Ch25 Rude

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Rileys POV:

I was working on my stuff during the middle of class when I thought about this morning. I told Monty about my problem and now hes probably never gonna leave me alone about it. I think I should've lied to him about it. Maybe? I don't know. I couldn't keep that to myself anymore. I just hope he doesn't tell anyone else about it. I don't want even Fritz or Glam to know. They're both pretty emotional so I feel like if they knew they'd freak out about it and cry to me. I just don't want them to worry about me. Monty on the other hand... He's... Tough? I guess. So he can sorta handle it. And help. Maybe. Probably not. It's my dad who's the problem. He can't just beat up my dad or something to make him stop. Shit. This is so stuipid. I should've just keep my mouth shut. "Hey class?" I heard the teacher announce. I leaned in and payed attention. "Friday night is the football game so make sure to buy your tickets by Tomorrow before they close. Ten bucks per ticket." She said. I didnt really care. I didnt even want to go anyways. Then the bell rain and I just grabbed my stuff and left the room. It's lunch time now. I'll probably try and find Fritz today. I started my walk through the hallway until someone shouted something down the hallway to my left. "Hey! Gay boy!" The voice called out in my direction. I immedeitly knew who they were talking to and I glanced over to see who it was. It was Montys Gator crew. Great. They were walking over to me too. Some of them atleast. "Hey, gay boy~." The gator that first picked on me said. I rolled my eyes and turned to them. "What?" I asked with a rude tone. "Last time we were talkin, we got interupted by some dumbass gator thinkin he was all tough and whatnot, that you didnt get to answer my request." He told me. I felt disgusted again. He was talking about that thing from last week. "Ha, no." I replied, about to walk away but one of the other gators blocked my path. "Oh... I get it now. Thats why Monty was so jealous." The guy said. I hated where this was going but of course I asked, "What?" "Monty just wanted free head all to himself." He joked. They all laughed. I just rolled my eyes. "Im not gay, mate." I said, trying to play the fake roll. "Ha! Not gay? Your dumbass asked out a juinor." He said with a loud laugh. "I dont know what rumors you heard but thats not true. The guy just hated me and made up some fake shit." I argued but with a calm tone. "But you still gave Monty free head. Im pretty sure that makes you a faggot." The other gator said. "Im not gay. And I barely even know who Monty is." "Oh yea? Did yall do any btsm while you two were together? Cause that scar on your neck really looks like he clawed ya." My heart skipped a beat and I quickly covered it with my hood. I forgot that was there. "N-N-No that not what-" "Now hes stutter stepping. Its true. Kids a fucking faggot and so is Monty." That gator said. But before I could even try and say anything, someone shouted at them. "Hey!" The voice came to my left. I looked to see Monty quickly rushing over. Oh shit this is gonna be really weird. "Oh great." The gator infront of me said. "What the fuck are you guys doing?" Monty barked at them as he came up, "I told you to leave that kid alone." "You mean your boyfriend. Sorry jealous, didnt mean to try and take away your free doll from ya." The other gator said. "Go fuck yourself, Adien. I'm not some gay fuckin faggot. I just told ya to leave the fucking guy alone. He doesnt even fuckin bother you." Monty growled at them. Him saying that sentance really hurt me. Like he just stabbed my heart and drained my feelings away for him. "My god Monty, do you not know how to take a joke?' The other gator said. "You picking on some fag for no reason. Im not gonna tolerate that. Its fuckin stuipid." Now that shattered me. I felt my heart completely break now. He just called me a... I felt like I almost wanted to cry from that. The other gator to my right moved now so I quickly walked away from the scene and ducked my head "Im not some gay fuckin faggot." "Your picking on some fag..." "...Some fag..." Thats all that played through my head. Some fag. That made me feel terrible. I just left and continued down the hallway to find some spot to sit and be alone.

Montys POV:

Riley quickly left the scene and I tried to call out to him in worry but he just ignored me. Fuck. He didn't... I didn't... Fuck. I called him a fag. Shit. Fuck. I didn't mean to. I slipped. I was just mad. Fuck! "Aw now you scared him off." Lex said. That boiled my blood and my switch flipped. "Shut your fucking dumbass the fuck up, lex!" I growled at him, "Your dumbasses are the ones pushin some sweet kid around for no fucking reason at all because your just a bunch of brainless idiots with." "We're just teasing the kid. Fuck Monty, why are you so god damn defensive about it? I'm sorry we were fuckin with your dumbass boyfriend who can't take any jokes." Ron joined in. "Oh fuck you Ron. Your bitchasses are harassin the guy and tellin him to suck your fuckin dick. Joking my ass." I argued, "God I cant even fucking talk to you dumb fucks." I then groaned and they walked past them to try and leave. They said some dumb shit and I just ignored it. As I walked past them, DJ, who was leaned up against a wall, gave me an odd look like he wanted to talk or something but I just ignored it and walked away from their mess of a fucking crew. My crew. Bunch of dumbass, brainless, idiots. Fucking with my bunny. Calling him names and poking him and making him uncomfortable. Bullshit bullshit bullshit. He doesn't deserve any of that and I just called him a fucking faggot and... Fuck. God dammit. Why is it my bunny boy they have to hurt. My baby. My sweet angel. Fuck them. I'm not letting anyone else hurt my angel. "Monty!" I heard DJs voice call out to me as I walked around the corner of the hallway and continued walking. I kept walking until I heard footsteps rush up behind me. "Monty!" DJ called me again. I spung around to him. "What?" I almost yelled at him. He stopped and crossed his arms. DJs a... How do I say this... A normal guy. Unlike the others. "What's goin on with you, dude? You've never acted like this towards us before." He asked with a calming tone. "You mother fuckers are pickin on some gay kid for absolutely no reason and I'm not just gonna let that happen." I told him. "I'm not." "Yea, I know you aren't. Cause you aren't a dumbass." "Monty." He said. I rolled my eyes. "What?" "Whats actually goin on dude. I can tell somethin else is goin on." He said. Now, I have a decision to make. Do I trust DJ or do I lie to him? I mean, DJ is the most trustworthy in our group and I've trusted him before. But it felt wrong to try to. "Like I'd trust you." I said. "Monty. If you tell me, we can fix this. Just tell me what's goin on and I'll help you." He said. I groaned and rolled my eyes once again. Fuck it. I'm telling him. "Riley gets abused by his father." I blurted out. He looked stunned almost. "Oh?" He said. "And now there's a rumor that he's gay and he has no friends because of it. It's fuckin dumb, DJ. And I'm afraid he's gonna kill himself because of all the hate he gets and I don't want our group to be on the list on why he fucking blew his brains out." I told him. He didn't seem to know how to answer at first. "So is the kid gay?" He asked. "Yes. But that doesn't fucking matter. He's not doing anything wrong so he shouldn't be picked around for that." I argued. "Hey hey, I was just askin. I'm fine with it, I just wanted to know the backstory." He said, "Look. How about this. I'll talk with the crew about this and tell them to chill out with the kid, ok?" "Heh. Like that's gonna work." "Monty. They look up to my ass. I got this shit. Ok?" I sighed and shrugged. "Fine." I said. He smiled. "There, problem solved." He said. "Not yet atleast." I mumbled under my breath. "And your not-" "No I'm not a faggot." I immediately cut him off. "Ok, ok. I was just checkin. I'll talk to the others. Ight?" He said. I sighed again. "Fine." I said. Before getting ready to leave. "I'll text you what they say." He told me before we both split. This better work DJ. Don't fuck this up. I kept walking until I got to a safe little spit away from them and them I quickly pulled out my phone to try and text Riley. Please don't tell me he took what I said seriously...

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