them. "Oh poor Riley. I'm happy you're taking good care of him. Same with that guitar thing. It's nice of you to look out for someone." Glam's mom said. "It's my nature." Glam said, "Anyway, I'll leave you three to chat while I grab some things. Ok?" Glam said, specifically looking at me. "Aight." I responded. He smiled and then let go of my hand and quickly went down the hallway and up the stairs to his room. Then that left me with Glam's parents. "So." Glams mom started as I turned to her. "You can tell we aren't Glam's actual parents." She finished. I chuckled. "Yea, he told me a couple of days ago. After me not knowing for how long I've actually known him." I said, making her and Glam's dad laugh. "I knew from the start that there was gonna be some chemistry between you two. It was an obvious sight with you lovers." Glam's mom said. "Glam used to tell us how sweet and caring you were for him when he was at his lowest and how often you'd stay with him until he was happy." Glam's dad said. "That's because he's awesome and deserved the love." I said. "So what made you suddenly catch feelings for Glam?" Glam's mom asked me. "Heh, well... This is gonna sound girly, but I think it was his eyes." I said. Glam's mom was touched and placed her hand over her heart. "I was, of course, hesitant about my feelings until I found out that I loved him. And he's the sweetest bear in the whole world." I said. "Well, I'm happy you've fallen in love with him. He deserves someone like you." Glam's dad said. "Yea, he's been the best. I actually dyed my whole head red for him, so he'd feel more comfortable with his identity at school." I said. That made Glam's mom gasp. "Really? I thought you did that just for the concert last night?" She said. "Nope, all for him." I replied. "Once again, very sweet of you, Monty." Glam's dad then said. I smiled to that. "And what about Fritz and Riley? What are they like?" Glam's mom asked me next. I chuckled just thinking about them. "Oh, they're so sweet. Fritz is a trans male and Riley actually has been thinking about another identity he wants to go under. But Fritz is an angel. He's so friendly and so lovely, his only problem is his anxiety. Riley, on the other hand is like me who can't really control his anger well. But he's just like Fritz, an angel. And them three with Glam warms my heart so much." I said, being as open as possible with them. Glam's dad finally made his way over towards us. "Well, I'm grateful that Glam has such sweet partners. It warms my heart when that boy is happy." He said as he stopped next to Glam's mom. "Heh, well, you raised a wonderful kid." I said. Glam finally came out of his room with some bags and stuff and smiled when he saw me. "You ready to go, my love?" He asked me as he stopped next to me. "I'm ready when you are." I responded, making him smile. "Well, it's been lovely meeting you, Monty. And thank you for coming out to us. It means a lot that you two are so open to us about it. I get that it's hard to do that." Glam's mom said. "Well, it was nice to meet you too, Mrs and Mr-" I said. "Just call us Makayla and Keith." Glams mom said, Makayla. "Well, it was lovely to meet you two. Thank's for the warm welcome." I then thanked them. "Bye mom, bye dad. I'll see you tomorrow." Glam said as he grabbed my hand and took me towards the front door. "By you love birds!" Glams mom then said before we walked out of the house and closed the door behind us. Glam immediately started giggling about something. "You were so cute with my parents." Glam said, slightly making me blush. "They asked questions and I answered. So what?" I said, as we headed over to my car. "I just thought you were adorable talking about us. It was sweet." "Well, I guess I felt so comfortable that I just poured my heart out about you, Fritz and Riley. I just felt open. Ye'know?" I said as we stopped by the car. " I know, I just found it sweet." Glam said. I giggled and leaned over and gave him a sweet kiss on the lips and then pulled away. "I love you, dumb dumb." I said. He giggled and gave me a quick kiss back. "I love you too, silly boy." He said. He glanced over my shoulder at the house and then gasped. "Oh my god, they were watching." He said, embarrassed. I turned around to see Glam's mom in the window, spotting us and laughing with Glam's dad. I just chuckled and blushed at the embarrassment. "Get in before they pull out their cameras or something." Glam joked, hopping in the passenger. I just giggled and then walked around to the drivers side and hopped in and then drove off to Fritz's house.

The Lovers Connection (Monty X Freddy X Bonnie X Foxy)Where stories live. Discover now