Ch63 Lovers

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Monty's POV:

We finally stopped back at Fritz's apartment and parked the car. But right before we got out, I wanted to show Glam something. "Hey um... I have a present for you." I said. Glam smiled and turned to face me. "What is it?" He asked. I then reached into my pocket and pulled out a ring that I made for Glam and held it out for him. I didn't technically make it for him, but I want him to have it. "So far I've given Riley and Fritz one so I wanted to give you one too." I told him. He seemed suprised at the present. "Really?" He asked me. "Hell yea. It's kinda like a bond thing with me to you. Well, atleast until we decide to do something else too." I told him. He smiled and placed his hand out. You wanna slip it on like your proposing to me?" He joked, I laughed and took his soft, sweet hand and slipped the ring on it. "Now, you are my lawfully wedded husband." I joked, making him laugh. "It feels amazing to be Montgamory gators wedded husband." Glam continued with the joke. I giggled and he just smiled. "This is really sweet Monty, thank you." He then told me. I smiled back. "Well of course, my love." I said like a gentleman man. He giggled and then pulled me over to him to give him a quick kiss on the lips. "Lets head on up." He then said. I just nodded and then we both hopped out of the car, grabbed our bags and then headed up to Fritz's apartment.

Fritz's POV:

Riley and I were still cuddled up on the couch still when we suddenly heard a knock on the front door. Then it opened and we both watched as Monty and Glam walked in with some bags. "You guys won't believe what just happened." Monty said as they walked in and sat some bags down. Rileys bunny ear perked up. "What?" He asked. Monty then chuckled to the thought of his sentence, "I got kicked out." He then said. I gasped, "What?!" "Yea. His dad wasn't very welcoming with us being gay." Glam said with a nervous laugh. "What happened? Did he hurt you?" I asked worried as Glam walked around the couch next to Riley. "He got in an argument with me so I gave Glam a fat kiss right infront of him. And he was so fucking pissed." Monty told me. Glam sat down next to Riley and asked him how he was feeling as he grabbed his hand and held it. "I've been feeling better." Riley answered Glam. "I'm so sorry, honey. That must've been terrible." I apologized. "I don't give two shits. Fucker can kiss my ass." "Well you can stay here as long as you need, hun." I told him. "Well thank you babe, that means alot to me." He thanked me. "We're his wounds ok?" Glam then asked me. I turned to him, "He was fine, just some cuts to clean out was all." I told him. "Ok good. I just wanted to make sure my baby was ok." Glam said, hugging Riley. Riley hugged him back and purred, snuggling up close with him. "Well, I don't wanna ruin your cuddly moment, but we need to unpack this shit." Monty said. Glam sighed, "But I wanna cuddle the bunny boy." Glam sadly said. "You can cuddle him in the bedroom. Monty and I can unpack, ok?" I told them. "Ok." Riley agreed with the plan. Then so did Glam. They both seperated and stood up and they both made their way over towards the bedroom. Monty turned back to grab the bags again and I quickly ran over to him and grabbed his hand. He seemed suprised for a moment before I shushed him. "Sh! I wanna show you what I found." I told him, slightly glancing back to make sure Glam and Riley went into my room. I then kneeled down and grabbed rileys bag and opened it. Monty was confused at first until I reached inside and pulled out Riley's gun. Monty looked like he jumped. "This is Riley's gun." I told him. He still remained stunned. "Is it loaded?" He slowly asked me. I then opened the chamber and saw one bullet in the bottom of the mag. Monty could already guess what it was. "You said this was Riley's?" He asked again. I just nodded. That one bullet stayed stuck on his eyes. "He wouldn't load the bullet there on purpose if he was gonna shoot something. You think he was-" "Playing Russian roulette? Yea..." I finished his sentence. Monty seemed broken by that. "Jesus fucking christ..." He said under his breath. "I know... I just hope it wasn't recent he tried to... ye'know..." I said. Monty took a second before taking the gun out of my hands and throwing it in his bag. "We'll fix him. He has us now. We'll figure everything out and make him better than that. He deserves better than that." Monty told me. "I know... I was just worried and wanted to tell you." I said. With his free hand, he cupped my cheek and placed a soft kiss on my other cheek. "We'll fix this, ok?" "I know we will." I replied. He then released me and smiled and grabbed the rest of his bags. I grabbed glams ones too and we both made our way towards our room. We walked in to see Glam and Riley already sitting in bed and cuddled up together. Glam was snuggled up against him and Riley hugged him back. They saw us both walk in and we sat our bags down. "You don't mind that I brought my makeup kit over, right?" Glam asked me as I set the bag down and opened it. He had some lip gloss, nail polish, and some other things in there. I just giggled, "I don't mind, honey. I'll set it up in the bathroom for you. Ok?" I told him as I took the box out. Glam smiled. "Ok! Thanks baby!" He joyfully said. I just smiled back and walked over towards the bathroom. I placed Glams kit down and tried to set it up on the small ass sink we had. He actually had alot of stuff. Clare's gonna love this. She does her make up all the time and now that we have a whole station thanks to Glam, she's gonna be so happy. I finished up and then headed back into the bedroom to see Monty hanging up some shirts. Mainly his. I could tell. I joined him and grabbed some of Riley's and Glams clothes and hung them up too. "You two can turn on the TV in here if you'd like. We could do some big movie night thing and I can make some popcorn." I told them. "You down for that, Rie?" Glam asked him. "Sure." He replied. Glam giggled and reached over and grabbed the TV remote off the night stand and got ready to turn something on. "So what are we down for?" Glam asked us. "You know I fucking love me some horror movies." Monty answered him. "If we're watching a horror movie, I need hella hug support. Horror movies scare the shit out of me." I said. "We could do a romance." Glam mentioned. "Romances are so cringy though. Their always the same story and same plot and everything." Monty said. "Not every horror movie." Glam said. "We could do a comedy." Riley then added. "Comedy sounds great." I said. "But we just watch one." Glam told me. "I know, but they haven't." I replied back. "I'm still on vote for horror." Monty said. "Eh, I'm down for a horror." Riley then added. "Ok, you sure you'll be ok if we watch one, Fritz?" Glam asked me, worried. "I'll hold him close. He won't have to worry about a thing." Monty said, making me giggle. "Alrighty then! I'll try and find something." Glam said before going back on his search. Monty and I continued packing until I finally found something in Riley's bag. I giggled and just hig it in my closet for no one to see. It's his privacy. He probably forgot about it too. I then finished up and so did Monty. Most of the pants and such we slid in the drawers that were in my closet and when we finally finished, we took a glance at our work. "Nice." I said. "Now that this is all done, imma go Change real quick." Monty said, grabbing his pants from the drawers and getting ready to leave. "I should change too." Glam said slipping out of Riley's grip. "Ok, you can change in Clare's room if you want." I told him. He smiled and walked over, grabbed some clothes and left the room. I also needed to change, but I don't think Riley would mind. He sat up on the bed now. "Hey um, I need to take my binder off for the night, you don't mind, right?" I asked him. He seemed kinda flustered at the question. "Yea, I don't mind." He said as he turned away. I found that funny and then I proceeded to lift up my shirt and remove the wrap I wore as a binder. After I took it off, I sat it in the closet and then quickly hopped in bed with Riley. "Sorry, I've started to learn that it's not really safe for people to sleep with their binders on all the time." I apologized. "No, your ok. I know you must feel really uncomfortable about it." Riley said. I nervously chuckled. "Yea, it's a little annoying. But im a chick wanting to be a guy, so yea." I said. "Yea, I get ya." Riley said. "We can talk to Glam about the whole non-binary thing when he comes back in if you want." I told Riley. He smiled. "I'd love to do that. I just hope hes ok with it." Riley said. "Ok with what?" A voice suddenly said. We both turned to look and we saw Glam. "Oh we just wanted to tell you something is all." I said as he dropped his folded clothes on the dresser and then walked over to us. He had a thin long sleeve shirt on with some silky pants. "Ok." He said as he sat down next to Riley. He glanced over at me and spotted something. "Do you not have your binder on?" He asked me. Clearly noticing my chest. "It's not super safe to sleep with a binder on at night. It can cause back and chest pain and slow my breathing down." I told him, "Your ok with that right?" I asked him. "Yea, it's all good. Now what was up?" Glam got back on track, making me kinda happy he doesn't mine me not wearing a binder. Riley seemed hesitant to tell Glam his feelings so I grabbed his hand and held it tight. "So um... Glam..." Riley started. "I um... I think... I think I might be non-binary." He then said. Riley continued, "I've just been so lost with identity for so long and I've just been thinking about it so much that I think that I might be. You get what I'm saying? Ive just been so scared to tell you because you've always refered to us as boyfriends and stuff." Riley then asked him. Glam then smiled, "Sweetie, you know I'd love you no matter what you wanted to be, right?" Glam said. Riley didn't respond. "Riley, whatever you want to be, then that's you. And I'll love you just the same, no matter what." Glam told him. That made Riley's heart melt. "Oh Glam..." He said before hugging him. Glam hugged him back and smiled bright. I loved that little moment with them. It was so sweet. Glam then pulled back and gave Riley a fat kiss on the lips and then pulled away. "I love you, my sweet little enby." Glam said. I know that just made Riley so happy hearing that. "Oh Glam..." He said, sounding like he was gonna cry. Glam just giggled. "You guys are way to fucking cute." Monty's voice came from the doorway. I looked I've to see him peeking in. Riley just giggled as Monty walked over. "Well, in that case, does that mean you wanna go by any specific pronouns now? Or a new name or something?" I asked him as Monty sat next to me as he threw his pants on the ground next to us. Then he proceeded to take his shirt off. "Um... I think I'd like any pronouns really. But name wise, I still like the name Riley." He told us. "Alright. Then that's that." Monty said. Making Riley smile. "Thanks you guys! This means the world to me." Riley said, almost crying again. "Of course sweetheart. We'll always love and support you." Glam said, grabbing his hand. Riley was so happy now that I think we whipped away all of his sadness from today. That warmed my heart. "But anyway, movie time!" Monty cheered. Glam grabbed the TV remote and went back on his search. I wanted to inform Monty about my binder situation. "Hey um... I dont have my binder on if that's ok." I told him. He just gave me a smile and kissed my cheek. "I don't mind sweetie. As long as I still get to snuggle up with your cute ass." He said as he wrapped his arms around me and snuggled up against my neck. His tail also wrapped around my waist and I wrapped my tail around his and I hugged him back. Glam and Riley cuddled up too. Riley snuggled up with Glam as Glam hugged him and pulled him close to him. Then Glam finally found a movie and turned it on. "I love you guys!" Glam told us. "I love you too!" We all replied with different nicknames for him. Then the movie started and we turned off the lights for the night. Anyways we had a couple more hours until actually night time. But who cares. I'm tired and I'm with my lovers. I just hope we could stay happy like this forever. I know somethings gonna try and rip us apart in the future, but for now, I wanna enjoy this moment with my three loves.

The Lovers Connection (Monty X Freddy X Bonnie X Foxy)Where stories live. Discover now