Ch60 Removed

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Monty's POV:

Glam and I left the apartment and started towards my car. The rain had calmed down a little so we didn't have to sprint over to my car. Glam sounded so upset. "I can't beleive that happened to him." Glam said, "How bad did he hurt him?" He then asked me. I took a second to be able to speak. "Riley or his dad?" I asked him. "Both." He answered. "I couldn't tell how hurt Riley was. Just from him falling outside and hurting himself. I don't really know the damage he did to Riley." I answered as we then made it to the car. "And what did Riley do?" He asked as we both hopped in and closed the doors. "Gave him a taste of his own medicine. But I didn't let him go overboard. That's not the person he is. I get he was angry, I would've done the same, but he's too pure to do such a thing. I would say it's not his nature, but he has his flips like I do." I said as I then started the car. "Thank you for doing so. I know that would effect a lot on him if you didn't." Glam said. "I'm happy too." I agreed with him. "So do you want to go to my place first or yours?" Glam then asked me. "Mine, my parents shouldn't be home today. We'll stop by my place first." I answered him as I started the drive. It went quiet for a moment before Glam slipped his hand in mine and held it. "I knew this would happen at some point. It's just hard to face it." Glam told me. I glanced over at him and sighed. "I know. And being there hurt too." I told him. Glam was concered. "Just seeing his pain and damage from his father, and hearing himshit on Riley... I just hurt me so much inside. I tried to stay strong during the whole situation, but I just couldn't help but feel his knife dig into me too." I told him. "Hey, don't feel like you should've been brave. No one is brave enough to face everything. And that situation was very hard on the both of you, it's ok to feel scared, love." Glam told me. I took that to heart. I just tightened my hand around his and continued the drive. After awhile, we finally pulled up to my home. There was no cars in the driveway so I hopped out of the car with Glam and we made our way towards the house. Glam was holding my hand once again. I needed to hold his hand. I pulled out my keys, unlocked the door, and walked inside. Glam admired the nice yet roomie home I had. My parents wanted to look their fineist when people came in. It wasn't some rich house, just the whole first floor was refirbished to look fancier. "C'mon, it's this way. I tugged Glam with me towards my room. We walked through the living room to down the hallway until I stopped at my open door leading into my room. It looked untouched so that answered my question to myself that no one came home after I left to get Riley. "You can go through my closet. Pick some stuff that you think Riley would wear. Or if anything catches your eye that you wanna borrow, then grab stuff for you and Fritz too. I might as well bring some stuff just because were gonna bedown there all the time." I said. "Ok. I'll see what I can find." Glam said as he headed over towards my closet, seperating our hands from eachothers. I made my way to to my dresser and started to grab some clothes. "There should be some empty bags in there we can fill up. Just grab one and throw it over here for me." I said. He then threw an empty duffle bag near me and I grabbed it and pulled it over before I started to pack some things. Mainly pants, shorts, othter things. But as I was doing so, Glam asked me a question. "So what did he tell you?" Glam asked me. I hummed in question. "Well, you mentioned he told you something and you said nonsense, but I can tell what he actually said hurt you." Glam said. "Glam, it's alright, it was nothing." I lied. But he pushed it. "Please don't lie to me. You can talk to me. Even if it hurts me." Glam then said. Now that made me sigh. I don't want to tell him, but he's my boyfriend, he deserves to know. "His father said that Riley was a mistake to his mother." I started off, "I didn't believe it at first, but he told me Riley was an accident and his mother couldn't have an abortion. But she kept him, knowing that she'd have to face the conciquences of doing so." I told him. He was quiet for a moment. "Does Riley know?" He asked me. I shrugged. "No fucking clue. Even if the racist bastard tried to tell him, Riley probably took it as one of his dumb insults to make him feel bad." I said. Glam went silent again. "Don't-" "I'm not upset. I just hope he was lieing and was just trying to stress you." Glam inturupted me. I just don't want him to turn into an emotional wreak later about this. "Me too, babe." I agreed with him. We continued packing until we heard the garage door open and slam. I jumped and looked at Glam. He seemed startled. "Oh no." He said, knowing the conciquences of being here. "Hey, it's fine. Ill go see who it is. Just pack everything else. Throw my laptop and consle in a bag too. Just come out when your done and we'll leave as soon as possible. Ok?" I told him. He nodded and went back to work as I quickly fled the room. I walked down the hallway to be greeted by my father. Of course hes home. He spotted me and immediately looked pissed. "Look who's finally home. How was the festival?" He said, annoyed. "Fun. Didn't think you'd show up." I said, annoyed too. "We both did, your mother and I. But we left halfway through." He then said. I rolled my eyes and didn't respond. "No texts, no nothing, again. Where the hell have you been?" He then asked me. "Out with the band before and after the festival. Crashed at their place for awhile too. Sorry. Didn't think yall would really give a shit." I said. He rolled his eyes and could tell I was hiding something. Then a thump came from my bedroom and he noticed it. "Who's here?" He asked immediately. "Its a friend." "Who?" "Damn, why the hell are you so demanding? And why does it matter, we're about to leave anyway." I could tell Glam was super stressed now, even though I couldn't even see him. Now I wanted out of here pronto. "Hey! You almost done?" I called out to Glam as I turned around to face the hallway. He slowly came out with some bags and headed over, making eye contact with my father for a moment before quickly looking away. My dad laughed at his appearance. "So the faggot's in my home, huh?" He said, pissing me off. "Oh fuck off." I argued as Glam walked up next to me. "Exscuse me?" He said. "Yea, exscuse you, asshole. You always shit on him every fucking time he's here." I argued. "Because I don't want a faggot in my home. Nor do I want him draggin you down with him." He argued back, "I recommend you leave this house right now, boy. You are not welcome here." He said, staring daggers at Glam. "Hey! Don't fucking talk to him like that!" I growled in his face. "I want this faggot out of my house now. And you aren't going anywhere until we have a talk." He said. "He's not going anywhere." I said, grabbing Glams hand and holding it tight, "And I'm done listening to you shit on him." I argued. He noticed our hands and laughed. "What? He your fucking boyfriend or something?" He joked. "Actually." I started, before pulling Glam over to me and giving him a quick kiss on the lips. "He is." I then finished. My dad looked furious. "Are you fucking kidding me!" He argued with me. "Nope. Glam's my boyfriend. Has been and I love the absoloute shit out of him." I said. "I want you and him out of this house!" He shouted at me. "Already planned on it, fucker.-" "And I never want you back." He then said. That made my heart jump, but it didn't faze me. "I want you faggots out of my home and never come back!" He shouted. "Great! So your kicking me out for being gay! That's so fucking childish!" "My son is not a fucking sinner!" "To fucking bad motherfucker! Because he is and he's fucking proud of it!" "Get out of my home! Now!" He shouted again. I just took Glams hand and dragged him with me towards the front door. "I never want to see you near this house hold ever again until you fix yourself and your retarted boyfriend for dragging you down with him." He screamed at us. I reached for the door handle and right before I could open the door. Glam let go of me and turned around to face him. "I didn't drag him into anything! Love is a feeling and your son felt different about what he wanted! He's no different and does nothing wrong! You can't understand that all he want's to do is be happy with who he loves! He is no wrong in the world at all! Maybe screw that in your stuipid head before being so childish and kicking your son out of your own home, you motherfucker!" He yelled at him before joining me to leave the house. I opened the door and we both left. My dad was speachless when we left. I was stunned Glam just did that. Like, holy shit! He just stood up for me and shut my dad down. What a fucking badass. But I was also furious too. We headed over to my car and threw the stuff in there with Rileys guitar and then we both hopped in. As soon as I did, Glam had his hands over his face. "I'm sorry I shouted at him, he made me pissed and-" He started to apologize, like I cared that he just yelled at my dad. So I cut him off. "Babe, that was so fucking badass of you! I don't give to shits about him. You just shut his dumb fucking ass down and called him a motherfucker! That was so fucking badass." I said, turning to face him. "But you just got kicked out.-" "I don't give two shits. It's away from their homophobic asses. You shut his ass the fuck up." I said. He laughed and I did too. Then we both hugged eachother over the seats. "You were so fucking cool, babe. Thank you for that." I thanked him. He huffed, "I thought it was hella brave of you to just kiss me right infront of him too." He said. "I was looking forward to doing something like that infront of him to piss him off." I joked, "He was at the festival too. I wish he would've saw me give Fritz the fatest smooch on stage. That would've made him furious." I said, making Glam laugh. "Well, I'm sorry you got kicked out. I know that must be hard." He apologized. "I don't care. That just takes some weight off my shoulders. Not like they cared about me anyway. But we should get going to your place." I said, leaving the hug and getting ready to start the car. "Ok, gotcha." He agreed. Then is started the car and went off to his place.

The Lovers Connection (Monty X Freddy X Bonnie X Foxy)Where stories live. Discover now