Ch52 backstage

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Third person POV:

Tonight's the night. The night of the big festival. Tons of people come to the festival from all around the country. Or some other place. Almost every year, more than three hundred thousand people come to the festival. People come for the food, shops and mostly, the music. Most music played at the festival is from small, unknown bands. And almost every year, people loved it. Most people donate tips to the bands too. Most bands got four to six grand in cash every year. And tonight, it's finally Glam and the bands turn. After last night at the theme park, when Monty and his lovers passed out together in his car, they woke up the next morning, took off school for the day, and got ready for the festival. They prepped all morning for the festival and as soon as they got dropped off for the festival, they went to the backstage as they were ordered and they got dressed in the little tents that were there. They didn't want everyone to see what they were wearing. The whole stage wass an outside thing so Moony and Sunny were working on setting everything up. Speaking of the two, Moony still hasn't said anything about telling Sunny his feelings. Poor Moony. But he's staying positive. If he can't tell his love his feelings, then all he want's is for him to stay as best friends. Anyway, Monty just changed clothes and walked out of the tent. Everyone else were still changing so Monty was one of the first done. When he walked out though, he spotted Fritz in the back stage on his phone. Monty made his way over towards him and Fritz noticed. He was stressed out. Almost shaking when Monty made his way over. He looked up at him and craked a smile and stood up to greet him. He was kinda shaking and Monty could see it. "Hey babe, you ok?" Monty immedietly asked him. Fritz struggled to answer, "Y-Yea I'm ok. Don't worry about it." He told Monty. Monty wasn't gonna let that slide. "Babe..." He said as he grabbed both of Fritz's fragial, shaken hands. Fritz knew he couldn't hide his feelings from Monty. "These just so many people out there and I know everyone's gonna look at me- and I know that's the whole point of this, but-" "Babe, calm down." Monty stopped him. He could tell just trying to talk to Fritz that he couldn't even try to make eye contact with him. Monty cupped his cheeks and asked Fritz to look at him, with a gentle voice of course. Finally, Fritz gave him eye contact and tried to stay locked on his eyes. Monty could see that sadness and fear in his eyes. It shattered his heart just seeing it. "It's gonna be ok. We're gonna rock the fuck out on that stage and they're all gonna love you. Even if your scared, you can always stand next to me and play or with Riley or Glam, anyone to make you comfortable. If you wanna wear a mask or somethin, I'll get you it. If you wanna stand behind me on stage, I can arange it. Fuck it, I'll kiss you on stage if I have too. I know you got this shit in the bag Fritz. Just don't think about anyone else but the music. Ok? I promise you everything will be ok." Monty told him. Fritz just sighed and placed his hand on Monty's. "You wouldn't have to do any of that for me. I'm just really scared..." Fritz explained. "Hey, that's ok. Like, I'm fucking terrified of going up on that stage." Monty said, shocking Fritz. "Really?" "Of course. I'm not the bravest gator to ever exist. I'm shitting bricks just thinking about going up there. But I know that even in the end, I've done it with you guys. And thats all that matters to me." Monty told him, placing a small kiss on his forehead too. That made Fritz happy. "Thats really sweet Monty." Fritz said. "Well, that's the whole point of this to me. Fuck the people, all that matters is us spending time together." "Yea... I guess you have a point." Fritz said. "And you said Clare was gonna be out there. So act like your just playing for her or me or the band. Ok? I know you got this." Monty told him. Fritz sighed and just nodded. "I know, I know... I'll try my hardest." Fritz told him. "I know you can do it, Fritz." Monty told him. Fritz pulled his hands down from his cheeks and hand then in his hands. He looked down at them and huffed. "You wouldn't actually kiss me up on stage." He said, teasing Monty. Monty chuckled, "Hell fuckin yea I would. I may not be the bravest gator in the world but I'd happily walk my happy ass on that stage and smooch the shit outta you infront of the whole world." Monty said, making Fritz giggle. "Sure you would." Fritz ajoked. "Oh, now I'm doin it." Monty flirted, making Fritz giggle. Monty giggled too and then took a glance at his outfit. They haven't really seen eachothers outfits yet. They wanted it to be a suprise. Monty examined Fritz's outfit. Fritz had a open cut belly kind of pinkish red hoodie with a thin maroon jacket around it. He also had navy blue ripped skinny jeans. Monty thought he looked handsome. And he told him so, "You look handsome by the way. You might have every dude flirting with ya backstage when we're done." Monty told him. Fritz giggled. "Says you. Your the one with no shirt on." Fritz mentioned. "Its the style. And I ain't impressing anyone. But you of course." Monty flirted again. Montys outfit was a leather black jacket with spikes on it. He also wore navy blue jeans with a bullet necklace that he bought. Thanks to Glams ideas. "You look smoking." Fritz told him. He just chuckled. "You like it? Glam came up with the necklace idea. I thought it was pretty neat." Monty told him. "Well I'm happy you took his advice. It really suits you." Fritz said. Then suddenly, Sunny ran around the corner. "Hey Fritz! Could you help me carry something?" They asked him. Fritz joyfully accepted and quickly joined Sunny. Monty gave him a smile before he left. Monty remained alone. Until he heard a voice behind him. "That was really sweet of you." The voice said. Monty turned around to see Glam walking over towards him with his hands behind his back. Monty smiled when he saw him. Glam was wearing a light blue designed t-shirt with a black ripped jacket and some black ripped jeans. Monty thought he looked adorable. "He needed a lift. He was hella scared and he needed some lovin." Monty told him. "Well that was super sweet of you. He needs someone like you." Glam told Monty. Monty decided to complement Glams outfit. "I love your fit by the way. It really suits you. And shows your eyes." Monty told him. That made Glam giggle and blush. "Thanks. I like your outfit as well." Glam told replied. Monty thought of something cheeky to say. "Oh, and I'll tell everyone I'm taken, so don't worry." Monty joked, talking about his open shirt. Glam laughed to that making Monty chuckle too. "Oh and I um... I made you a little gift for tonight. I don't really know what to call it but I thought that you might like it. Even if you didn't want to wear it all the time." Glam told Monty. Then he removed his hands from behind him and revealed to Monty a necklace. Monty was suprised. The necklace looked to be handmade and had a symbol of a heart with an infinity symbol ontop of it. It was on a circular piece of wood with a goldfish type of metal to hold it in place. It looked beautiful. "Fritz told me that the infinity heart in polyamorous means infinite love. And I thought of you when I made it. So a couple days ago when you dropped me off at home, I went to my mom's workshop and built it for you." Glam told him as he held it out for Monty. He took it and examined it in his hands. "I know it looks kinda cheeky and I completely understand if you..." Before Glam could finish, he saw Monty unbuckle the chain and immediately throw it on around his neck. Along with his bullet necklace. Then he held it in his hands. "I love it." Monty told him. That made Glam really happy and a bright smile burned on his face. "Really? That's awesome! I'm happy you do." Glam said. Monty just chuckled and hugged Glam. "Of course I love it. It's from my little sweet bear." Monty told him. Glam just laughed and hugged him back. They held that hug for a moment. Monty wanted to give him some encouragement. "You got this, babe. Your gonna show the whole world your talent tonight, and they're gonna love you." Monty told him. That warmed Glams heart. "Thank you, love. I know you'll do great too." Glam told him. Monty then pulled back and then gave Glam a kiss on the lips. It sorta suprised Glam at first but then he leaned into the kiss. Then they pulled away. Glam chuckled nervously. "I didn't expect that." He said. Monty chuckled too. "Hey you cuties!" Riley then suddenly said while walking over to Glam and Monty. They both released eachother from the hug now to face Riley who stopped up to them. "That was really cute by the way." Riley told them. That made Glam and Monty smile. "Gotta give this cute bear his confidence." Monty said, teasing Glam and making him giggle. "Are you ready for tonight Rie?" Glam asked him. "I'm hella ready. And kinda excited." Riley said. "I wish we would've gotten Fritz to try and sing. But yeknow. I really hope he'll be ok on stage." Glam worried. "Oh he will. Imma kiss him up on stage when we finish." Monty told them his plan. "Really?" Riley asked. "Hell fuckin yea." Monty confirmed it. "Thats cute. He really needs confidence for tonight." Riley said. Glam looked over at Riley and complemeted his fit. "I love your outfit, Rie. It really suits you." Glam told him. Riley blushed slightly and thanked him. Rileys outfit had a purple kind of jacket with a ripped red shirt underneath and a pair of ripped black skinny jeans. "Thanks. I was kinda worried about the design." Riley said. "Well I love it. You look so cute!" Glam told him. "Adorable even." Monty added too. Riley was flustered now. "You guys..." Riley said. That made Glam giggle seeing his blush. Then he looked past him and saw Roxanne and Krista together. Krista was jumping in joy just looking at how pretty Roxanne looked. Glam wanted to go say hi. "Imma go check on Roxanne and Krista. Grab Fritz when 9you guys are done." Glam told Monty and Riley. As he tried to walk by Riley though, he placed a finger under his chin and gave him a quick and soft kiss on his lips. Then he pulled away and walked away. Definitely blushing from what he just did. Riley blushed madly too. "Wow, got swooped in by Glammy. Didn't expect that one." Monty teased him. Riley giggled. "I didn't expect him to just kiss me so suddenly.but it was wonderful. He's such a sweet bear." Riley said. "Ha, you could say that a million times." Monty said, making Riley giggle again. Then he looked at Monty and spotted the necklace Glam made for him. "Whats your necklace all about?" Riley asked Monty as he walked over towards him and gently grabbed his necklace to look at it. "Glam made it. It's a polyamorous infinity heart he told me. I think its neat. Hearts aren't really my thing but this is really cool to me. And the fact that it's from Glam." Monty told Riley. That made Riley giggle and he leaned up and kissed the gator right on his lips. It didn't come to a surprise to Monty though. He knew Riley would try this. So he kissed back. They held the kiss for a moment before pulling away to face eachother. "You so cute, ye'know that?" Monty flirted with him. "And you unbelievable handsome." Riley flirted back. They both giggled again and looked eachother in the eyes. "You wanna go grab Fritz now? I think we might be starting soon." Riley asked Monty. He agreed and Riley and him both made they're way over towards the backstage. With Glam, he made his way over to Roxanne and Krista and started talking to them. Krista couldn't help but tell Glam how beautiful Roxanne looked. They were still in the middle of the talk about it. Roxanne and Krista had a somewhat similar outfit choice. Krista had short cut light blue jeans with a pink open belly hoodie to match with Fritz. Roxanne had something similar, but her outfit was black short cut jeans with a open belly red shirt and a maroon leather jacket over it. She even dyed the tip of her hair green. Thanks to Monty's idea. Krista was just telling Glam how much she loved it. "And her hair, oh my gosh it fits your style so well! It makes you look so pretty. And it's definitely your color. Same with the red and black fit. Gosh your so pretty!" Krista squealed, making Glam laugh. "Krista, your gonna make me all blushy on stage..." Roxanne told her. "Ok ok. I won't make you melt anymore. Your just super cute." Krista said, cupping both of her cheeks and giving her a quick kiss on the lips. Roxanne giggled to that. Glam was so happy that they were together. "It warms my heart to see you two happy together." Glam told them. "Well thank you boyfriends for giving me all the confidence to ask her out." Roxanne told Glam. "Yea. God bless them. Heh. All we need now is to get Sunny and Moony together." Glam said. "What! Sunny likes Moony?" Krista asked, making Roxanne shush her. "Moony likes Sunny, but he hasn't asked them out yet." Roxanne told her. "Oh." "Yea. Hopefully he'll tell them his feelings tonight." Glam hoped. "We should get up to the stage. I think we might be starting soon. And maybe we can try and talk to Moony to get him to ask out Sunny." Krista gave them an idea. And of course, they liked it. They then all three made they're way over towards the back stage. Meanwhile that was happening though, Fritz was helping Sunny move things around on stage. Moony was over in the other side of the stage. He seemed happy but Fritz could see the pain through him when Sunny was around. Sunny just plugged the guitar in and spotted Moony. "Hey, Fritz?" Sunny asked for Fritz's attention. "Hm?" Fritz replied next to him. "Could you go check on Moony? He seems upset and I feel like he won't tell me if I ask him. Sunny asked for Fritz. "Sure. I'll go say hi." Fritz accepted. Sunny thanked him and Fritz made his way over towards he knew what was wrong with him but still wanted to confront him about it. After he made it up to Moony, he greeted him. Monty greeted the lovely fox back. "Whats up?" Moony asked him. "I just saw you moopin over here and wanted to see if your ok." Fritz told him. "I'm ok. Just excited for tonight." Moony lied. Fritz saw through that. "Moony? I know your situation and I understand how you feel. You don't have to hide your feelings." Fritz told him. That made him sigh. "Ok... I... Its just... Look at them." Moony said, pointing slightly towards sunny who was setting up the stage. "They seem so happy. And I love seeing that in them. But I'm so scared of telling them my feelings. I feel like we're so close as friends that they wouldn't want to be more than that. I'm just lost." Moony confessed. That made Fritz upset. But he had a solution. "Moony listen, you will only hurt the longer you wait to tell them. And that can lead to so many outcomes that I don't want you to face. But you have to try. I know it can be really really hard but I know even if Sunny doesn't love you more than a friend, I know they'll still love you as who you are. But you have to try. Ok? I believe in you." Fritz told him. He just nodded and took a deep breath. "I guess I did tell Riley and Glam I would try tonight." Moony said. "Then I know you can do it! Just bring them backstage and tell him how you feel. Ok?" Fritz told him. He took a deep breath and nodded. "Ok. Ok, I got ths." Moony readied himself. Then he took his chance and walked over towards Sunny. Fritz was super excited now. He just had to listen to this. Moony walked over to Sunny and greeted them. "Hey Sunny... Could we um... Could we talk for a minute?" Moony asked them politely. "Of course, what's up?" Sunny said as they both started they're walk around the corner to the backstage. Behind Fritz came everyone else and he just had to tell them. "Guys! Moonys gonna do it!" He told them. "Do what?" Krista asked. "Ask out Sunny!" Fritz told them. That made everyone excited. "We have to listen in on it!" Glam joyfully said. "They went backstage, c'moll." Fritz said. Ordering everyone to follow him. Meanwhile with Sunny and Moony, Moony just took sunny backstage and stopped near a corner to talk. They both stopped and Moony turned to face him. Moony was so scared. "So what's going on?" Sunny asked Moony. "I-I j-just wanted to talk about us a-and I um..." he tried to say, embarrassed. "Moony, it's ok take your time." Sunny told him. Then Moony took a moment and then spoke, "I've been thinking alot about you and I lately. Like, about our relationship together." Moony started. That pulled Sunnys attention. "I just... I've felt like we've been so close for so long that I... I grew feelings for you. Not like, friend feelings but like... More than friends..." He took another deep breath and then told him, "I love you, Sunny. I've been so scared of telling you because I thought you would only want to be friends. And we were so close that I didn't want to ruin our friendship if you didn't feel the same. Your one of the only people that make me happy in my life and I love you because of it. But yea... That's what I wanted to talk to you about." Moony confessed to him. Then he looked down to avoid eye contact. Sunny didn't say anything. That made Moony tense. But then, Sunny finally did something. They just walked over and hugged Moony. It made him jump in confusion. Then Sunny spoke, "You know I'd never hate you for telling me your feelings..." Sunny started. Moony still didn't know how to react. He didn't know if he was rejecting him or what. "The fact that you've been with me my whole life, made me happy, changed my whole heart to care for the world, how could I not love you back?" Sunny said. That made Moony smile and jump. He pulled back slightly to be face to face with Sunny. "S-So does that mean you feel the same?" Moony said. That made Sunny smile. "I do. But... there is one problem..." Sunny started. That hurt Moonys heart. "O-Oh..." Moony stuttered in fear. "Its um... I... I've never dated anyone before." Sunny said with a little nervous giggle. "T-Thats ok, I haven't either. We can figure it out together. We'll play it slow and figure everything out together." Moony told him. That made Sunny smile. "Ok! Let's do it then!" Sunny told him. That warmed Moonys heart. "Really? You wanna try it?" "Of course I do! If it's with you, I'd never be happier!" Sunny told him. That made a big bright smile burn apong his face. "Awesome! I-I mean cool. That's-Thats cool." Moony said, making Sunny giggle. Monty and the others were all watching from a distance. They were so proud of Moony. Anyway it was the most cring thing they've watched in awhile. But they were proud of Moony. Now he can finally be happy. They all snuck out of their hiding spot and made their way over towards Sunny and Moony. They didn't wanna make it obvious that they were watching or anything. Krista spoke first to catch they're attention. "Sup cuties!" Krista yelled to them. That made Moony and Sunny jump. They both looked over at the others making their way over and they both quickly seperated. "You guys givin out free hugs over here or something? Whats all that about?" Monty teased them. Moony chuckled nervously to that. Sunny proudly answered. "It was nothing huge. Just Moony asking me out." Sunny told them. Everyone fakingly jumped like they weren't listening the whole time and this was news to them. "Really! Did you feel the same?" Glam asked Sunny. "Of course I did. How could I not love him back." Sunny said, slightly looking over towards Moony. That made him blush and giggle slightly. "Thats adorable you guys! I'm so happy for you!" Fritz joyfully said. That made both Sunny and Moony smile. Then they were all inturupted by someone walking up to them. Turns out it was the manager of the festival. "You guys are on in five. So I recommend you get on stage and finish your set up. We've got way more people here then we've ever had, so this show better be the best show you've ever put on." He told everyone. "Alright, we'll get ready then." Monty told the man. Them he walked away, leaving the band. "You heard him everyone! Let's get this show ready!" Sunny ordered everyone. Then Sunny, Moony, Krista, and Roxanne ran off to get ready on the stage. That left Glam, Monty, Riley, and Fritz behind. Glam glanced over at Fritz and complemeted his outfit. "You look handsome, Fritz. I love the style you got." He told him. Riley said the same, "You look like a badass." He told him. That made him giggle. "Thanks guys, you look just as awesome." Fritz told them. "Are you guys ready for this? Cause I'm freaking out." Riley said with a nervous chuckle. "Hey, were gonna rock their shit tonight. And you guys are gonna do amazing." Monty gave them confidence. "I know we'll do amazing. I believe in us." Glam said. "I'm still allowed to stand near the back with you, right Monty?" Fritz asked him. "Of course, babe" Monty replied. Then they all went quiet for a moment. Just to think. "Quad kiss for good luck?" Fritz asked everyone. And of course, they all agreed. Then they all leaned in and kissed. It's a silly kiss but they don't care. They pulled away and gave eachother a smile. "Alright, let's rock n roll." Monty told them.

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