Ch11 Practice

440 13 5

Third person POV:

It's almost around 5:30 now. Fritz got the text message from Monty telling him the address, Riley also go the text message from Glam. They both were excited to go. Fritz went home and grabbed his bass guitar from the closet in his aunt's room and quickly made his way over to Roxanne's house while Riley... Riley didn't want to head home. He didn't really have anything to bring over so he just made his way to Roxanne's house when the time hit. They both walked to her house. Roxanne lives with her uncle after her parents left her. She's been living with him for a long time and he gave her some lessons on rock. Making her interested in Rock. So they meet up at her place to play all of the time. Monty was excited for this practice. The three boys he loved are gonna be there. Playing together. Having fun. He was so happy. He got his drum sticks and got ready to go. Avoiding his parents at all times. Glam was excited as much as Monty. He wanted to see Fritz and Riley sing. He was so excited. He wanted to hear Fritz sing. He wanted to see Riley play the lead guitar. He couldn't wait. Krista drove straight over to Roxanne's house to get ready. Same with Sunny and Moony. Fritz was walking towards their house on the sidewalk when Riley spotted him when he turned the block. They were both almost there to the house. Riley was excited to see Fritz. He read some chapters in his book and brought it with him. "Fritz!" Riley called out to him. Fritz's heart jumped and he turned around to see Riley run over to him from the corner of the block. He had Fritz's book in his hands. "Oh, hi Riley!" Fritz said back in joy. Riley made it up to him. "Hey, are you excited for practice?" He asked Fritz. "Yea. I'm pretty excited. Just... kinda scared at the same time." Fritz told him as they both started to walk together. Riley was confused. "Your scared?" He asked him. "Eh. Kinda. I just... don't wanna embarrass myself." Fritz told him. "What? I'm sure you'll do amazing." Riley said. Fritz blushed. "I don't know... I'm excited for it, but i dont know..." Fritz said. "Well don't worry Fritz. I know you'll be great and you'll look great. They'll love watching you play." Riley told him. Fritz sighed. "That's the thing, Riley. I have... Scoptophobia." Fritz told him. Riley knew what he said but comforted him. "Hey, don't worry about that. They are sure to be lovely and sweet to you. I know they will. Just, try not to pay attention towards them looking at you. Like, look at me." Riley told him. Fritz chuckled nervously. "Look at you?" He asked confused. "Yea. They probably will ask us to play together, so just focus on the lead instead of the crowd. Act like your playing for me." Riley told him, slightly blushing. Fritz blushed too. "I guess I could try that." Fritz said. Riley smiled and Fritz gave him a smile back. Then he noticed a book in Riley's hands. "What's that book you have?" Fritz asked him. Riley nervously chuckled. "Um... well..." Riley held out the book to show him and when Fritz noticed, he gasped. "I-I-Is that?" He stutter stepped. "Yea. It's your book." Riley told him. Fritz felt so embarrassed. "I-I-I can explain." Fritz got nervous. "Explain what? I like it so far." Fritz was confused. "What do you mean?" He asked. "Well... I never thought I'd read someone's book about gays." Riley started to explain. Fritz was so embarrassed and worried. "Did Glam give it to you? Was he disgusted by it?" Fritz asked him. "Glam loved it." Riley told him. Fritz's tail shot out and his ears perked up from being drooped. "Really?" He asked as his tail started to wag. "Yea. He thought the four boys relationship was interesting in the book and how it was written and described. He told me he loved it. He just didn't understand really much of a 'male loving male' relationship." Riley explained more. Fritz was heart warmed and blushing again. He chuckled nervously with a smile on his face. "I'm happy he liked it. Maybe I can tell him about what the relationship means and whatnot." Fritz said. "I did already." Fritz was confused. "You did?" He asked him. "Yea. I explained to him that it was a Gay relationship and a Polyamorous relationship. I told him more about it too." Riley explained to Fritz. "How'd he... how'd he feel about it? Yeknow. Some people think it's terrible so..." Fritz said. "He supports it." Fritz's tail shot up again. "Really?" He asked in joy. "Yea." Riley responded. "That's great. Now there's two people I know that support it." Fritz said. "Two?" Riley asked with a little smile on his face. "Monty supports it. I think. He finds it cool." Riley chuckled. "He told me he supports it too." "When did he tell you?" Fritz asked. Riley blushed, "Well... Um... Thing is... I'm actually Bisexual myself." Riley said. Fritz's heart pounding against his chest as his cheeks began to burn. Thank goodness he's a red fox or you could see his whole face turn red. "You are?" He asked. Riley nodded. "Well, if you've read most of that book. You could probably tell I'm sorta gay myself." Fritz said with a nervous chuckle. Riley blushed now too. "That's cool. When did you come out?" Riley asked him. "A couple of years ago. Maybe in seventh or eighth grade. I just... saw some guy and it took me a while until I just came out. I never really felt this strong connection with girls as much as boys." Fritz explained, "What about you?" "I um... I think it was when I was in eighth grade too. I liked some sweet guy in my class but never really asked him out or tried to because of this whole 'it's disgusting' thing with it that the world. Then when I was a freshman at this school, I fell in love with some sweet junior. But, he didn't like me back and told everyone." Riley explained. "Oh. I'm so sorry." Fritz apologized. "I've been surviving so it's ok. I'm still sorta leaning towards guys though more than girls. I just feel like I ain't really got a chance with girls. But I also don't know about guys either." "You don't know. Maybe someone's just looking for someone like you at our school." Fritz told him. "Hm. Maybe." Riley said. They were both blushing like made tomatoes. Riley never thought he'd meet another person that feels the same way as him. He thought his hopes were given up. Same with Fritz. They weren't crushing on each other or anything at the moment but they both thought immediately about what it would be like if they were together. How cute it'd be. They both like guys so maybe they'd like each other. But they both didn't think too into it. They just meet. Riley tried to think of something to get his blushy mind off him. Or well, kinda at least. "I really like your book. I think it's very cute and sweet. I haven't read too much but I like it." Riley told him. Fritz smiled. "Thank you. I'm happy you like it." Fritz thanked him they both then looked ahead of them and saw Roxanne's house. The others were already there in her uncle's garage waiting for Fritz and Riley. Glam was adjusting the microphone, Roxanne was fixing her keytar, Krista was tuning her bass guitar, Sunny and Moony were helping set up, and Monty just got there and was setting up the drums and everything he needed. But he kept on getting distracted. By Glam. He just couldn't stop daydreaming of him. He just couldn't get his mind off how happy Glam was. And he was probably gonna pass out when Fritz and Riley play together. He knows he loves them. Even if those feelings feel confusing. Like, he just met Riley and Fritz and now he loves them and after knowing sweet ol Glammy for however long they've known each other he now had feelings for him too. Monty couldn't describe to anyone how he felt to them. "I still can't believe Monty dyed his whole ass head for you." Roxanne said Glam, knocking Monty back to reality. "I'm happy he did it. It looks cool on him." Glam said as he and her turned and looked at Monty who was just trying to act like he didn't hear anything by setting up his drum set. "Hey, guys!" Sunny called out to everyone. It caught everyone's attention. "For costumes, I think we should try a color code thing." "Like what?" Krista asked him, confused. "Like random colors. Still cool stuff like what Monty's got on but maybe with a splash of crazy colors with it." Sunny explained more. "Sounds fun. Maybe we could try it." Roxanne said. "Yea, I like that idea." Glam also agreed. That made Sunny smile bright and almost hop in joy. "Alrighty! I'll get to looking around then and see what I could find!" Sunny said, excited. He pulled out his phone and went to the web to search for some things. Everyone went back to their business until Moony spotted two figures walking on the sidewalk together towards the house. Moony alerted the others, knowing who the figures were. "Hey!" He called out to everyone in the garage, "Riley and Fritz are here." He told them. Monty's tail shot up and Galm jumped in excitement. Then they saw Riley and Fritz round the corner and walk towards the garage. Fritz gave a little wave. "Hi, guys." He greeted everyone. "Hey." Riley also greeted them. "What's up, ladies. Yall ready to rock and roll?" Krista asked them. "Yep. I brought my guitar and everything I needed." Fritz told them. Glam noticed that Riley didn't have his guitar. "Riley, did you not bring your guitar?" He asked him. "Oh, um... I forgot I accidentally broke my guitar." Riley told them. "Well, you can still use my guitar." Glam said. Riley gave him a little smile. "Oh ok." He replied. "What does your guitar look like?" Roxanne asked Fritz as he and Riley got closer to the band. Fritz took the guitar off his back and showed them it. It was marron and gold like colored guitar. The others were amazed. "That looks so cool! Holy shit!" Krista said. "Thanks. It used to be my aunts when she played." Fritz told them. "Well, it looks smexy." Roxanne told him, making him giggle. Monty got done with his stuff and made his way up to them. "So what we doin first? Are they gonna play or we gonna play a song for them?" Monty asked them. Glam looked back at the two boys. "What do you guys wanna do first?" He asked them. Riley and Fritz looked at each other. "Um... We'll watch you guys play first and then we'll play. Just to get a gist of your music taste." Riley answered. "Alright! Oh and after, maybe you guys could try and play with us." Glam said. "Heh. Um... maybe we could try." Riley said. "Yea. I guess we could." Fritz agreed. "Hell yea. Let's do this shit then." Monty said. The others got excited and ran back to grab their instruments. Moony moved Fritz and Riley aside to watch. "We got ten songs so we'll play our best on for you." Glam told them with a lovely smile on his face. Glam told everyone the song they were gonna play and Monty got ready for the count down. He slammed his drumsticks with the beat. "One, two three, four!" Then they started blasting. Glam sang into the microphone while Krista and Roxanne blasted the cords on their guitars and Monty slammed the drums with his sticks. Their music blasted through the speakers as they played and sang to the beat. Riley and Fritz were totally vibing with the beat too. They loved it. They were really really good at this. They played for a little while longer and then finished finally. The band howled in joy for a job well done and Fritz and Riley applaud with Moony and Sunny. "You guys did great!" Sunny shouted in joy. Moony just gave them a thumbs up. "What did you two think?" Glam asked Riley and Fritz. "I liked it." Fritz said. "You guys did amazing." Riley added too. Glam smiled. "Awesome! I'm happy you guys enjoyed it." Glam said. "Now, you two have to play." Monty said getting up from the drum set and walking over towards the others. "Oh, yea! I've been so excited to see you guys play all day." Glam said as they all walked out of the open garage and towards Fritz and Riley. Glam gave Riley his guitar. "There you go." Glam said, handing it to him. He took it and smiled at him. "Now you two cuties get your bootys up there and give us a show." Krista said. Fritz took out his guitar and he and Riley went up to the front of the garage. Moony went with them to help them set up. Glam was almost jumping in joy to see them play. Monty was excited too. He was mainly excited for all of them to play together on a song. All three of his sweet little loves play together. He couldn't wait. "There you guys go. Think of something and just go to town." Moony told them as he backed away and then stood back with the band. Riley gave Fritz a little side glance. "Any good song requests?" Riley asked Fritz. Fritz thought for a moment and then sparked an idea. He whispered it over to Riley and his face lit up like an angel. "I know every cord to that one." He said. Fritz smiled too. "Ready?" Fritz asked him. He nodded. "One, two, three, four." They started playing together with this pop-rock kind of style of music. All of the others were shocked. They played so well together. Like they've done it a million times before. Glam and Monty couldn't believe what they were hearing. Glam felt so happy for them. He thought they looked so beautiful playing together. He didn't know why he felt that way with them but he loved it. He felt his heart warm and an exciting chill go down his spine. Monty felt the same. He thought they looked adorable playing together. With such beautiful smiles on their faces. He wanted to melt. The two boys finished playing together and with the final swipe with Riley's guitar chip, they finished. The band cheered in joy along with Monty and Glam. They were so happy for them. Fritz and Riley were happy too. And blushing at the same time. "You guys did fucking awesome!" Monty cheered for them. "Hell yea they did! That was fucking amazing!" Roxanne added. Fritz giggled and Riley chuckled nervously. "Was it really that good?" Riley asked. "It was awesome you guys! It's like you guys have played together before." Glam said. "Heh. Yea. I guess it did feel like that." Fritz told them, slightly glancing at Riley. "Oh, we totally have to play together now. This shits gonna be awesome!" Krista said. She and Roxanne ran back to grab their instruments. Glam was filled with so much joy at the moment. He couldn't wait. "Let's do it! You guys pick a song and we'll play along." Glam told them two as he ran past them to head to his microphone. Monty gave them a little smile as he passed by them too. Fritz and Riley were excited and got into play to be able to play. Riley announced a song they could play and they all luckily knew it. They played it together, and then played another one and another one. They played all night. Laughing, singing, and rocking together. Nothing stopped them. They just played their hearts out together. Monty, from his drum set being near the back, looked up at his three lovely boys in front of him while they played. Glam sang like an angel while Fritz and Riley played their hearts out. Monty couldn't help but blush like mad when seeing them all together. Roxanne and Krista were rocking their brains out, while Moony and Sunny watched in amazement. Hours passed. From 6 pm to 9 pm. They just couldn't stop playing together. They were perfect. A perfect band. A perfect team. Fritz was having the time of his life right now. He was dancing to the beat, almost singing along with Glam who tried to hype him up, he loved it. Riley played and dance along like he'd never have a moment like this again ever in his entire life. And Glam felt this connection between the two both around him. Like he's never felt this before. He loved it. They sang and danced for so long together that they lost track of time. They couldn't help it. It was too fun. But of course, nothing lasts forever. Not even a good moment. After the end of another song, Monty checked the time and his heart jumped. He was supposed to get drinks and stuff tonight for the party tomorrow. The clock struck 11:15. "Heyo!" Monty called out to everyone as they were all still laughing and giggling together. They all turned to Monty. He held his phone up to show them the time. "Its 11:15." He said. Krista gasped, "Holy shit! We've been playing for that long?" Glam chuckled. "Its been too fun I guess." He said. Fritz giggled. "But damn did we have a blast." Roxanne said. "Yea, you guys did great!" Sunny said. "You gonna have to go soon Monty?" Moony asked him. "Yea. I got that big ass party tommorow. I gotta get shit for the gang and whatnot." Monty said as he got up from the drum set with his sticks in his hands. "Ight. Then I guess we call it a night then?" Roxanne said. "Yea, we'll call it. But i so wanna practice with these two again next time." Glam said, turning towards Riley and Fritz and giving them a smile. "Hell yea. Of course they're coming next practice." Monty said, basically saying that he would die to play with them again, but kept his cool. "Alright. We call it there then. It's been fun." Moony said. "Been a blast with you two." Krista said as everyone made their way out of the garage together, except Roxanne. "Im happy you guys had fun with us." Fritz said. Riley grabbed Fritzs book before they left. "See ya fuckers at school monday!" Roxanne shouted at them before closing the garage door. "Im driving you two home right?" Krista said to Sunny and Moony. They both nodded. "Alrighty, Ill see you guys on monday then." Krista said, taking Sunny and Moony with her towards her car. Monty, Glam, Riiley and Fritz all wove bye to them before they left and started walking on the side walk together. "You guys did amazing tonight. And as many times as Im gonna say it, I really really mean it." Glam told Fritz and Riley. "Yea, you guys did great." Monty agreed with Glam. "Thanks. Im happy you enjoyed playing with us." Riley said. They continued their walk until they got near Montys car. "Do you guys need a ride home?" Monty asked Glam, Riley and Fritz. "Yea. That'd be lovely." Glam said. "I dont live too far from here, I can walk." Riley said. "Me too." Fritz added. "You sure? Its pretty dark out." Monty said. "We'll be good. Thanks though." Riley said. "Well its been lovely hanging with you two." Monty said as he walked around his car. Glam gave them both a smile. "See you two monday." He said, before hopping in the passanger seat. Riley and Fritz started their walk together as Glam and Monty drove off. Best night ever.

The Lovers Connection (Monty X Freddy X Bonnie X Foxy)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt